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** EVA'S POV ** The questions whirling around in my head left me in a confused state as I was not sure about my own feelings. I took a cab from Max's place and once I reached home, I flopped on my bed with my head buried in my pillow, as if to shut everything out. I was emotionally drained so I didn't know when the snooze button hit me hard and I literally passed out. I woke up with a headache as I had not eaten anything since yesterday afternoon so I quickly freshened up and made my way to the kitchen. Joan had made a sandwich for breakfast along with orange juice and left work. I had breakfast and took a pill to get rid of the headache. I started to browse the web for any vacancies while my phone started buzzing on the coffee table. It was from Maria so I quickly answered the call. What Maria asked shocked me, she asked 'if I would be willing to work as a nanny for Max?'. I didn't know how to react so I just told her "I need some time to think." Maria – “Sure Eva no problem I understand this is not what you were planning to do. I know your passion is baking, however, you also need to think about paying your bills. I am not going to say anything more, I just wanted to let you know that Max was asking for you." Me – “Thank you, Maria. What you said makes absolute sense but I don't know the first thing about being a nanny! Well, we'll talk about this later when I have made a decision. I will be there in an hour." I hung up. I was lost in my thought when Joan called. I told her about my conversation with Maria. She told me "Well the Devil is making sure you don't get a job and I don't think he's going to stop so might as well take the job and earn something." Me – “I know! I understand what you are saying but what about baking?" Joan – “Well you can always bake stuff for Max." Me – “Yeah he does love the stuff that I prepare. But I have never been a nanny!!" Joan – “Hey sweetie no one is born with the talents that are required for their job, they learn and I am confident that you will be the best nanny for Max." Me – “So... shall I agree?" Joan – “Yeah girl!!! definitely agree." Talking to Joan made me feel confident that I can do this 'at least for now.' I took a cab and went to Max's place and was greeted as usual by the guards. When I stepped inside Maria meets me and gives me the detailed job description and tells me that Max never opened up to anyone like the way he opened up to me. She also said that Max used to make sure that every nanny was out in no time. She told me about the salary and everything. I was thankful that she didn't press me for an answer. I was curious as to why the head maid was doing this and not Max's mom or dad! This didn't give me a good feeling so asked I Maria "why neither of Max's parents is interviewing me? Isn't that the standard procedure?." Maria – “Max's father is a busy man Eva so he left this responsibility on me and with regards to Max's mother just know that she doesn't exist." Me – “Is he too busy to even spend time with his son?" Maria – “You don't know him like I do Eva and please don't judge him without knowing him. He is a good man. Now, please... Max is waiting for you." Me – “OK!!!" I went into Max's room only to find him eagerly wanting to go out. He ran up to me and hugged me tightly. Me – “Hey Max. How are you." Max – “I am all fine now that you are here. I wanna eat cake and I want you to bake it just like we did on my birthday." We both went down to the kitchen. I never thought of looking around but now that I am glancing around, I see that there is not a single picture of Max's family anywhere around not even in Max's room. This is just way too weird so I decided to ask Max "Hey Max aren't the walls too plain? If you have any pictures, we can decorate the walls...!" Max shook his head looking down he says "Dad doesn't like having pictures around the house. He says they are worthless distractions." The look of hurt on Max's face made me drop the topic. To distract Max, I started to tickle him and we both went to the kitchen and baked a strawberry chocolate cake. We also had a little war with the flour which left the kitchen in a huge mess (of course I cleaned it later). We played around a lot in the backyard of the huge mansion which also had a Jacuzzi and a nice pool. Max started complaining that he is feeling hungry and wanted me to cook something for him to eat. I peeped in the fridge and there were ingredients enough to prepare blueberry cheese pasta with chicken so I rolled my sleeves up and got to work. Once we were done with dinner Max took his shower brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. I tucked him in and kissed him on his forehead "Goodnight Max." Max – “Goodnight E." Max didn't wanna call me Eva so he started calling me 'E'. It was around 7:30 in the night so I quickly cleaned up the mess and kept the excess food in the fridge and left to Joan's place. The question that started to haunt me 'Am I compromising on my passion to earn a livelihood?'   ** DAN'S POV ** I went into Max's room when I woke up only to find him sleeping soundly. I walked up to him and brushed the bangs away on his forehead and gave him a kiss on his forehead and whispered "I love you a lot, Max. I hope the decision I made keeps you happy." I trudged back to my room, got ready, and came down and gave instructions to Maria about the nanny's job to be offered to Eva. I walked into my office and Leo was there to discuss the new project we had taken up. I had back to back meetings and client visits. I usually have my lunch around 2 but today was so busy that I completely forgot about lunch. Once I was done with my work, I packed up my stuff and was about to leave when Nina came in. She was another one of my f**k buddies. But today was not the day for me I was just too tired so I decided to walk her down. She snaked her arms around my waist when the elevator doors closed and started to kiss me on my cheeks, on my neck, on my lips, and started to press her body close on me. Her hands moved down feeling my chest from over my shirt making me moan slightly. She started playing over my pants with my manhood squeezing it hard. I would have probably taken her right in the elevator if I was not so bloody tired. Me – “Stop Nina." Nina said in a sexy voice "Why baby, what’s wrong? You never said 'no' EVER so why today?" Me – “I am just too tired today. Maybe some other day but just not today." I pushed her aside. Nina – “Are you f*****g kidding me! You have been in an even more tired state and still f****d me and enjoyed it? What’s going on? You don't wanna do this anymore?" Me – “Why are you being so needy Nina? We are not boyfriend-girlfriend we just f**k for pleasure, that's all that we are and if you can't wrap your head around it don’t ever come back to me EVER coz, I don't need this shit." Nina scoffed and said "Fine f**k boy have it your way. Don't you f*****g dare call me when you need a good f**k coz I am not going to be there." She walked off hailing a cab. I looked down and shook my head coz this was the last thing I needed today. I got into my car and left for my mansion. I gazed out of the window at the passing scenery while thinking 'Can't I compromise on all this s**t and spend that time with my son? When will I ever stop blaming him for what SHE did? Will my heart ever heal?' I walked up to my room with feet feeling as heavy as Lead. I took a hot shower to wash off all the tiredness of the day. After changing into my sweats my stomach grumbled reminding me that I haven't had any food. I walked to the fridge and saw the pasta and cake. I heated the pasta and sat on the couch. the first mouthful that I had made me moan it was tastier than any pasta I had. The cake tasted as blissful as the cake that was made on Max's birthday. This made me feel that maybe just maybe this food was made by none other than EVA. If that is the case then I don't regret compromising on my revenge.
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