Chapter 1

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Kymbre My ears twitched at the sound of war, my skin crawled at the acknowledge of it. The sky had longed turned dark and grey, blood was in the air. We were in the deep of it, war. "Alpha Kymbre, the north border continues to weaken. It may be that time when your father is right." Eze stood before me. The worry that crossed his face I've seen countless times. He was one that never settles easily in trying times. But I am not low on faith, I will see my pack through to victory. I will not let my father be right. "I will not hear of it, bring in Ayele, now!" I demanded. The doors opened, the slither of light revealing my dearest cousin. She hobbled inside, holding her side that leaked blood, oozing through her fingers. I straightened up as her violet eyes pierced through me as she approached. "Enough," She gritted out painfully. "you petty, self-centered, brat." Ayele hissed. "Is that how you speak to your Alpha?" I inquired. "You're no Alpha of mine, you are a selfish person. Putting your pack, and your family through the nonsense of war. You, my beloved cousin, you are no alpha if you cannot see your own wrong." She spat. Eze stood next to her silent, as my Beta should he not speak up? Or is his loyalty more important to his sister? I care not to dwell on the thought. "As my military advisor, what do you propose I do? If the North border fall, then what?" I questioned. "We'll be slaughtered, all in vain. As your advisor, I propose and plea with you to speak to the Alpha of the South Waters." "No." I adamantly refused. "Then you've killed us all." She replied with a bitter chuckle, "I will not allow the blood of my children to water this land." She claimed. Biting down on my tongue, I held back my words forcing them down into my throat that dropped to the depths of my stomach. Was there no other way around it? What do my people think of me? "You do know what turning your back on me, on our pack means?" I looked at her; she was growing weaker by the second. Ayele was no shifter, be it that one parent is human. Her powers weren't strong, and her healing stamina was that of a human as well. Her willpower and courage were more than enough to make her the general advisor of my military. When she didn't respond, that was all the confirmation that I needed. "Take her to the infirmary, make sure that she and her family are removed safely as soon as she's healed," I muttered. Eza nodded, aiding Ayele in walking and leaving my presence. There I was left with my thoughts. The border was weakening, my people are losing faith in me. What else was there for me to do? My thoughts were interrupted when pounding on my door erupted. Two of my guards were thrown, bleeding out from wounds on their chests. Standing, a figure approached the door and shock couldn't explain what I was truly feeling. "Hello, my love." Enam smiled smugly as he crossed the threshold. My body burned as my bones cracked, breaking down as my shift began. I could taste blood as I bit down on my tongue. Enam took a step closer and I launched myself at him. "Oh, are you not happy to see your beloved?" He taunted, stepping aside swiftly. A low growl erupted from the back of my throat, Enam narrowed his eyes at me as he lowered himself. He shifted inhumanly possibly. Coming at me quickly, I stood my ground and latched on to one of his legs. Sinking my teeth in securely, I was still easily flung off. Let's not fight, I come in peace. I have one last proposal. How was it possible for him to link to my mind? It shouldn't be possible at all. There was no connection between us. Shocked, are we? Stand down, Kymbre. × × × "You have not even a minute to explain yourself, you got thirty seconds." I narrowed my eyes at him. Two guards brought in towels for him and a new robe for me, not far behind them I noticed my parents enter the room. I locked eyes with my father who wore a stern expression. He was never happy with anything I do. "Thank Goddess you two haven't harmed each other." My mother sighed, hand pressed against her chest. "Not yet anyway, what is the meaning of this? Why is he here?" I inquired. My father folded his arms over his chest, his sandy-red locs fell over his shoulders. He stood at six feet and five inches while, his honey, gold eyes were intimidating. I was raised to fear no one, so initially his scolding didn't scare much. "Since you're choosing not to be an adult about this, I'm stepping in for the sake of our pack. You're stepping down as Alpha take your role as Luna." He explained. "I refuse." "Kymbre, you don't have the privilege to refuse. At this moment and forward, you are no longer Alpha. In the coming weeks, will be the ceremonies." My mother took a turn to speak. My eyes shifted from between the two before landing on Enam, he stared me down with an arrogant, smug look on his face. If only if I could dig my claws into his skin and rip it away from his nerves and bones. If only, this decompressing feeling that held me down wasn't there. Decompressing... "Are you using your power to hold me back?" I looked to my father. I was seething with anger to the point that I could feel my body reach a boiling point. I wad a kettle and my top had blew long ago but I wad being silenced. He stared at me, and kept staring so hard that the veins in his neck began to throb. "My precious, you really should do what's best for your pack. There was no need for previous bloodshed." Enam chimed in. "Do not speak to me so freely." I gritted out. Slowly I felt the pressure weighing me down release, my mother stepped forward clasping her hand onto mine. She looked me in the eyes sadly. It was nothing short of a silent plea. "Since you refused any lessons, you'll have to pack everything into a month. Being Luna is not easy, but you will do just fine as long as you follow the lead of your Alpha." She claimed. "Follow the lead?" I scoffed. "I'll do no such thing because he is not needed. I will lead my pack all of my own will." I acclaimed tearing away from her. "Kymbre." My father bellowed a warning. "Look on the brightside, my precious, my training has been done for two years. Our pack is in good hands while you...get yourself together." A smile crept across his face. "You f*****g--" I started to leap towards him. Within a millisecond, I was on the ground. The atmosphere weighed me down. My ribs felt as if they were being crushed under the pressure. "You will calm down and you will not get up until he leaves the room. Do you hear me, don't you dare try to get up unless you want broken ribs." My father warned. "Kymbre, stay down." My mother pleaded. Enam looked on with a taunting expression, he nodded and turned his back to me as he walked away. I told you, you can never get rid of me. His voice invaded my head, I screamed out in frustration thrashing around where I laid. Every movement hurt worse than the last. I didn't care, I wanted to watch his blood drip from my claws.
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