Chapter 3: The Bandits

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What if their back to finish the job?! “Stay down and be quiet.” Something slams against the ground outside the cabin. Startled, I jump and wrap my arms around his waist. “What if they…” As soon as I realized I was hugging him, I pulled away. “Warren, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...I…” “Shhhh…” To my surprise he softly grabbed my hand. “Stay and don’t move. If I’m not back in 10 minutes, call the cops.” He let go of my hand before I could even argue. He’s capable but will he come back safely? I pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1, hovering my finger over the call button. How long has he been gone? Seconds, minutes? Should I call? No Charlotte. Wait. It’s too early. Just as I’m about to put my phone in my pocket, the door swings open, startling me. Right before I scream, a hand covers my mouth. “It’s me, calm down.” My body relaxes at the soothing sound of his voice. He pulls his hand away from my mouth. “Did you get them? Are they tied up?”  “Come take a look, shall we?” He takes my hand and leads me outside. “Look.” I look down at the garbage can knocked over and see a raccoon head pop out. “Raccoons?” He laughed. “Yes.” I laugh and pull the door closed a little harder than necessary. “You sure do have an angry side considering how tiny you are.” “I do not!” “Sorry, I must’ve mistaken the wind slamming the door shut?” I smirked. “You were just as startled as me Mr. Tough-Guy.” “I don’t get scared.” “Everyone does.” He takes a gun out of his holster and puts it on the table. “You have a gun?” He nodded. “I’m here to protect you. How else am I going to protect you” “But why would you need it here?” “Can’t ever be too careful. I’ll go deal with the trash pandas.” As he leaves, my phone vibrates. It’s from Hannah! H: what the hell is going on?! You’re all over the news! Something about a shooting! U ok?? C: physically yes but it’s been a stressful few days. H: u haven't told me anything, why? C: i would’ve nut nobody’s telling me anything either :/ H: Jesus. Are u home? Can i come over? C: Adam sent me away with a bodyguard. Some ex-SEAL H: whoa, I’m so jealous girl! C:why? H: he’s hot right? All SEALs are hot. There are so many crazy fantasies running through my mind rn :) C: what? H: don’t u see? This is your chance! You haven’t had real love in YEARS! Get on that one! Bow chicka wow wow. C: oh shut up! And one problem , i'm married! H: lol you and i both know what a wonderful marriage it is, Char. ur husband cheats on u every time you turn ur back. C: which is why i'm leaving him as soon as his campaign is over. H: see? So stop worrying about that asshole and focus on someone else??? C: not that simple emma H: why’s that? Does s*x with him entail a proposal? C:no? H: stop making excuses then. If ur into him, go for it girl! C: guess you have a point. H: damn right C: still impossible. He’s too professional and would never cross that line with me. H: no man can resists a body likes urs. U have curves that are to die for! I think u should show him exactly what he’s missing! Did u bring anything sexy? C: well…. H: that’s my girl :) wear something in front of him, he can’t resist C: omg your such a bad influence on me! H: u love me. C: ofc i do. H: i gtg get ready for a meeting but let me know how it goes :) and how good his package is ;) H: omg Hannah! She’s right about that one thing. I do deserve better than what my so-called husband has been giving me. I think back to the way Warren watched me as I got out of the shower. The image began to run through my head. If he’d just ripped the towel off my body… if he’d push me up against the wall and brought his hands up to my… no no no! Jesus where are these thoughts coming from? Damn it, Hannah. I walk into the bedroom and close the door behind me. At the base of the bed is Warren lying on his mattress. “So, you’re still sleeping in the same room as me?” “Of course.” “Right.” Hannah’s words run through my head again, and I can’t help but to think she’s right. But can I really seduce him? Will he go for it? I sense his eyes on me as I go over to the bed. “Is it hot in here?” “No?” “Well, I feel hot.” “Okay.” “I can’t sleep like this.” I gesture down to my pajamas and he gives me a confused look. “Then just change into something else?”  “Good idea. Do you maybe have a t-shirt I can wear?” “Don’t you have your own clothes?” he asked, suspiciously. “They’re all very tight.” “I’m sure you can find a solution.” Maybe I should change? Here goes nothing. I look away from him and peel my top over my head, slowly and teasingly, revealing my black lace bra I put on earlier. My bottoms are the next to go, putting my satin thong on display. I stretch and give him a front-row view. “Ah. Much better.” I hear his breathing stop. I glance at him, but his eyes are focused on the ground. Even though he’s being polite and giving me privacy, the hungry look in his eyes tells me he’d rather be doing something else. Maybe I should listen to Hannah more often. I head over to the bed and quietly pull the covers up around me. I can hear him trying to calm his breathing. I must have affected him that much. As I’m staring at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts I hear him whisper,“Goodnight, Charlotte.” “Goodnight Warren.” The next morning, my mind is made up. Mission Seduce Warren is in the process. Teasing is fun, but I need to turn it up a notch by picking an outfit that’s going to help me...One without a bra. I changed into a short top and joggers, exposing the right places. Perfect. Time to put my plan in motion.  When he comes into the kitchen, I’m almost finished making our breakfast. “Good morning! I’ve got eggs and pancakes but the bacon isn’t done yet. There’s also some fruit if you prefer a lighter option. Have a seat?” He looks at me suspiciously. “What’s all this for?” “Oh, this? I just wanted to do something nice for you since you’ve been an amazing bodyguard.” “Have I?” I lean over to hand him a plate and his eyes lower from my face to my chest but immediately looks away. Okay, not the reaction I wanted. “Want anything to drink?” “No thanks.” “You sure?” “Yes, Mrs. Lexington.” God I hated being called Mrs. I thought to myself, why is he being all formal and polite? “Okay…” He walks over to the table and sits down. I turn off the stove and join him. “Did you sleep well?” “I slept fine, thank you.” “Even on the air mattress?” He nods and takes a bite of a pancake. Warren has amazing self-control. Maybe I should dazzle it up a little. I spread out the chocolate over my pancakes and then bring a piece to my mouth, letting the chocolate drip a little over my lower lip. “Oops.” I lick my lower lip seductively but he avoids my gaze. What in the hell is going on? He’s not reacting to anything. The rest of the breakfast was an uncomfortable silence. Whenever I try to start a conversation, he ends it with a one-worded answer. When he starts to wash the dishes, I make one last effort. “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” I snatch the gun from his holster when he angrily spins around to grab me.  Guess it didn’t work. Dropping the gun, I loosen myself from his grip and wash my plate. There was no point in trying again. As I walked out to the living room, I felt him looking at me. Just ignore him Charlotte. Frustrated, I go into the bedroom and sit on the bed. You’re a grown ass woman, stop pouting like a child. He clearly has no interest in me. As I stand up to go into the bathroom, she hears his footsteps and turns her back. “Look, I’m sorry.” I shrugged, not able to face him. “Don’t be. I’m...” Before I could even finish my sentence, he walked up to me and pinned my body up against the wall. He was inches from her face, showing the complete lust in his face. He doesn’t want to make the first move. Without giving it a second thought, I close the gap and press my lips against his. What I hadn’t prepared for, were the fireworks that sparked when my lips met his. I wanted more, so much more. Our lips felt in sync as he takes control and bites my lower lip, causing a moan to escape from my lips. His hands slide down to my hips and pulls me even closer. Fire shoots through my veins when his tongue tangles with mine. I want more, much more. As if reading my mind, his arms reach down to grip beneath my thighs. He presses me up against the wall even harder and wraps my legs to straddle his waist. He grinds into my hips as his hands tighten beneath my thighs. I can feel his erection pressed up against me, and the want of him stifles a loud moan that escapes my mouth. “Please Warren…” My tone sounds desperate but he pays no mind. If anything, it seems to turn him on even more. He moans and the sound is a direct line to my aching body. I gasp as his lips leave mine and travel across my jawline. As he sucks his way down my neck, the slight stubble from his beard runs against my skin. A shudder wracks through me and I grab onto his shoulders using my nails to pull him closer. “Holy s**t Charlotte. You feel so f*****g good.” His words make my body ache even more for him. I feel his hand up my shirt until it’s unhooking my bra. “Please…” “Please what?” His whisper is dark and seductive and I can’t help but feel surprised at the way my body reacts. I’ve never had a man taken control of me the way he is. I never expected to actually beg him to touch me. “My body is aching for you, touch me please.” His fingers tease me by brushing against my skin right above my pants. He slowly inch by inch reaches the waistline of my underwear. I pull his mouth back to mine, and feeling the need intensify. His lips, fingers and body are pressed against mine in a deadly combination. “Warren…” I reach down to lift his shirt but to my surprise, he stops me. He pulls away and I’m left trying to clear my thoughts. “Warren?” He shuts his eyes and lets out a frustrated breath. “I crossed the line with you.” He steps back and lowers me to the ground, putting as much distance between us as possible. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have I…” “Please.” I hear the pleading in my voice for his touch but I get shut down. “I chose to kiss you.” “But I didn’t stop you.” He said in a stone cold tone. “This can’t happen.” “I know you feel this too.” “Doesn’t matter how I feel or what I want. Your married and also my client to protect.” “My marriage is bullshit. You know that as well as I do.” “Regardless. If we were to ever slip up, it could put you in danger. I can’t do this again.” “I trust you. I know you won’t ever let anything happen to me.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I need some air.” I watch as he turns and walks out the front door, slamming it shut behind him. I should feel guilty but I don’t. After so many years of pure hell, I refuse to feel bad. I deserve better and right now, Warren’s it. I just wish he would see it that way too. I decided to try and clear my head by watching some TV. As I’m going through channels, I see a bold headline that made my heart drop. Underneath the picture of me plasters “MISSING PERSON” Missing person?!
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