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I was going towards my car when I saw Charlotte standing by her own car. I turned to her and called out her name. "Hey Charlotte!" I called. She turned and saw me and she smiled. "Hey." Charlotte had been my first friend when I had arrived in Brookville. She was an exotic mixed race even though she was dark skinned. But her beauty was impeccable. She had had feelings for my twin brother Denis, but then Denis had ended up falling in love with Himari. Charlotte had been hurt, but then she had eventually let it go. Last summer when my grandfather had attacked us, Charlotte had also been attacked by vampires and werewolves. Mere humans were not allowed to know of our existence. It was the silent, unwritten rule. So she and everyone else who had witnessed the attacks had had their memories erased. So they pretty much had no memory of what had happened. "Hi Denver." She smiled at me. "What's up?" I shrugged. "Nothing much. Are you good? I didn't see you in homeroom." She smiled at me. "No, I'm fine. I just had some cramps so I decided to stay in the school sick bay for a while." I nodded. "Oh, I see." "Yup." She smiled. I wasn't sure what to say. Then I said. "Charlotte, I'm really sorry about neglecting you all that time. I mean you were the- "Denver." Charlotte cut me short. "It's fine. I don't know why you keep on apologizing to me. You did nothing wrong. It's me who should be apologizing to you." Charlotte sighed heavily and adjusted the books in her arms. “Look I am sorry about everything. I overreacted. I shouldn’t have. Yes, I was hurt about how Denis and how everything ended but look, it's really ok." She told me. "I just hope you can forgive me. I looked at her in surprise at how she had so easily asked for forgiveness and forgotten everything even though we were really the ones who had hurt her. She had one nothing to get the energy that she had gotten from us. "So do you forgive me?" She asked me, waking me up form my thoughts. "Oh what? Of course." I said and then she opened her arms and engulfed me in a warm tight hug. I felt terrible and guilty for hiding everything from her. Then she let go of me. "So we're cool now?" I asked her. "Of course, totally." She assured me. Then her phone rand and she rose it up and waved it at me. "It's my mum." She smiled at me. "I got to be on my way home right now." I nodded. "Of course. Tell her I said hi." She got into her car and waved me goodbye before she drove off. I walked back to my car and got in. Denis wasn't going home with me, because had a date with Himari that afternoon, so I drove home on my own. When I got to the house, I opened the door and was welcomed into a house filled with smoke. I choked out heavily. "What the hell?" I said as I coughed. "Hi sweetie." I heard Aunt Lucinda call amidst the smoke. I coughed again. "What's going on?" "You aunts tried to make a spell to figure out who is Jacquelyn's real daughter. Both of your aunts." Grandma said as she coughed. "I told them it won't work." Then Grandma used her magic to send off the smoke and the house became clear again. My grandma was actually super young. She and my grandpa had had my mum and her sister, aunt Elise when they were just hitting twenty. So grandma was literally just in her early forties. Grandma could easily pass for my mum. "Gee." I said as I walked fully into the house. Then a red fat cat meowed at the table. I knew it was Aunt elise. "Aunt Elise?" I said and then I picked her up and put her on the floor and she turned to a human and as usual, she was naked. "Here." I said as I handed her a robe. "Thanks darling." She said as she covered herself. "You're lucky that the only two men we have in this house aren't around." Grandma reprimanded. Aunt Elise had been cursed to become a cat when she was just fourteen and so she had stayed that way. She had only reverted back to her human form when Denis and I had come to Brookville. But she hadn't remained a fourteen year old girl, she was in her early thirties now. And so now, she could revert back to a cat anytime she wanted. "Aunt Elise why is your cat form getting fatter?" I asked curiously. "Maybe that's because of all the fish she is always stealing." Grandma said. "Don't think I don't know about that." I chuckled at that funny statement that grandma had made. “No wonder whenever I bought fish, it always went missing.” I said in realisation dawning on me.” Then I turned back to the matter at hand. "I thought we had agreed to the fact that Jacquelyn was just crazy." "Jacquelyn was cranky and half mad almost all the time, but she won't have just picked up your friend and accused her of hurting her own child." Aunt Lucinda said. "So you think Himari is lying?" I said in utmost shock. "No." Aunt Lucinda said. "I didn't say that. That's not what we are saying. The thing is Himari might have offended her daughter without her even knowing it." When my grandfather had brought back his army of the undead, he had woken up a very powerful French vampire queen. She was so old that she had grown resistance to the sun and boy was she dangerous. She had picked up Himari and claimed that Himari had made the mistake of hurting her daughter. Himari had been shocked and clueless because she had never even met Jacquelyn before. But Himari had been saved before anything could have happened to her. Jacquelyn was now dead. "You see Denver the thing is we don't want any surprises at our doorstep." Aunt Elise said. "Brookville is peaceful and all that. But if Jacquelyn had so vividly claimed that she was taking vengeance foe her daughter, then we have every reason to believe that the daughter is well and alive." "And now the both of you made an utter mess of the house, so clean it." Grandma instructed them and then she went to the kitchen. I quickly followed grandma. "Uhmmm Grandma, did Jack come to talk to you about anything?” I asked her closely.
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