Chapter 1

911 Words
I roll over and slam my hand on the annoying alarm. Mornings and I don't mix at all. I peek at the clock from under my arm. I groan loudly.  Six-thirty in the morning already. It feels like I just went to bed two hours ago. Four hours ago is more accurate.  Well, at least I didn't have a nightmare. This was the third night in the row that I was able to sleep peacefully. I can only dream that it stays that way. I sit up in bed and look around my new room. It's simple, cozy, and, most importantly, quiet. It has been a few days since I have been here in Tacoma, but I'm already liking how quiet it is. I do miss New Orleans, though. The lively culture of my hometown is unmatched, although I may be biased. I swing my legs over the bed and wince when my feet hit the cold floor. I'll have to turn the heater on before I leave today. I stretch, then walk in the bathroom. I brush my teeth, then strip out of my clothes.  I shiver from the cold December air. This will take some getting used to. New Orleans is almost always warm. No matter what time of year it is. When it is cold, it is never this cold. I think it might snow sometime soon. I turn the shower on and wait for the water to heat up. I step in, and I am instantly relaxed. I stand under the hot water thinking for a while. My life has done a complete one-eighty, and I can't be more happy about it. I still have nightmares occasionally, but not as bad as they were at first. "I can't believe it's been five months already," I whisper to myself. After that night with Jasper, he went to jail, and I went to therapy. Physical and mental. I had to face Jasper in court and that was the scariest thing that I ever had to do.  It was also empowering. It felt good to speak my truth and stand up to him. He was found guilty on a felony domestic violence charge. He was sentenced to eight years with the possibility of parole.  One month ago, I decided that I wanted to move somewhere new and fresh. My life in New Orleans had gotten repetitive. It took a while to find a great place and a good job, but eventually, I settled on Tacoma. Now, I am here, and I couldn't be more pleased.  I feel bad for leaving the hospital, but that part of my life is over with. Time to focus on my career. I wash my face, then soap my towel with my favorite lavender and oatmeal body wash. After showering, I head over to my walk-in closet to find something warm and professional to wear. I pick out a black and white striped top and a black blazer. I pair it with black skinny jeans and black boots since it's cold out. I slide on my Victoria's Secret black, lace bra with the matching lace boy shorts. I slide on my clothes and decide to lotion the parts of my body that is showing. I normally hate putting on lotion in the cold, but I can't be ashy on my first day of work. I move to the bathroom to tackle this bird's nest on top of my head. I curl it into loose waves. I decide on minimal makeup today. I put on a bit of liner and my favorite LAX lipstick from Colour Pop. When I'm done, I look at myself in awe. There is actually a bit of life in my eyes. I don't look like a walking, talking zombie anymore. I actually feel confident. Especially, since I don't have some lame loser bringing me down. I walk out of my bathroom determined. I look at the time on my phone. 7:30 a.m. No time for breakfast. I'll just have to wait until lunch to eat. I grab my purse, my phone, and car keys. I turn on the heater and race from the house in record time. I input Salem Asylum into Google Maps on my phone. It gives me the directions. I start up my little Volkswagen, not bothering to wait for it to warm up. Hopefully, that doesn't bite me in the ass later. I follow the directions from Google Maps for about twenty minutes until I see a sign up ahead. Salem Asylum next left, Olympia 15 miles.  I turn off the navigation on my phone and take the next left as the sign directed. I ride up the road until I see a building with a huge sign in front of it reading Salem Asylum. I park my car into an empty spot facing the building.  Jesus Christ this building is flipping huge. I instantly become nervous. All signs of my earlier confidence are gone. My breathing becomes quicker, and I can feel my anxiety rising to the surface. "Stop this, Kaia," I whisper to myself. "Be confident." My breathing slows down. I nod my head and take one last deep breath. I get out of the car and reach back in to grab my black, leather bag. I close the car door and make my way to the front entrance. This is it, Kaia. This is- "Welcome to Salem," a raspy voice says from behind me.
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