Chapter 10

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Peter awakens after a long night sleep. The horns in the bay was blowing, signaling to the crew on shore that they were arriving. Peter never took to long getting dressed and by the time he gets his morning started and everything gathered and down to the pier, the ships are beginning to dock and Peter is always right on time. The sea craft are like a sort of alarm clock for him on some days and this day is one of them. He makes it up to the dock just in time, the ships were just now arriving and Peter was wide awake. Like every morning he is often the life of the crew. He takes up his place on the dock by his materials that had been prepared for him this morning. He posts up while waiting for the crafts to dock and shares a chat wit some coworkers. Crewman of the ship and shift, he would many times throughout the year go on voyages with the crew. Shipping cargo to the settlements that have sprang up next to the coast. They discovered that it's a faster and more economic way of transporting. The landmass of Pangea was gargantuan and Eden was the center hub for all economic diversity both land and sea. His work assignment for this voyage would only take a few weeks. After the materials and cargo Peter reports to the captain of the craft for further instructions or operation assignments. Their assignment like before is to travel a few hundred miles around the coast, loading, unloading and transporting goods to and from the people. He is in charge of the materials only and for a few men that would arrive with him sent by his superiors on land. A rather effective operation in play here, and a rather very blessed and caring Eden. They provide a service like everyone else working together, the system is for everyone's benefit. Peter absolutely loves his work. That night at sea, he steps out onto the deck of the boat and instantly remembers why. The sky is host to millions of galaxies and stars. Their is place of the front of the boat that he returns to often times at night while at sea, to lie on his back and watch the stars as their travelling up the coast. Over time he has developed an area where they can build a fire inside a metal container, so that all the crewman may stand around laughing while drifting at sea. On this night he assumed everyone was rather tired from the work, also was positive of a refreshed nature tomorrow. For at sea they loved nothing more than, fishing, watching the sunrise, living life and working of course. He would lie their and listen to the fire crackle and pop as he watches the sky, become mesmerized by the celestial activity and experience a near weightless body as they float upon the sea. The fire burns out soon but peter will lie their through the night listening to the creeks and the cracks of the ship's joints through out the night. The following morning he steps out of his cabin and to no surprise, the captain is on duty like always keeping the ship from plummeting into certain rock disaster near the shoreline. On these morning while at sea he has a lot of spare time to volunteer. He helps with the meals, the dishes and aids in labor and he even once taught an economics class to the crewman, who all have moved on since then. He realized that in this line of work crewman come and go really fast. Almost like when they get to their destination they discover something better than sea work. The captain takes his place and he takes his. Peter enjoys coffee, a fresh cup of coffee daily if he would like: enjoying his coffee on the deck of the ship he watches the dawn rise. Peter is also an author, on these morning he loves to take the time to write about fiction, children's stories and textbooks for pupils.  He gets his paper and pen, takes his seat on the deck: the waves are calm so their is no need to worry about his coffee spilling. And begins his morning. Peter has been working on a story for a while, a fictional story that evolved from a daydream he had one day about venturing into an unknown part or the northern area terrain of Pangea. As for as he know it's unexplored. As a child he wanted to explore that region of the land and until this day He still believes that it may still be possible. The protagonist in his story is designed around his own life character. The journeys that he believes he will encounter or desires to encounter are entered into the story line as if he were living it himself: his penmanship like all other skills learned are continually being crafted at every chance he gets.  When he was a child he was told a tale by his grandpa that has stuck with him his whole life, and has also fueled the development of his creative imaginations as well. The tale was of a kingdom that existed to the far north of the landmass, a kingdom beneath the ice of the north, and the tale of a mystical portal that would transport him into a hidden kingdom, a kingdom so perfect and pure that it's only meant to be seeked out and or dreamt upon. His grandpa says that their are treasures up their and not in the form of money or jewels, but in the form of wisdom and other creator spirit powers. His grandfather would sit around the fire during family gatherings and tribal gatherings as a child and tell stories to the youth: his grandfather has inspired the minds of many children in the land. He grew up in Eden and has been running the streets since he was a child, learning everyone, meeting everyone, crying to everyone and running alone in laughter with the rest of the children. The sun begins to peek over the waves as he finishes up his first cup: he decides it's a good enough morning to have another cup while its still nice and cool out. The seagulls and a Kool sea breeze follow him around deck, he takes a moment of the front of the craft right next to where he would often limes lie out and stargaze. looking over the front of the ship some morning, he could see sea life following the craft as the sales carried them alone the shoreline. Standing their enjoying the sea breeze and the sunrise, the captain silently approaches Peter. Good morning peter, the captain was a really friendly man. He wanted to put on some entertainment for the crew tonight after anchoring up this evening: he wanted to get his opinion on the idea. He thought that a regular routine involving comradery would renew the workspace and renew the minds of the crew. Peter thought that this was a wonderful idea. They come up with a plan for the evening, a evening of joy and laughter. The captain returns to his post and the day carries on. Peter enjoys the morning for a while, sitting and admiring the sea breeze and the splashing of the waves against the craft. The sound of laughter originates from beneath the deck, sounding out their awakening to the world: men who have been resting on weightless on the sea. Slumbering in their cabin through out the night, resting their soul for the next days labor. They burst up from below deck, energized, happy an ready to take on the sea. 5 strong, and abled body men. Happy, encouraged and ready for the long-term adventure that lie ahead. Their were no tales of pirates and worriers onboard this craft, only family men and fathers working diligently to provide and support their part. They would talk about sweet apple pies lounging around the house. Their days were often lazy because after they set sail, their would be nothing to do except for deck handing, and even then their were so much that could get done: the labor was mostly involved during the docking and undocking phase of the job, other than the maintaining of the speed and assisting with their regular choirs it always seems like a luxury vacation to some. Peter enjoys his coffee for a good part of the morning before the sun begin to overheat his exposed skin. Still in the creative phase of this book, he's still trying to create a good understanding, a good story line and with good potential. On board he has his own room, quarter for the crewman just below the captains quarters where he seeks his privacy. A just for for him to seek solitude and safety from the sun and from the playful and joyful expressions coming from such a wonderful group of men, like the ones he working with right now. Peter tidies up his area and retreats to his cabin. A writing table, a bed and a small cupboard designed to contain their belongings is all the room offered. Perfect for Peter he thinks to himself, he takes his seat protected from the scorching sun and protected from the joyful distractions of a happy crew. From within the cabin is a cosmos of it's own. The sounds of the creaks and the cracks became amplified to his sensitive ears in silence. Almost like the setting to its own fictional storyline. The creaks and the cracks that invoke the wonder of curiosity or even fear to the mind of a defenseless child could be heard stereotyping in this space. The joints of the ship is so that it presents its own personalities. Every joint fashioned together by the hands of man patiently awaiting the voyage for their chance to express their sound. Securing the minds of the crewman as they were designed to do. Waiting inside his room in silence on his bed, drifting alone with the sea: a calm relaxed shift to the right, followed by visa versa, an as long as the sea doesn't get to ruff it's peaceful like this always. At these moments is when he discovers his true self. Searching the inner workings of himself, and meditating on the sounds that could be heard he drifts off into a state of never ending self recreation. Clever! Peter is, he takes a marble from out of his pocket and places it on the cabin floor and returns to his silent sill mediation session. The marble could be heard rolling around on the floor. Calmly and really gently Peter relaxes into the sounds that are resonating from his surroundings, getting lost in the sounds of the joints and the marbles impacts, as it comes into contact with the boundaries in witch its contained. The isolation from land and from the people he knew, alone with isolation inside his room during meditation: Peter connects with his inner most workings through this practice, he thinks and developments his mind and life. Very faintly the deckhand's could be heard laughing over the marble and joints, followed by the sounds of their boots coming into contact with the wood surface, makes it clear that their activities have picked up. The deck of the ship is plenty large enough to play kickball rather simply, witch is probably most likely occurring. Over the course of the years the seamen have adapted their lifestyle on sea. Often getting bored, to bored to concentrate they come up with ways of entertaining themselves. Board games and cards and even sometimes they would bring their pets. Usually the boards and music was the normal pastime while waiting out at sea. The fishing poles in Eden were rather advanced, and have gotten more advanced over time: when the timing is just right they would cast out a line or chum up a shark for a cookout onboard. Witch usually worked very well in only a matter of hours. Tonight after they get anchored up and the meal started, Peter decides that he will host a class for everyone while they are eating, much like dinner and a movie. A few times he has done this and has gotten great results from the crew and maybe even from the crew he also got some cool points. The last lecture was of the effectiveness of the shipping transport, and every since they begin the coastal transport hub, people who was once out of contact with supplies have now become thriving villages near the coast. Adding a boost of value to the work performed by the men working hard at sea. The meditation is concluded by the sound of the marble coming into contact with a metal pole that supports the table. DING! an ear piercing sound is the perfect time to end the moment on, he leans over and waits a moment and it isn't to long before the marble comes rolling back his was. He scoops the marble up like, like smooth gliding operation that it's meant to be. He emerges from his cabin with one of his favorite parts of the job, attaching a bell to the highest point on the mass after they anchor. He overheard right after his moment of relaxation from the crew above so he naturally went to work on his role. They get the craft stopped and SPLASH! the crewmen toss overboard the gigantic anchor that would for certain hold them secure to the bottom. He scales the mass with bell in hand and success. The bell hardly ever rang if the sea is as calm as it is today. Every now and again a rogue wave will tilt the craft slightly more one way than the other and DING! the bell would sound off: other than that they will fly their flag high and secure their bell for tonight's feast. As the crewmen were getting the ship stopped and secured, Peter took the liberty of getting the fish ready by preparing a few gallons of chum. It wasn't long this close to the reef and scavenger fish were everywhere. As he was securing the bell he could see the activity beginning from below: a small fish here and a small shark their. He knew it wouldn't be, to long he thought to himself as he was descending. By the time he makes it back on solid ground below, he knew it would be like shooting fish in a barrel because they were plenty feeding on the chum and all he had to do is simply grab them with the gaff hook. Over the course of time they have crafted together a beautiful outdoor cooking area, the same area where he would lie out beneath the stars. All he had to do was move a few things around, create a little extra space and get the fire pit going. The dinner for tonight would shourly put a smile on everyone's face. Before he knew he had the crew asking how they could help, since their skills were so great that the ship was anchored and secure before he even had a chance to retrieve fuel. One of the crewmen gladly retrieved fuel from a dry storage compartment below deck: that thankfully restocked when the supplies are loaded at the dock. Their were several different species of fish to be had at this moment so the men had an option to be picky. One good sized grouper that had surfaced to check out all the activities within the chum cloud and a decent sized shark was plenty and all they needed for tonight. With the fire burning and the men laughing the captain took the opportunity to unveil a bottle of the finest brady that nature could provide. They all enjoyed good laughter and fellowship while out to sea and often with a good meal like the one before the spirits are worth evoking. The stars begin to show their face as the aroma of the grilled catch climbs higher and higher into the sky. The smell is delicious, the smiles are great and with all preparatory work completed and the meal fully cooked, them men chow down into potatoes and fish like it's the most glorious blessing from the creators. A week later Peter emerges from cabin with the same positivity as the morning before, he takes his place on deck, opens his journal, sips his coffee and begins his morning. The seagulls above above him this morning, again the sound of their calls echoes across the vast ocean surface. The stillness of the water this morning is perfect for him: once again he recalls his grandfather and the lessons he taught his peers, the inspiration that follows these memories will help him begin to continue the current ongoing story. Last night Peter received his papers, papers that informed him on the destination they were approaching. He had plenty of time to gather his mind together and learn what he needed to know about his duties and assignments. Today he was to meet new people and to create the current system, approaching their new incorporation. Agartha, a few hundred miles from Eden has evolved and has now been updated, updated with the current economy and development. Today will be the first ever delivery to Agartha and Peter is always pleased to meet new people, he also really enjoys the economic development experience, as he earns and learns with his work. The captain tells them that when they make it to the docking station at Agartha, they will have a few hours to stretch their legs in the city as he he has to appear in a few council meetings in the city. The crew thought that's fine and their is nothing more they would rather do. The view of the brand new docking facility for Agartha was perfect, simple and basic. Strong enough and secure enough to last hundreds of years. They get the craft all secured to the docking system and Peter begins his work. A few hours later he was done with what he was assigned to do. The captain was already in town working on his side of the organization and not to long ago the remainder of the crew followed behind him, venturing into Agartha and the unknown. Peter completes his work and tidies all things up on the dock and he himself decided that he would also go explore, and to maximize the productivity of the time docked. Peter makes his way to the library, he thought what better place to check out than the library of a new place. The library in Agartha appeared to be very well established and really well constructed: the place actually looked brand new to him. the door wasn't locked and their were people in the center or the village as if all things were fine, Peter turns the door knob of the library, it's unlocked, so he enters. He enters into the library and dazzled by the beauty of the construction. The library is full from wall to wall, nicely and neatly organized into a fashion that is easily and simply understood. Books and literature of all kinds and materials for school. He is alone and the silence reminds him of his cabin on the ships. Complete stillness except their is no cracks and creaks and their is no marble to be rolling. He walks around for a few moments before he is politely greeted by the librarian. The librarian on duty simply asks if would like assistance. Peter was simply admiring the place and the librarian was rater brief. Not lingering around or disturbing his visit and he didn't pursue or go any further. He was captivated for a moment by the style of literature in this library. He stands their for another moment taking everything in before proceeded to the next area of touring. He wanted a chance to connect with the teachers in the area, the next area of interest was the school. The school was built upon an area of the village that uplifted the school above the rest. Nestled up on a hill, the school overlooked the the village center and the inhabitants every morning as the society got their morning revolving. A very beautifully constructed school, perfect for the needs of Agartha. He enters into the school and is immediately greeted. Hello sir, 'how can I help you' I'm professor Tonto. Peter was impressed by the professors build and the way it sounded as if he were also the school knight. They introduced themselves and after they were acquainted, professor Tonto volunteered to give Peter a tour of the facility. Peter thought that this was an extraordinary idea, so he retrieved his writing utensil and paper and begin to take note, walking around listening to the professor introduce him to school of Agartha: he finds great pleasure in connecting with Tonto during this time. Peter didn't have much time to spend before he had to head back to the ship. He thanks Tonto for his service, wishes him a very happy day and hopes that he gets a chance to visit his school in the future. The upon arrival back to the craft Peter discovers that they are gonna have to spend the night in the bay: they were waiting on export goods that's causing their delay. Peter relays the messages to the seaman and they readjust. A few of them men ventured back out into the city in hopes of discovering new adventure, just like many others before them: And the other's choose to stay with the boat. Peter had in his mind to stay with the boat and prepare the meal for tonight, but considering exploring more of what Agartha had to offer.  He decided he would remain with the the boat and to begin preparation for tonight. Back in his room during meditation, he could faintly hear the people of the city as he patiently waited for the cracks of the joints. The sounds of the people outside his window was like that of divine messengers sent from the creators. The voices of the unknown from outside echoed from within his mind. Peaceful, creative and prosperous for his mind, prosperous to his mind and productive in every way imaginable. The evening time approaches and the people of the community begin to gather to see what extraordinary task had taken place here. Peter and his crew was the first ship to ever dock at Agartha. Some of the people hear had only heard of the operations and others had only seen from on shore, the mass of the ships as the wind pulled them up and down the coast. The people had gathered around too see the craft, to see the docking creation and to gossip about the new merchandise that their community will now have access to regularly. Children were running and laughing as the evening approached. Right next to the docking station was a sandy area that children would play from time to time. Their were several children in the water, splashing and carrying on. Parents and grandparents were feasting their eyes upon the possibilities of their humanity can conceive. The sounds of the children splashing in the water and the gathering from out side was good. He emerges from his cabin once again with the dinner in mind, but the plan know has changed, he didn't think it would be the safest practice with the children splashing around in the water. He noticed a meat market when he went into town to skout earlier, so the best idea in his mind is to return to the meat market and to retrieve what's needed for the crew. Easing his way through the crowd, Peter begin to feel a new emotion: never before has so many people payed so much attention to him. People hadn't experienced such a wonderful creation nor had they been associated with anyone who has around here, and to the children they were superhero's and savior's of the future of the people. The market hosted a brilliant selection of meats to choose from, from lamb to venison. Peter got lamb and rabbit for tonight's feast, another bottle of brandy and begin his journey back to the craft. As their night begin to speed up and the activity begin to pick up, they realized that in Agartha, family and community gatherings were more often than they thought. Hundreds of people showed up alone with vendors and performing artist such as musicians and dancers. The community was a really vibrant one that Peter really felt attached to for some reason, reasons that's yet unclear to him. But he thinks to himself during all the festivities that he hopes he is assigned the tasks of delivering to Agartha more often and is already, ready to return. The crewmen were instantly hooked to the people. The captain and Peter pour another glass of brandy and enjoys the aroma from the cookout as the people on shore in the center square of Agartha enjoy the activities into the late hours of the night. They take a seat on deck and begin to watch and chat about the wonderful world and how majestic things change and the way they change from out of nowhere. The dinner is complete and the lamb is of a perfect tenderness. The rabbits were full of moisture and fall off the tender. they both enjoy their fare share of cooking out before they realize that they have enjoyed the food and the night life into the late hours of the night. The next morning brought with it, energy of its own. Everyone knew what was happening. Peter and the crew take their position, and await the captains orders. NOW! the captains yells out to the crew: Peter ties off this and unties that. He pulls this and pushes that, they hear a loud CLINK! and then WHOOSH! the mass was full of wind, driving them out to sea, faster and faster the wind pulls then closer and closer to home. The ship is on the way back to Eden. But know Peter is beginning to wonder where home actually is. He feels at home in the ship cabin, he feels at home in Eden and know he really feels at home in Agartha. Peter takes a position next to the captains wheel, right next to the captain: he and the captain share a moment about the future of their life and of their jobs and service for Pangea and their villages. The captain tells Peter that he is ready to retire and that his sea legs isn't what they use to be and that he isn't sure how to proceed because he is responsible for choosing the captain apprentice. Peter takes this into consideration and instantly begins to think about how he could help the captain, but instantly realized that he hasn't got anyone that would be suitable for this position and that he would have to keep this in mind. Back out on the sea the waves are calm once more and the crew are in a slumber state: silently drifting around deck, more than likely recovering from the meat and alcohol. He makes his way over to his table and he gives it all up as he has a seat. Nothing! absolute nothingness as he looks at the sun setting. His mind is as calm as the ocean itself, his heart's content and relaxed to the maximum. The captain has in mind something in his cabin that he believes will make this an amazing moment: he calls out to Peter 'hey peter' the captain shouts from across the deck. 'Take the wheel for a moment' I'll be right back. Peter takes over as the captain returns to his quarters. He returns a few moments later with 2 pipes and a bag of tobacco. Every now and again they will share smoke together: a delightful and delicious treat they both thought to them selves as they packed their pipe full of tobacco. The captains says that this is rare tobacco from a secret grower inland and that this crop is more of a luxury required taste rather than normal tobacco that suits more normal occasions. This occasion was perfect for the captain, he say no better time to propose the toast. He then pulled 2 cups from a bag alone with the finest whiskey he believes that Agartha can produce. Would you like to rate? Peter say certainly: they enjoy a moment of unity and development. Peter had no idea that the captain was a hobbyist for fine liquor and smoke. As the night stars begin to emerge the captain yawns loudly, Peter is over near the fire pit resting his eyes. Taking the moment to enjoy the silence of the sea, all other deckhands have returned to their cabin and have begin their nights rest. Not even a mouse could be herd or seen, it was so silent and still. The captain gets his attention whistling loudly. Hey Peter, will you come take over? The captain sounded as if he was getting tired the ears of Peter. He couldn't think of any better way to help, 'certainly' he responds and makes his way over to the captains wheel. Peter is skilled enough that the captains has to say no more. Good night Peter, the captain yells out as he walks toward his cabin, and thanks for the helping hand. No problem Peters replies, I'm thrilled I can help. Thanks the captain say's. The squeaky hinges on the cabin door could be heard as he opens it follow by LATCH! the door secures behind the captain, as Peter stares into the sky. 
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