first wave of evolution

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Here's another chapter of the God's play.. Enjoy..  --------------------  Chapter 4  I watched the nature work its wonder. A dinosaur is created from an egg. The egg takes on the infinite star heat and started it's hatching process. I watched the whole process up close using my God's avatar body. The creation of life gives me a new kind of feeling. It was the feeling of a mother. Seeing the small creature comes out from the eggshell, I feel that I'm somehow connected to the dinosaur.  Seeing that my first creation is a success, I'm on a creation frenzy. In a blink of an eye countless egg have appear on various area of the planet. Most of it are dinosaur type and ancient animal. They don't have the ability to think or learned about my presence. So for now there's no need for me to summon an angel.  For now I just decided to watch. I can also feel that I have some kind of connection with them. What are they doing, where they are, what they are feeling, I know all of it. Due to the variety soon they are clashing between races. What shocked me is a life hast lost on this battle. I can see their soul flying in the air from their body. Should I create a place their soul?  Dimensional creation unlocked  You're able to create dimension for a place of soul to gather. You can also create a whole new empty dimension. There are 29474729 templates available.  Let's see some example fist.  Templates #1: The Immortal Realm  People of the Earth call this place the Heaven. A place where people with good karma lives. They believe in the Heaven there will be hapiness and they will lives for eternity.  Alignment: Good 1000  Let's see another one.  Template #2: The Endless Suffering Realm  Some people called this place the Hell or the torturing abyss. Inside this dimension there are a total of 77 levels. With each level have different types of torturing means for soul that have do malicious things in their live.  Alignment: Bad 1000  "Hmm..."  This two place seemed only judged people or creature that have the ability to think and differenciate between good and bad. What about the animal who doesn't know what's wrong and right? I have an idea.  Name: The Recycle Bin  Created by the God of All, Ego. This place have three levels. One level is the wheel of reincarnation. Creatures without any alignment will have a chance to be reincarnated into another race. Second level is the scale of truth. In here every creatures will be judged by their Alignment, Karma, or goodwill. The last level is the room of ancesion. Creatures with good alignment will have a chance to reincarnate as another races of their choice, they can even decide to be one of the God's angel. Creatures with bad alignment soul is immediatelly destroyed.  "Now a place for me to live."  Name: Ego's Godrealm  This is the resting place of the God of All, Ego. Only chosen one could visit this realm. Inside this realm Ego still have full control of his world and creation. This is the highest level dimension in your world. Your worshipper will think of this as their final destination in life or in soul.  Good. I'm such a genius God. This whole place is all operated automatically. I don't even have to create some useless fat big creature holding a book of life to guard it.  Times flew by and the creatures left on Four Corner Planet is less than 1/10th of it's original amounts. Right now I'm frowned. How can most of my creatures have their soul destroyed because of their bad alignment?  I feel sad. Altough their existence isn't important for me, they are like my milestones. They helped me learn the first step of creation.  I observed my first wave creation closer. Some of them by now has evolved. They are adjusting themself to their surrounding. Dinosaurs in the fire region have thick scales to protect them. The one lives in the praire gain the ability to fly. The mountain ones is able to live underground. The south creatures learned to swim.  It makes me amazed. They also seemed to learn how to think. It's just basic knowledge of gathering food, moving in a group and some small useless regime but it was.a great jump. Without realizing one million human year has passed instantly.  Now, let's create intellectual creatures.  This is my second wave of creation. Mythical animal with a reasoning. Dragon, gryphoon, hydra, kraken, medusa, orcs, goblin, golem, treants, all of any other creatures that learned the basic of what my first wave creation learned by itself. The second wave creation have an advantage of what known as hereditary memory.  By now the number of creation increased again. The four corner planet is a vast place to live but strangely enough they are always get attracted to other race and fight. Maybe they are trying to do a survival of the finest. Where the strong lives and the weak gone.  I will call this as the age of redemption. Where the weak soul shall perish and the worthy survives. Many soul has fall and countless more followed after. Finally they have reach another stage of evolution.  Their brain is now capable of doing simple information processing. Makes them able to talked to each other. Even when I have set the language to English. They still doesn't have the capability. They are now able to talk within their race but with some limitation. Soon the age of redemption come to close and another breathtaking evolution stage came.  Out of millions of first and second wave, only five have survived and continue to move on three stages of evolution.  Race: Tyrant King  One of the first creatures to live on four corner planet. They are brutal, merciless and blood thirsty. Any creature that stand in their way will be annihilated. Lives in the harsh environment of the north continent.  Race: Sentient Dragon  Having evolved from the age of redemption, sentient dragon race is a strong and resolute race. They are proud of their ability to fly and control the sky. Living in the west praire with hurrican and storm, they have overcame it all and fly trough any condition.  Race: Ancient Orca  The king of the seas. One of a few creatures that able to move in the water faster than walking on land. Lives on the southern arctic where the water is -100degree. Feared as predator of the southern sea.  Race: Aracauraia Amber  The only plants creature that managed to survive since the first wave. They are lives hidden on the east mountain. In their evolution process they are even able to kill animal type creatures.  Race: Erinyes  As the creature lives in the middle of the planet, they have survived more battle than any race could think of. Adept at war and killing making them the absolute ruler of the harmless nature of the center of four corner planet.  Among all of my creations. These five races have finally survived the age of redemption and evolve. By now they are all able to think and communicate. Soon the time will came. Where I gives life to intelectual creatures and gather worshippers.  I will call it, the age of revolution. It will soon came along with the third wave creation.  ----------  Fiuh.. As I tought writing this kind of story is tiring for my mind...  Anyway... Do you guys like it? We passed the ancient barbaric era and will soon meet intellectual creatures. How about the pace? Is it too fast?  Feedback and comments is always accepted.  Thank you for reading and see you at the next chapter.. 
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