Age of revolution..

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I didn't mention the five races appearances because they haven't finished evolving... Sorry about that... I'll explained it in this chapter..  -----------  05  Today the third creation wave takes place. This time creature with intelligence is summoned. They are smarter than the second creatures and their way of lives is completely different. However I realized they aren't capable of reasoning thinking.  They know if the water is flowing but they didn't even ask why the water flows. It seemed they also didn't get influnced by the law of nature. They simply follow the nature and adapt. Different from the five survivor races which adapt by going against the law of nature. For example the centaur can't live in the north continent so they ran away to the east continent which is more suitable for them.  The tyrant king however isn't suitable to lives in the north continent, but they force themself to lives there and evolved by going against the law of nature. In terms of the third creation waves, even though their intelligence is a level higher than the survivor race but their quality differences is like the sky and the earth.  Another one million year has passed and another evolution takes place. This evolution isn't something I decide. All of the creatures evolves at the same time even though I didn't do anything. It seemed like they are sensing the differences of each time stage and their instinct forces them to evolve.  The age of revolution passed and I'm not surprised to see the survivor is the first five races. Their form by now has changed a lot from their original. I can sense their strength skyrocketted and their morale are skyhigh. As expected of five survivor race. They have prepared themselves very well to enter the next age. The age of civilization.  Race: Tyrant King  One of the first creatures to live on four corner planet. They are brutal, merciless and blood thirsty. Any creature that stand in their way will be annihilated. Lives in the harsh environment of the north continent. Their colony has settled near the blazing volcanoes.  They have evolved from four foot walking animal into superior two foot walking creatures. Their front leg has evolved into two hands each possessing a very sharp claw. Their head still maintain their original appearances of a predator dinosaur but we can see their wisdom reflected in their golden eyes. Their scale turned red camouflaging them near volcanoes.  Size: 0 - 30 meters.  Lifespan: 0-3000 years.  Race: Sentient Dragon  Having evolved from the age of redemption, sentient dragon race is a strong and resolute race. They are proud of their ability to fly and control the sky. Living in the west praire with hurrican and storm, they have overcame it all and fly trough any condition. They gather in a group of two or three each consist of the parents and some with one child. They lurk in a cave hidden from plain sight.  Due to their evolution their wings now can be folded and hidden behind their back. Their race has mutated due to exposure to the infinite star making them have wide subspecies variety.  Size: 0-100 meters.  Lifespan: 0-500000 years.  Race: Ancient Orca  The king of the seas. One of a few creatures that able to move in the water faster than walking on land. Lives on the southern arctic where the water is -100degree. Feared as predator of the southern sea.  They are freely transform from their land and aquatic appearances. Their land form looked like avian animals with razorsharp covered scales. When they enter the water the scales turn into a special water armour which greatly increased their movement.  Size: 0-5 meters  Age: 0-500 years.  Race: Aracauraia Amber  The only plants creature that managed to survive since the first wave. They are lives hidden on the east mountain. In their evolution process they are even able to kill animal type creatures.  Don't mistake them as a giant tulip flower. Hidden beneath the petal they have gained their humanoid form. Living in a peaceful nature doesn't make them weak. Their power could invoke natural disaster like earthquake and landslide.  Size: 0- 2 meters  Age: 0-1000000 years.  Race: Erinyes  As the creature lives in the middle of the planet, they have survived more battle than any race could think of. Adept at war and killing making them the absolute ruler of the harmless nature of the center of four corner planet.  They can fly, they can swim, even moving under the ground seemed to be possible. Granted with two jet black wing on their back, it could be used for fly, underwater support or even digging tools. Their power is balanced but their numbers is what makes them superior. Their appearances is what called, a beauty.  Size: 0-7 meters  Age: 0-100 years.  The fourth creation waves finally arrived. This time it was hordes of races capable of thinking, makes their own race hierarcy, living in a colony and as the name of the age implies. They know the meaning of civilization.  Humans, Elves, Orcs, Undead, Demons, Legendary creatures such as mermaid, divine bear, and many more. With this, my job will finally start. I will have to make my influence within their civilization and gather worshippers.  I also create a hundred angel to be my apostle. However it isn't the time to send them yet. The fourth creation waves is barely settling down. Given their intelligence and understanding, I'm eager and curious to see how will they survive against the five first race and how they make their own civilization.  Let the legend of God of all, Ego starts to be written in the book of history beginning in the age of civilization.  ----------------  Next chapter we will see the civilization act. This is what we're waiting. What will happened in each races colony and how did they adapt to survive? Aren't you curious?  See you in the next chapter and thank you for reading. 
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