Prologue Part 2 The Horse Trader

568 Words
He was a tall man, known for  getting the best horses from out west and bringing them here to our town.  He was in his 80's, kind of like  an old cowboy, tough but  got along with horses well.  He lived out on the farm in the old farmhouse.  He had numerous girl friends throughout the years, some  horsewomen some not.   I seen them come and go, I got along with them  I was not vying to be with a man that could be my grandfather lol.   I loved horses.  Everyone seemed scared of him,  but I wasn't  -  of course  I got along well  with most people  cause  I kept my nose out  of peoples  personal lives.     Probably why I got along with my own grandpa so well -  his daughters were all up in his business.  He just wanted to watch his polka show and relax in his recliner.  I got stuck  taking care of him  when his wife  was taken in by her  daughter and left my grandfather alone in his house.   I think she was working her mother over to try to get all my grandfathers  assets  when he died,  since it caused a big drama in my family.   But I at least got to spend time with him before he passed at 83.  My grandpa  got a glimpse into my life  when I had to bring him in to work since  I didnt have  coverage at my grandfathers place.. I was teaching lessons and running a riding camp and he got to see what  I did for a living.  Life was easier back then.   but let me get back to my story... So back to the horse trader -  after a year or so he got married  to a old flame.  A women I never met  before,  but she  had known him  back when I wasn't even born lol..  She was divorced and had lived out in California.   They got along well and apparently  he was keeping in touch with her throughout the years.  It was  a love story, she fell in love with him as a girl he was a bit older than her she was teenager he was in his 20's.   I could see how she was  in love with him from her telling me about when she was younger and was working on the farm.  They got married  and she got involved in the business.   Colton, the trader had a brother who came to the farm and did stuff on farm for him. he would pick up the horses from out west and do plowing in the winter.  He and Ava did not get along well.  Friction  there, mainly due to the farm was his Fathers and apparently he wanted a part of it.   Justin was a crotchety old man too.    Colton was  a good horseman, he was fair in his dealings and was a good businessman.  He was  a wholesaler and did some retail  in the later years with his wide Ava bringing him along that path to make money.   After a couple of years I left to work in a "real job" as my mom would call it.  I actually made more money at the farm than Ii did at those other jobs even if they had medical benefits.  As I look back in my life  I have to find out who killed Colton, since my new real job is  Lead Investigator.  
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