Age of Civilization..

645 Words
I really wish I have a PC right now.. Writing from my phone is such a pain.. What's more there's a lot of table on this series... Anyway, enjoy...  ----------------------  06  The age of civilization is truly different from the previous age. It is full of life. These creatures now didn't do battle blindly. Some of them even making some allies and secure their territory.  Aside from the five survivor race, the most notable race is the human. Even though their life span is short, they grew in number quickly. Even though their strength is weak, they managed to settle their base and build stronger houses than other race. Seeing some promise from them I asked my angel to descend.  The second place goes to the elves. They hide themselves inside the forest and conceal it from plain sight. Their houses carved out of the trees making it even harder for passersby to notice. They are relying on nature and doesn't aware of the existence of a God. Altough the chance of them to believe in me is low, I send one angel.  The third place is the mermaid. One of the water creatures that works well in a group. They establish a kingdom under the sea and their organization is superb. They are the first to create a rank within their kingdom. Taking that into consideration I send an angel to meet the mermaid leader.  The tyrant king by now talking trough power within themselves. I'm not sure if sending an angel will have an effects. Because in their race, the strongest one is respected maybe it's because they didn't know about me.  The sentient dragon is a selfcentered creature. They didn't even take part in power battle anymore. I wonder if sending an angel to them is the right choice.  The ancient orca already believed in the power of nature. The probability of them to be my worshipper after hearing about my works is pretty high. So I send my angel for sure.  Aracauraia Amber race is secluded in the mountains. I'm not sure what they will think but I send an angel to their place anyway.  The erinyes within their races lacks a leader. They believe that they are all equal and the same. I wonder if my angel will be considered as a higher beings or lower, if they consider an angel as their equal then they have a high chances of not believing me.  After that I send all of my angel troughout the four corner planet to every races without forgetting even the smallest creatures. That day is recorded in the history as the descend.  All my angels comes down to each colonies and with a loud voice shout in the sky.  "I am a messenger of God. You are all are created by the same God. He is the God of all. You hereby should call him Ego. He is your creator, your life giver. Therefore hear my words as the God of All, Ego's apostle. You shall worship him and gives your pray to him. That way he may as well give you his divine blessings." I was pretty satisfied with their speech but the response I got is different from each races. Some neatly obeyed , some didn't even care. The worst outcome is there are races that tried to kill my angel.  Different from what I originally think....  Maybe became a God isn't as easy as I tought.  ---------------  Sorry if the chapter is a bit short.. I was planning to release a chapter a day and about 500-2000 words at most.. This was because I'm writing from my phone within my breaks and I also have other series..  Please bear with me and thank you for reading... Anyway, what do you guys think so far? Should I continue using this perspective for the major race or takes closer approach and explain about each races response and behaviour? Thanks if you give me some feedback. 
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