Chapter 2

1957 Words
In the next twenty minutes, we arrived at school. As soon as I stepped my legs on school grounds, three Mercedes Benz cars pulled up in the parking lot. They looked so shiny. I could only dream of having a car like that. I shouldn't even waste my time dreaming. The cars belong to the three richest girls in school; Ava - the most popular girl in school (Her dad is one of the leaders of the pack council) along with Lorie and Jenny, her two best friends. Ava is the ringleader of course. Everyone watched them in awe as they came down from their cars. They looked fabulous in their designer dresses, fancy bags and high heels. They were the real life definition of 'IT girls'. Every single girl wished to be them or a part of them. All the boys wished to be close to them. I couldn't help but stare at them in admiration. I shook my head. I have to get my head out of the clouds. It doesn't matter how beautiful they look. They're still bullies. I made my way into the school till I got to my locker. I opened it up and brought out all the things I needed for my next class. After I was done, I turned around to leave. If I knew what would happen next. I would have been more careful. I mistakenly bumped into someone. I gasped when I saw who it was - Ava. She had a coffee in her hand. The drink poured on her as soon as I bumped into her. Why have I been making mistakes since morning? Am I cursed? "I'm so sorry" I cried. "You b***h!" she spat out "My clothes are ruined because of you" I ran my hands over her clothes, trying to clean the stain. "Get your filthy hands off me now!" she screamed. "Sorry" I quickly removed my hands "I'm so sorry" "This is Versace. Do you know how much it cost?" "I'm sorry. I can wash it for you" She laughed, turning to her friends "You hear that, girls? She wants to wash it for me" She turned to me with a scowl. My heart raced with fear. I shouldn't have said that. "With what?" she asked me "I use the best dry cleaners that you can't even afford" "I'm sorry" I muttered with tears in my eyes. I wish I watched where I was going. If I did, this wouldn't have happened. "You better be" "Aww" Jenny cooed, walking closer to me "The little freak is crying" "Pathetic" Lorie scoffed "What a loser" Tears welled up in my eyes even more than before. Why do I have to be so stupid? Slowly, a crowd formed around us. Everyone held up their phones to record what was going on. There's no doubt that in a few hours, I'll be all over the school blog. "You're a scholarship kid" Ava said "I keep saying this and I'll say it again - you don't belong here with us. That's why you don't know how to act. You should disappear back to the hole you crawled out from" I wish I could disappear. I just want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. "Please, I'm sorry" I begged "I don't want any trouble" "You hear that, girls?" Ava laughed "She says she doesn't want any trouble" Ava walked close to me. "What if I want trouble?" she pushed me till my head hit my locker "What are you going to do about it?" "Please" I cried. She pushed me again. My head throbbed. I could feel blood at the back of my head. "What a pathetic loser" Ava said "No wonder you're miserable. Even if your mom was alive, she wouldn't want you" "Don't talk about my mom" I snapped without thinking. Talking back at Ava is another thing I shouldn't have done. I'm definitely cursed. I should have just kept my mouth shut. Everyone gasped. No one ever talks back at Ava. My mum's death is a sensitive subject. I don't need anyone else reminding me that it's my fault. The thought of that haunts me everyday already. It's even more painful when people bring it up. Ava's expression hardened in anger. "You dare to talk back at me?" she growled "You're growing wings, right? I'll show you" She raised her hand to slap me. I whimpered, preparing myself for the impact until....a hand held her hand in the air. I blinked in shock. I looked at who it was. It was Alex Miller. Alex? This can't be happening. I had to subtly pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. How come Alex Miller saved me? I've never spoken to him before. You're definitely confused so let me break it down for you. Alex Miller is the next Alpha of our pack. If you hadn't figured it out, he's also the most gorgeous and most popular boy in school and in the pack. He's practically the hottest guy I have ever laid eyes on and every other girl here would probably say the same thing. He's also Ava's boyfriend. Ava looked shocked. Alex is definitely the last person she expected to see. "Hey" Ava said, trying to act as if nothing happened "I didn't know you were in school" Ava tried to give him a hug but he stepped back. She looked even more shocked than before. Alex's closest friends; Justin and Bruno entered the circle and stood beside him. They both looked just as pissed as Alex did. They glared at the girls with so much intensity that it scared me. If eyes were daggers, Ava and her minions would be covered in blood by now. The crowd was filled with murmurings and giggles mostly from the girls. There's no surprise about that. Alex and his friends are here so this reaction is normal. "Everyone quiet!" Alex growled. The whole crowd went silent immediately. Alex may be a nice guy but he's still the future Alpha which means we have to respect him when it's needed. Apart from him being the future Alpha, he's also the best in combat. As young as he is, he's fought and won many wars for the pack while being in the fore front. In summary, when Alex Miller tells you to shut up, you have to shut up immediately. "What's the matter?" Ava asked him with an innocent voice. "What's the matter?" Alex moved close to her "Really, Ava? Ava tried her best to hide it but I can see that she's scared. She moved back slightly. "I'm not sure I get what you mean" "Don't play dumb with me, Ava!" Alex's voice boomed "I saw what you and your friends did. Everyone here saw you. How could you be so mean?" "Oh. You're talking about the freak, aren't you?" she laughed "It's nothing serious. We were just joking around. She should be used to it by now" "The last time I checked, joking around doesn't involve embarrassing an innocent person in front of the whole school" Ava's expression turned into an annoyed one. "Why do you care anyway?" Ava snapped "Why on earth are you defending her?" "Because she's one of us. Need I remind you that she's a pack member. It's my job to defend everyone. How would you feel if someone treated you the way you treat her?" "First off, they wouldn't dare. I'd chew their heads off. Secondly, she isn't one of us. She can't be classified as part of the pack" "And why is that?" "For obvious reasons. She has a weak wolf" Alex closed his eyes. I could see that he attempted to steady his breathing. It's obvious that he's doing his best not to get angry. Lest we forget, I'm still standing here while this drama unfolds before me. If no one is going to ask the question, I will - What the hell is going on? What is this drama? Most importantly, why is Alex actually defending me? "You're supposed to be on my side" Ava said. "I'm too mature to pick sides. I'm the future Alpha of this pack which means it's my job to ensure her safety along with anyone elses" It's my job to ensure her safety His statement made me feel warm inside. Nobody has ever been nice to me talk more of someone taking my safety so seriously. I know this isn't the right time but I took in his tall figure. His unique blue eyes sparkled even though he was annoyed. His curly hair was ruffled in an 'I don't care. I woke up like this' kind of way but it still looked so damn sexy. He looks even more handsome when he's angry. I can imagine his ripped muscular arms wrapped around me, ensuring my safety. "I'm disappointed in you, Ava" Alex shook his head "You're supposed to lead by example" "And you're supposed to mind your own business!" she snapped. Alex shut his eyes and opened them. His eyes went completely black. "I'm sorry" Ava whimpered, bowing her head. I don't think I've ever seen Ava look so submissive before. This drama is getting even more interesting. Alex's eyes slowly went back to normal. "I'm so sorry" Ava broke out in a sob. She walked closer to him and held his hands "I just got mad at her because she pushed me" "No, I didn't" I said "I bumped into you by accident" "Shut up, you freak" Lorie snapped "We all saw you push her" "You do have some nerve, Lorie" Justin said. Lorie looked at him confusedly "What do you mean?" "You're calling someone a freak when your corset and your hip pads are so obvious is a stretch for me" "Let's not even talk about the face beat" Bruno snickered "What's that brown thing on your face?" Lorie's face turned red "How dare you?" "What?" Justin asked "Feeling embarrassed? Good. Now, you know how she feels" Alex stepped away from Ava. "Alex" she started. "Don't " Alex responded "I can't believe you'd do that" He sounds so disappointed in her. "Everyone listen!" Alex announced "I will not tolerate any form of bullying. Is that clear?" "Yes Alex!" everyone chorused. "Go back to class. There's nothing to see here" The crowd dispersed slowly. Everyone murmured as they went to their various classes. There's no doubt that this incident be the talk of the school for a while. "Are you siding with her?" Ava asked him. "I'm not siding with anyone. I'm being reasonable. You bullied her and it's unfair" Ava had an angry expression on her face. Ava never gives up no matter what. She hates being embarrassed and rejected. This means only one thing - I'm in danger. Ava will get back at me. Alex corrected her in front of the whole school because of me so best believe that she won't let this go. She glared at me so hard that I couldn't help but shiver. "Watch your back" she mouthed "I'm coming for you" Looking at Alex one more time, she stormed off with Lorie and Jenny following closely behind her. Alex's attention turned to me. I looked into his deep blue eyes. He gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry you had to go through that" he said to me. His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. Oh my gosh. "Are you okay?" he questioned. I nodded. I was too happy to speak. My heart fluttered. A wave of excitement around through my veins. I don't know what's going to happen but I can tell that today is going to be a long day.
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