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Holly's POV Clint called to say his help arrived a day early and that they would be up the next day with my order. Dave called to say that my truck would be ready tomorrow too. So I called Clint back to ask if he could drive my work truck up. He obliged and said his new guy could drive his. Yay! I didn't have to go back to town. Bad enough I would have to go on the weekend for the rodeo. I was helping the rez kids with their junior riding and wanted to be there to support them. I glanced at my hay barn and got to work arranging so they could unload easily. Once done I fed all the critters going to the house to feed myself after. *********** The next morning I fed and got to work, the kids would be by and I needed to sort out who had lessons and who had chores. Clint sent me a text they were on their way around 10 which meant the kids would be here before them. Good, I could get them started and then jump to let Clint know where I needed things. The kids showed up on time and I got them sorted quickly, do their chores and lesson prep. I heard my livestock guardian dog barking telling me that the hay was coming. I left the office to find Clint waiting for me. "Where do you want me to park this?" Clint asked about my work truck. "Over next to the three-horse trailer." I point. "The rest of the delivery the same?" He queries. "Yep," I smacked the side of the truck as Clint took off. Heading back to the tack room office I get back to my extra paperwork. "Ms. Holly," I hear Rhea's voice before I hear the knock. "Yes, Rhea." I put the pen and paper down to see the little brown-eyed girl peeking the corner. I had saved her from a bad foster care situation, Clint's sister was now taking care of her. "The new hay guy is scary." She shivers a little. "That is your Uncle Clint silly," I stand to walk around the makeshift desk. "oh, it must be the new guy," I nod with realization. "Come on, let us go check it out." I take her hand as we head toward the hay shed Turning the corner of the hay shed was like turning the corner into the pages of a romantic bad boy novel. Shirtless, glistening muscle coated in yummy tattoos. Carrying 100-pound bales of hay in each gloved hand. Mary Mother of God. I gulp. I never had a man make me this breathless. Watching him work was like a thing of art. I felt Rhea yank my shirt. "Hi! Rhea was a bit scared of you." I manage although I don't know-how. The hay god stops look at us, jumps down from the hay he is on, and strolls like he owns the place to us. I notice his eyes are a honey color, with dark black lashes. Grams called them bedroom eyes. Lowering my gaze I see the v-lines that people always chat about but few ever see in person. Pretty sure my IQ drops a few thousand points as I lose focus. Thankfully he doesn't, he squats down holding out his hand, "Name is Marc." He smiles. That smile made my insides dance. "Hi" Rhea shakes his hand and runs off. "Thank you," I smile at him, "Rhea had a rough start in the foster system. We are all trying to get her happy." I extend my hand. "Name is Holly." I wait for him to shake. "Ma'am" He tilts his head to me and puts his gloves back on. I am taken aback, looking at my hand I pull it to my side. Jerk. I snort to myself as I stomp back to my office. *********** Marc's POV *********** I hated the thought of a kid being scared of me. So coming over to shake her little hand was not a problem. The problem was my reaction to the way Holly looked at me. I liked it. I didn't want to give any signals to say I was interested. Even though I was but being here only eight months then gone, I didn't want to start something I wasn't gonna stick to. Holly was the type men find to settle down with. I wasn't that man. "Clint!" I hollered, I was done with the hay. "Arena," I heard his answer. I walked up to what looked like chaos going on in the arena. "She has a great program here," Clint grinned with pride. I couldn't make sense of it but grunted in answer. Holly was riding a massive latte-colored horse around the kids. I watched the horse and her move as one unit. I was impressed. I spent a few years in the horse program while I was in prison. Some of my best memories there. "That horse and she put this place on the map." Clint smiles again. "Bringing people all the way from Pheonix to watch her show." "Cool," I am trying not to show how impressed I am. I see rez kids and their parents working hard as she is doing her best to help. "She runs a free program for the kids from the reservation to come learn to ride and enter the rodeo," Clint says as we walk away. If I had something like that I may have been a different kid. Hell who am I kidding, I was always in trouble. "Glad to see, programs like this." I keep my voice even as I glance back to see her and that horse spin to chase some of the kids. "Yep, she does these programs for the local jail too, everyone other than Kevin has respect for what she tries to do." Clint shakes his head. "I wonder someday if he doesn't hurt her." Clint glances back to look at the arena. "We all wonder when the shenanigans are gonna stop and it gets real." "You think it could get to that point?" I am a bit surprised to hear it. "It could, she doesn't back down and neither does he." Clint jumps in the driver's seat. I pull into the passenger seat of the hay rig. "Well let's hope it doesn't." Trying to play the diplomat for the first time in my life. ********** Greetings Readers! This story is currently a brainchild of various bits of the storyline I am putting together. I am gonna continue at a slow pace just to keep facts right and make it a bit of a slow burn. Comment and let me know if you want me to spin this little brain child forward. :). Much Thanks and Hugs! M. Merrill ***********
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