Prologue The girl and her horse

513 Words
Kirsten- horse fanatic,   yes that is me.  So since I was 7 years old,  I loved horses, weird since my mom is afraid of them.   My sister is boy crazy, and gets into trouble all the time.   She was a b***h to me growing  up with her.   She was into all the usual girl stuff  make up going out with  guys, dating some  out there  guys, but  she was a mean girl..  She had a bitchy girl friend or two that would attack me  and gang up on me - I basically has to  fight them off  at times  it was so bad, horses were my savior. The farm really helped me  since I am a shy person,  I dont really talk to guys much - ok I dont talk to them period  lol.... I never really dated in high school.  Think I went out once on a date where a boy  picked me up to go out to see a movie, my sisters boyfriend  took me to my Junior Prom, but that  was  cause  my sister said I should go, that I was missing out (of course I felt that  I just want to go get a new saddle set,   and he had a car  and the prom was next to my farm that was having an auction on Thursday night which was  The night of the prom...) and went stag to my Senior Prom, I had fun though since I wasn't feeling like I was missing anything anyway.   Got my saddle though lol.    My Parents  divorced when I was a baby,  so I really didn't have much of a father figure until I was in high School  and only really saw him occasionally.  The one thing he did right though, was get me  my horse from the  Farm I worked at.   I worked as a trail guide for a horse trader, he was  well known for having horse auctions weekly in our area.   While I worked there through my teenage years  I ran a string of  70 horses,  had a team of other volunteer trail guides that I trained and we had a blast there.  Riding new horses all the time,  going on night rides,  hayrides and games.  We used to have  hundreds of people come  to go horseback riding.   So I went to college -  a women's college for horses, it was fun but  I was probably a lil home sick - then sister drama.  My mom got remarried and she hated him worse than our dad.   My horse went to college with me  - but  unfortunately  he died he was  a great horse, not a famous race horse but  I could do anything with him.  I went back to school to get a Criminal Justice degree with a minor in Psychology to become a lead detective in my small town. That is where I met Casey. my best friend, he and I are the best of friends although I think more thoughts about him and not in the best friend kind of way. So I return to my home town to start anew.  
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