Chapter 1

1533 Words
Cameron Gibson  "Cam wake up"  I groaned in annoyance as mom pulled my blanket my body shaking in cold "Mom what are you doing?"  I asked as I took the blanket from her and covered myself "Don't make me angry Cameron" she said snatching the blanket again I snickered " the fact that you have such a short temper is not my fault cause I didn't do anything for you to be angry about" I said snatching the blanket again and covered myself. "why do you hate school so much?" She asked  yep she was right I loathed school infact I despise the place where people take advantage of the other ones just because the weak or vulnerable but I couldn't say that to mom so I stood up and went to shower because me the fighting won't get me anywhere. "It's funny how you love your books but hate school" mom said while I was getting ready for school " Mom please not now you are a high school dropout you know nothing about these things so please I'm begging you" I said while biting the insides of my mouth in fear of her reply that was really low of me. "So what you want to become like me?" She said while looking at me with the corner of her eye her look was daring me to say yes and I wanted to say yes just for her reaction but again it's too early to be messing around with people who have a temper as hot as my mom's  "What's wrong with?" I asked as I continued to move around my small room which had a bed and wardrobe and a small bathroom it was really small but I knew it's what we can afford. I avoided any eye contact with mom and continued with what I was doing not paying her attention "Whats wrong with me? You don't see anything wrong with me?" She asked I heard her voice crack at the end of the sentence in shock I quickly stole a glance at her I found her eyes teary and she blinked them away I don't know why she's crying she chose this life herself "Mom why do you always make it seem like someone else chose this life for you? You chose this life yourself stop blaming another person whoever that person is" I said as I hardened my eyes as I looked at her my mom is always hard on me and this was my chance for revenge. "No one made you leave school and get drunk" I said the last sentence while opening the door to my room and exiting. My mom was housewife maybe that bored here because in her days she was a rule breaker staying at home looking after kids and husband is not like all I'm sure this depresses her. "Morning Dad" I said as I kissed my dad's cheek who was sitting on the small breakfast table we had and watching TV also eating our house was so small that the kitchen and dining room were in the same room. "Dry toast again?" I said as i picked it up and inspected in irritation "Unless you have something better" that's my drunkard of a brother Brad he was just getting home from Brad took Mom exactly about everything he quit school still in highschool and got drunk and did drugs mom did that.I didn't even reply I just looked at him then Dad. Dad's eyes were glued on the TV in our house we survived with Dad's salary I don't know what will happen if Dad ever lost his job he was a painter in some gallery and he earned money from selling his paint it wasn't much but we survived. "Cameron you still here" mom said while emerging from my room "I was just leaving" I said while exiting the house after saying goodbye to Dad. Dad is the only sane person in that house. Maybe God was just punishing me with this family we are poor and alcoholics who love drugs who hate school how are we going to get out of this poverty with a family like this I wish I was Stacey my rich Bestfriend. She's rich she's beautiful and her family is organised everyone strives for success to make the parents proud my family is messed up I'm not even happy there. I finally reached school I quickly got into the quards and went to my locker I got my books and locked my locker when I turned around I knocked into someone and my books fell down. I knelt down to pick them up I felt someone tugging my Jean jacket for me to look up. I bit the insides of my mouth to avoid cursing at this person "The nerd" I heard laughter follow I glared at the ground as I continued to pick my books up  "Cameron look up boy" another laughter followed there was nothing funny to what this moron was saying I finished picking up my books and stook up pushing my glasses to my nose yes I wore glasses brushing my black hair straight "how can I help you Tyler" I asked as I looked at him in the eyes. The hallways were full of his friends from the soccer team the team that bullied the vulnerable "Oh you think you are tough now? Who said you can look at me straight in the eyes?" I rolled my eyes " Tyler who said I have to listen to you? This is a free world I can do anything I want stop fooling yourself you can't control me" it's been years since his been bulling me and I haven't told anyone not even Stacey I couldn't afford to have her look at me with pity she already does when she's in my house I can't do it. Tyler with anger pushed me against the wall grabbing my neck in the process and cutting my air supply short I gasped and tried to grab his hand but he was strong I was now turning red from not breathing the bell rang and he let go of me "Stop thinking you clever okay? You gonna get hurt and I seriously don't want to hurt your pretty face" he said as I fell down catching my breath "uurgh fighting back never ends well for me everytime I tell him he doesn't own me I end up getting a heating I'm not doing it anymore I'm done I'm just gonna let him beat me up and I'm gonna keep quiet I have no energy for him. In this entire school he was bulling people but none of them fought back.  "You so weak" some girls said then burst out laughing passing me at the hallways it's gonna be a long day that's why I hate school it's full of monsters with different agendas. Tyler bullied me even in kindergarten now we are in highschool he hasn't stopped I really want to tell him a parents because they are close to my parents but I can't ruin their relationship for this so I let it bug myself only I hate making my problems someone's problem. School dragged on as the school jocks continued to pick on me I felt like the close was not moving finally the bell rang I was the first person who left the school gates I couldn't breath in that whole I felt suffocated. I made my way home "Hey hop in" I turned my head and met my Bestfriend's dazzling smiling "why are you always in a good mood?" I asked her as I got into the car she was driving a black two door Audi she laughed and sighed while looking out in the window of the car "can we just celebrate life while we can Cameron" she said while smiling at me I just stared at her with a blank face.Stacey had a good life that's why she's always smiling. Her mother is not a high school dropout her brother is not an alcoholic and drug abuser. "I really hope we are not going to your house otherwise I'm gonna jump out of this freaking car if we are" Stacey parents didn't like me simple especially his father he had that disgusted look he always threw at me when he saw just because I'm poor "Coke on it's not that bad" Stacey said while laughing it's not that bad because it's not her that they hate it's me she has no idea how it feels to hated over a thing you can't chance "Please drop me of home" I said while looking away from her face I'd rather stay at home with my dysfunctional family that got to her rich house that lacks love and warmth.I swear her mom is evil she also hates me the only person who doesn't hate me is her brother and also her uncle the rest they despise me. I went home and slept for the rest of the day hoping my life would be better the following day maybe a less violent.
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