Chapter 9

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A week later the jungle was all they knew once again. The trees towering above them in the canopy, appears to be centuries old. Root systems large enough to engulf them, to take refuge or to seek shelter. The jungle hosted animals that was yet unknown to either of them. Animals that took refuge in the trees, calling out with their exotic calls: probably warning their families of possible dangers or fears approaching. The calls of birds ring out into the jungle: sounds from all directions, sounds so mystifying that it will puzzle the mind of the hearer. The jungle is alive, full of energy and vibrating vitality. They kelp walking, walking in confidence, walking with peace and walking with joy. Few days days ago their acting moment ended. They then retreated into silence to hear, to feel and to create. Nobody said a word for weeks. They already knew what to think, what to say, how to feel and how to think. They were waiting in their mind, waiting for home, waiting for work, waiting for school and waiting to continue on with their influence with the children and council. It was a few weeks of silence before they stumbled upon an open area with a panoramic field of vision, an area that they do not remember from before. They slow down for the day of travels, settling in for the night. After settling in for the night, just as the sun begins to set, they notice a tower of smoke in the distance on the other side of a small hill beyond a thicket of evergreen trees. Seth asks Mary if she would be interested in seeking out the creator of the smoke tonight? Mary brought up the older man from the weeks before, and wondered if it could be him. They create a plan to scout the area tonight when the sun sets just to know, Seth says they'll wait until nightfall to decrease the risk of danger if there was any. Seth begin to think about the female body and how vulnerable Mary would be if something was to happen, or if he were to stumble into any unknown dangers. They didn't bother getting their own fire started, they were both ready to begin the nights adventure: seeking the creator of the smoke. The moon has risen high into the sky, the moon casts its light onto the soil, onto the ground of Pangea in an most beautiful fashion: lighting the was for the 2 to seek out their interests and curiosities about the land. They spend most of the night traveling to the area that the smoke originated from. By the time they got their, their of no sign of anyone. Their were only a smoldering campsite that somebody had only recently left behind. From the looks of the area they had only recently left. They didn't stick around the area to long. So without question they evacuated the area and made their way back to their camp. Before they left they decided to take a look around, amongst the trafficked area. Their were nothing at all, no sign of anything, only the smoldering remains of the fire, and that would soon be extinguished. They make it back by early morning and begin the process all over again. Packing, wrapping, loading and off they go. Agartha felt like a dream to Mary. She begin to speak about possibilities of working with the school, working with the children and what she would be teaching and or assisting. The hours pass as he assists her with the future dreamy state of mind, facilitating possibilities once again. Helping the students around the school, sitting them in their place, teaching about specifics to her awareness and other things that she made be good at. They create a few scenes that were fit to inspire the minds of anyone experienced in any region of life, from beginner to advanced. The days pass by with a steady and calm nature. The weather is great and the time spent is great. They grow closer and closer together: Moment after moment they begin to grow on each other, learning one another and growing closer together as a pair or a couple and closer as a queen and king. A queen and kind to each other, their own personal royalty to behave with how they desire. Mary could visualize the desires of her King for her in her Mind. The way he would worship her for her beauty in secret. The ways he would caress her body while kissing on her skin. The endeavors they would go on together to build their kingdom and security for their family. The vitality they would bring to the garden, the kingdom and life itself. They were both ready to begin working the seeds they discovered, ready to get the garden going and ready to see the surprise in store and what comes into fruition. They traveled off course for a few weeks into terrain unknown to them in hopes of maybe discovering extra hidden treasures that Pangea has to offer. They come upon another river and river crossing, however the crossing was lesser than the crossings of Eden. This bridge structure was a sign of people but not a megalithic sign. The couple proceed in hopes of discovering a new, only a wish, only a dream and a few weeks in the same direction wasn't gonna bother their impact on time, Pangea and life. Their curiosity begin to develop into that of children being guarded by godly forced and divine spirits, they have nothing to worry about. More open minded, inspired and ready to create. Once again they discover a village of people, people like them, happy and inspired people. The area the people were located at was set up on a hill overlooking a area of the jungle that merges with the rolling jungle hills in the background. From the location they chose to take up home you could see the river as it snakes and turns through the valley, carving its way through the valley as it makes its way to the sea. They made it to a decent vantage point, an area that provided a 360 degree field of vision. Not to long after doing so, they spotted the signs of human life. From their view they could see a highly trafficked area: a trail that appears to be traveled by human quite often. They make their way toward the paths and trails made. Just as they start off, they spot a family emerging from a wood-line that the path enters into. They approach each other with happy smiles, full of signs of happiness and curiosity. The village had constructed a very and beautiful vintage sign to be seen by everyone as entering. The energy of this placed was quite different than that of the others. This village was really old and possessed its own unique energy. The family appeared to be going on a pick nick or a family gathering of sort. Their were a middle age man, a middle age women, a young girl and your boy. A really casual and happy unit. They introduced themselves as a local family. A locally know family from the Village they just discovered. The sign that marked the entryway to the village was written 'Mount Haven'. The family introduced themselves; as they got to know each other, Seth spoke with the father and son model for a moment as Mary spoke with the mother daughter role. And then they would change and everyone would talk to everyone. They seemed to be a great family and represented the village very well, They were all sad that they couldn't stay around longer but they realized the nature of the encounter. Continuing to act as family and friends who have know each other their whole life. Ahhh! Seth thought to himself. They were only a few months away and already really loved the energy that they are bringing forth. He thinks what other wonders Pangea could hold. The family was quickly on their was as they enter into the village. Activity was light but the life was pure perfectness. Many people welcomed and greeted them to their village the moment the spotted them. Mary spotter another flower vendor who brought forth the same colors and characteristics as the market structure in Eden was. Mount Heaven is a very nice place as well. More of an inland theme rather than a coastal region settlement. The road or trail run right through the settlement. Homes and business alike were working together. A very beautiful area. The village only contained about 500 people or so. They both thought if they took up camp right where they left, they would be able to actually work within the city. It's not a big place and it would take less than a week they both thought. They seemed very eager to meet the new people in this area. Maximizing the experience and the journey sent forth by Pangea, this would be the only way. They look around for a few more hours before returning to a site closer to the entrance to the village. Back in the woods, out of the way and out of sight. Seth wanted to see how the village economics worked and how active it would be through the week. He thought we never know me might lift up our own village as well. The next morning the fun begin, they were up at the c***k of dawn and off to enter into the town. Off to discover a new, an improved and possible a new form of excitement for the week. As soon as they stepped into the village they noticed teachers herding children into a building that appeared to be a school or a monastery of some sort. They was an older gentleman, an older women and a few pupils shadowing their every move. A bell was erected in the center of the focal point or gathering point of the village center: just offset of the school building. They watched for a while as the activity for the morning subsided and as soon as the people had calmed for the morning, they proceeded to their research. No one ever bothered them, no one spoke, only waving at them as in a friendly fashion. Suddenly they both had a spiritual awakening. They both suddenly realized that they were home. This village is their village alike, only their bedding area is further away. The emotional connections of the people of Pangea is only now becoming fully understood. Realizing that every square acre of this land is home and were all connected. The emotions and faculties that had come with the contact with Genesis was just now making more and more conscious since to him. He remembers him telling him about the powers of the mind and the endowments thereof. He thought that that energy could be apart of his now newly enhanced awakened awareness. He now begin to wonder if Mary was experiencing any such awakened consciousness. Their is an area just next to the exit or entrance, depending on you direction of entrance: near a different entry path, that contained tables for families to sit, and for children to play. A park, a rest are or a social gathering point: they have a seat hear for a while to talk, gather their mind and to understand their next move. Seth and Mary was beginning to work together on ways building their connected network. He then remembered the map. Seth removes the map from his backpack and rolls it out onto the table, as it unveiling and ancient soon to reveal its most ancient of mysteries. Seth pulls out the pen as well and his journal and begin to study the map. Mary see activity that catches her eye. She informs Seth of her plan, her plan to be friendly with the locals and to connect, and that she will return soon. He mentions to her to be careful as she walks into the midmorning movement of people in the market. She places her attention on the arrangement display and the women operating it. Hello m**m, Mary says to the lady. She was about 5'11 and the same age and build as Mary. She introduced herself Lilith. Lilith was a stunning young women that presented a beautiful smile. Mary was curious about her arrangement operation and how she went about attaining their flowers. Mary and Lilith spoke for a while. She discovered that her flower operation was connected to many others inland. Other flower botanist and floral arrangement vendors that worked with them both coastal and inland: She discovered that Lilith was apart of a seed and bulb trade that connected the entire landmass of Pangaea. And even more interesting now than ever, they discovered and was rewarded seeds by Genesis, and their are now connected with a well established source. A seed merchant dealing in the agriculture sector, she thought she couldn't wait to tell Seth about her discovery. Lilith also worked as a farmer, she grew and developed her own flowers and flower species. While she was talking to Lilith, they were approached by a man: a middle age man, perhaps in his late 50's. Lilith's father, she spoke up to introduce her to him. Paul was his name, and he was one of the elder councilmen of the village: before they had a chance to become introduced, another women of his age also approached, calling out to Paul was Sophia, the mother of Lilith. Lilith, Paul and Sophia is a well established and connected family from Mount Heaven, Mary being super thrilled to have discovered them, identifies herself as a traveler with her partner that current is near at the moment moreover would be interested in connecting further. Sophia was the local librarian and a substitute school teacher and also a gardener. Seth was deeply involved in the map. A few area really caught his attention, both inland and offshore. The thought of the ships came to his mind, soon after Paul and his crew of workman. On the map Mount Heaven wasn't there but after analyzing the land he realized not to far their current location was an area of interest that appeared to represented by ancient symbols: an area that appeared to be a mystery. There was also an area offshore that was similar to the one show just beyond the valley on the map. His curiosity immediately begin to drive desire: desire to explore, the desire to travel and the desire to recreate the meaning of life and Pangaea. He notices just beyond the school, what appears to be a museum of some kind. A place that contains strange artifacts just outside and around the building. Not of that that's on display but of disorganization or placed their for display. There was an older gentleman sitting out front alone. Really still and really silent. Seth takes the opportunity to create and to understand more about this operation. The older man looked like he was 75 or so, years old. Bright and happy, actually thrilled to see Seth coming his way. He identified himself as David. David lived in the placed that captured the attention of Seth. And the display around his home was his artful expression. Was the words used by David. David had been the construction engineer in this area his whole life. He tells Seth that he helped build a large portion of the homes in the area and even in his home village. David and Seth become best of friends immediately their after. David invites Seth in for a cup of tea and Seth proudly accepts the invitation of an old friend. His choice of tea for this occasion was black tea. The interior of the home was beautiful and well crafted, you could tell from the inside that he had really enjoyed his work with the people of the land. An artful old man with years of experience. David had no family, single, healthy and alone spent a lot of his years traveling around the countryside working his career, now simply just sits around and assists with the community. A storehouse full of wisdom Seth thought to himself. David begin his series of questions first. Wanting to know where he was from, travel routes, new developments and how he works with the people as the service to mankind. David's specific questions notifies Seth that he also was researching the way our system has been performing as well. Topics ranged from economic trade to education. He says after all his years of work he decided that he would settle down to work on his art, students and impact on his local village. But was also interested in these developments. David was connected to the tool trade on the land also once upon a time constructed tools for the journeyman who needed them. A blacksmith of the art's so to say. David now old and retired, living off the land and the village really shared a passion for the arts on construction. A wise teacher that connected with Seth on many levels on this day. Seth connected with the wise old man and their for a moment felt the need to restore his purpose. He was healthy, happy and could labor, the was no need for him to be wasting away in this home. His work was as priceless as the tools that he himself constructs: his wisdom of the man was great and Seth didn't have a teacher like this back in Agartha. He thought maybe for a moment this man was apart of the journey as Mary is or has become, and wondered what more he could offer the world and the students. Questions flooded his mind, questions like 'would Agartha become a center for development' 'would our students be interested'. The conversation shifts into the favor or Seth and begins to hear clues of the area. Seth speaks about the maps and the libraries in the region and wants to know if any information exists: and of concerning the islands off the coast. David shares information about the ruins the crossed back near the coast. Saying it's some kind of ancient settlement and he believes that a large portion of the people originate from that area. The map help no other clues, only what appears now to be uncharted area of the globe or their known chartered land. He also shared experience in the construction of the sea crafts. David shares large portions of information that is very useful and is currently still in need. The tea has a mind altering effect on Seth, almost as if he clears up even more. The experience becomes clear to him after a short while, And the healing properties of the tea could be clearly felt to him. Come to find out, the tea grows within the hills locally and that he himself 'David' does the harvesting of the plant. At this moment his mind is overwhelmed with new and useful creativity. The tea, his skills, the islands off coast alone with the most recent experience including the crown in his backpack, Seth's mind is overwhelmed with what if's and other details. Davis also is a farmer now, where he like many, many others in Pangea. He has a small apple orchard out back with a few grape vines that produce some of the greatest fruit in Mount Heaven. Inside the home of David was like nothing that Seth had ever seen, he had a theme that was centered around the life of a carpenter. Tools and instruments of age was placed about like beautiful works of art. David was a big fan of all things vegetable and fruits as well, more or less prided his own and this was expressed daily with decorations perhaps even a trophy. Seth also noticed artifacts or memorabilia of these fruit, but only a few. His quality fruit supported him as well: from the market David has established what seemed to his mind, countless connections from the quality he alone brought to the market. Seth noticed that in these villages most everyone including elders are connected to the market everyday in some way or another. Mary remains engaged in a rather deep conversation with the group she discovered and their conversation is going well. They have actually all moved on: onto what Mary took as a lunch break. Only because their ways were so new to them did Mary feel out of , moreover never more fully connected. Connected to the people she calls now friends and family. She felt the energy that Seth spoke of. The way everyone feels to be connected and of one body: it all becoming known to both of them that, that is the energy they have been endowed with and that these are their people with their people they are one. A crown come to her mind. She thought about the crown received from Genesis during the mountain phenomena. She now wonders if the crown for the female force, or to be worm by herself is perhaps apart of the journey as the crown was for Seth. The setting is also indoors, a building connected to the library. The place was that of a community center. a center where volunteers worked. But at the same time it was the village kitchen. Certain people were assigned tasks and then they would switch it up: not being really assigned, but the women knew what structure was self motivation. Their dish was more of a light snack, or a midday brunch. The looks of the interior of the building immediately shifted the focus of Mary. She has been enlightened by the culture, decorations and artwork. The scene continues on until well after lunch, and Mary started to become friends with the local school citizens in Mount Heaven. She was having such a great time learning, doing just what they intended. She was introduced to all the kitchen guests as well, met some children and actually helped do some dishes in the kitchen. The whole thing was just great to her, everything all so new and exciting to the both of them that they could hardly wait to think off ways of incorporating themselves in with the people of the land. As soon as Mary and the group has completed their meal they were soon on their way. Mary didn't mention much about Seth, only that they were traveling together and she hopes that they get a chance to meet before their departure. As soon as their lunch had concluded they were all on their way: back to their task and back to their influencing task. Mary stands and looks around the village for a few moments and didn't see Seth anywhere, so she begin to walk. She walks around looking at things for a few moments before returning to the resting area that they first begin. Mary takes a seat, inhales a deep breath of air and rests her head on the table. Seth realizing that he has been with David for quite some time and decided to take the opportunity to break for the moment. Seth informs David that he will be in the area for a few day's and that he could possibly return tomorrow to finish up the conversation that they started today. David thought this was a lovely idea, they say their farewells and end the conversation for the day. He steps outside, takes a look around and notices Mary is resting he her over on the table where this all begin. She looks exhausted he thought to himself. Seth begins to approach Mary. He takes a seat next to her and surprised to that she was still awake: she appeared to be resting so calmly and still. He tells he that he believes they have discovered another treasure trove of wonderful people in a very wonderful place. She agrees with him. According to the map, the stone ruins are not to far from here, is we leave now we can be back to the camp before nightfall 'Seth say' Mary was still digesting the encounter she shared this morning however was very interested in this further research. She believed she has already discovered the keys to Seth's thoughts perhaps. Or maybe the young boy that's taking form to Mary, that is the young boy of Seth. They once more get it together and begin their journey. A journey of wondering, a journey of discovery and of awakenings. The terrain has slightly changed on the other side of the village. It's a prairie like that of a grassland terrain: a few patches of trees shadow the landscape, and a golden reflections is cast from the grass. Once more they views are captivating to the both of them, and in certain area of the land it's like they could see for days: Mary discovers pottery fragments walking through the fields. Fragments appearing to be as old as the cave ruins themselves. The walk through the field was that of an experience on it's own. The land appeared to be worked by the people as well. Their were what appeared to be an unlimited amount of colors to choose from between the flowers that grow wild. Grains and other market products were also produced in the distance: the land appears here to have been working for the people for years. The patina attached to the land spoke loud and clear of years and years of people activity and support. Since the time of the drawing of the map there has been a forest grown, blocking their view to the destination on the map. The forest shielded the area like a wall, from all human view, keeping the area safe from the prying eyes of those that seek, or just the land reclaiming the land in which it belongs. The forest that shielded the remains was that of an enchanted forest: the birds were of exotic colors and the orchids that were growing wild from within the forest hosted new and exotic colors for their eyes to feast upon. Their were deer and rabbits with special glowing ore's orbiting their bodies, like the function of their monad. They had never seen such a thing before in all their life. They both immediately knew that these gifts were apart of the enchantment, and they even noticed something even more amazing, the animals begin to look at them as if they were connecting like correspondents. The animals in the forest begin to flock to Seth, Sahnkardishria and Mary. Even his monad didn't understand, because this was another spirit like before, like that of Genesis. They were all amazed and perplexed because all of the earth had never shown them so much consciousness until now. All the animals stop and shout 'HALT'! it's the King and The Queen of Pangaea, and the defenders of the good. The animals in the forest were of a mystic nature: they have been witnessing some amazing things recently and the talking animals was just as enchanting as the transforming mountain. Now at this point they could hardly believe. They introduced their purpose, purposed the map and told the parable of why they have come here and how it has come to be. The animals tell them they have undergone a spiritual transformation that has transformed their astral body and that the animals can see into the astral body, that is how they know and that he is also wearing a crown. He shows the animals the crown that he received from Genesis and all the animals bow and begin to worship them as if they are who they appear to be. No! no! no! Seth says to the animals, up! up! A falcon posted on the lowest tree branch was doing all the talking, as if he was the council elder of the animal kingdom. Say's but my king, it is the will of the god. Seth speaks up saying, fine, great work and no more for we are one. They show them their destination, the stone structure on the map: the falcon volunteered to escort them saying that there is a clearing just through the woods that will lead them directly to the site as soon as they exit the forest. Soon after the the introduction concluded they were on their way. A very enchanted group of animals they both think to themselves. The falcon informs the king that this is a very enchanted forest and is old as time itself, and a very secret one he says: also that in the future they will wait for his arrival or return because they must inform him on current situation involving the development of mankind as well and the progression of the nature spirits. Mary thinks this certainly confirms her life purpose, and now they begin to wonder. The falcon says they have a secret portal that will lead them to their majestic garden: that is where the spiritual beings of time meet and discuss topics of everything. And that this is where they will wait for his return. They exit the wood line into another golden pasture, their the stones stood erected in a marvelous fashion: they stood captivated for a moment before advancing any further. The falcon informs Seth and Mary that they will be waiting for their return and to have a safe adventure. They proceed onto the structure, gazing at the beauty, gazing at the wonder and curious about what to expect. Upon arrival, and up close to the sight they were in shock, the ruins appear to tell a story of Pangaea and of the culture. On the other side of the monument was carved in stone and yet another table like Seth's.
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