Episode 2

1838 Words
"Don't blame me that you are lonely!" I sighed lifting my feet from the bed to my mat and getting out of bed I was already used to my parent's arguing it's been years where they constantly at each other's throats about their marriage falling apart. "Who must I blame?" My mom shouted she had the most screeching voice like the typical rich house wife voice. Mom had an issue with Dad working late Dad always chose work over his wife and family he'd rather bury himself into loads of work than to sit and have dinner with us.Hi my name is Stacey and this is my life. I grew up in a mansion unlike other kids a mansion full of workers servants that were hired to serve me in anyway I wanted but at the expense of my parents company. I grew up being raised by maids my mom didn't work but she attended balls and parties all those boring parties rich people had I never got an opportunity to see what kind of person she is. As far Dad always away on business even for half a year away on business he avoided his family at any cost. "I'm gonna divorce you Richard!" Mom screamed I stopped what I was so doing and listened my heart beating beyond normal dog rce is never good. My palms immediately were sweaty I wiped them with my pyjama bottoms are listened "what are you waiting for?" Dad's voice said back Mom knew she couldn't divorce Dad.Dad was the main breadwinner everything belonged to him even the clothes we were wearing. He was right he was supporting us in anyway possible the only way he was lacking was supporting us emotional he didn't even know how I'm feeling physically or emotionally including everyone in this house mom my twin brother and my uncle Dad's brother "I work day and night! I sweat blood for you not to sleep on a hungry stomach you take my credit cards and buy yourself expensive clothes and you buy everyone in this house! Where do you think that money comes from? You think I sleep and work and the wake up with this huge amount of money? No it requires time and energy which you lack! Thats why you don't work you lack the power to make money! You want us to switch roles and for you to work! I don't think so you wouldn't last a day" Dad voice was shouting I'm sure even the maids were listening. "If you can't stand my money leave! Marian" I couldn't believe  it that Dad was letting mom go after so many years just because he is obsessed with making money. I went downstairs and made myself coffee the maids were already moving around preparing breakfast and cleaning but you would swear no one was down here they worked quitely like professionals. I made my coffee I heard dads voice coming downstairs while throwing demands at the workers. "Somebody get the me the damn driver!" Everyone moved at his voice I pitied them all he was an arrogant man who cared about no one but his money. I glanced and him and met his eyed that were already looking at me "Don't judge me Stacey" I raised my eyebrow in question since when do I judge people I hardly speak around him. I just turned around and finished my coffee. I quickly made my way to my room and got ready for school after I finished I grabbed my car keys and my school and made my way downstairs "Pick this up" my brother's voice demanded I fastened my pace to see whats going with Zack involved nothing is ever good. "Hey Hey whats going on here?" I asked as I saw one of our maids carrying Zacks books. "Zack why aren't you carrying your own books?" I asked as i gestured to the books carried by the maid. " I don't have to answer to you" I took the books from the maids hands and shoved them into Zack's arms he quickly got hold of them. "And she doesn't answer to you stop being a jerk and do it yourself you only going to the study whats your issue? You always bully people to do things for you" I said while looking at him Zack wanted nothing to do with high school he just chose to be home schooled I preferred high school. 'You can go" I softly said to the maid and then turned to my brother " You can also go" I said while exiting the house I got in my black audi I preferred driving myself and my big brother preferred having a driver lets just say Zack hated doing things for himself.  I made my way to school the moment I arrived my car was surrounded by cheerleaders I was one of them kets say I was the queen Bee of the school but I wasn't mean I just spoke less. I hugged all of them cheerleaders were the fakest people I've ever seen they would anything for popularity I just didn't fit in because I hated being popular it was just in my genes because my family was also popular in our neighborhood well that was because of Dad's hardwork. "Guys you should see how my ** likes go up Everytime I upload a picture" of the fakest bimbos Michelle said all the other girls cheered and agreed giving each other tips on how to earn ** likes "Look at that ugly thing" we all turned our heads towards the direction Michelle was pointing only the see my one and only best friend "I swear it seems like she just wakes up and wears whatever she lands her hands on first" another girl said. " Apparently she's poor so she doesn't have nice clothes and they live in a small room with that drunkard of a brother she has" my heart broke when I had that because that was my best friend they were talking about but I couldn't defend her. I once defended her and it went wrong she didn't appreciate my help just told me that she can stand up for herself she doesn't need my help from then onwards I avoided her at School. The cheerleaders were right she stuck out like a sore thumb in this school it was for the rich and I'm the one who got her a place here because I knew someone as clever as her deeerved high education. "Gusy stop talking about other people like that" I said softly as I can and as usual they listened to what I said I made my way to school and it carried on until after school when I was driving home then I ran into Cameron. "Hey hop in" I said while offering her one of my fakest smile. She bought it snd got in "why are you always in a good mood?" I laughed and replied "you wouldn't get in if I offered you a lift with a grumpy face would you?" I laughed again I wasn't really happy but a small part of rejoiced at seeing my bedt friend. "Please don't tell me we are going to your house if so I'm jumping out of this car" Cam exaggerated while looking at me for a reply I laughed more " I don't understand why you hate my house so much" it really hurt that she didn't want anything to do with my house but I visited her it seemed more personal. "Your mom doesn't like me you know?" She said while looking out the window of the car " my mom doesn't like herself besides you not there for her you visiting me" I said while keeping my voice stern so Cam can agree "No please drop me off at my house" she said while squinting her eyes at me I formed my lips into a straight line and nodded to avoid talking to much about useless things. I dropped Cam off and made my way off to a bar well it was the most secretive place done exactly for people like us that arr running away from their problems. I got into the bar without showing my ID to the security they already knew me. Got into the bar got a few drinks and shots and some drugs then I started feeling a little bit lighter my problems were disappearing the more I drank and smoked myself away. "And who made you so upset that you drinking your problems away so bad." I smiled and I eyed my meal for the night "and how does it bother you?" I threw him a hungry look he got closer and laughed " I care when I see a lady as beautiful as you are so stressed looking to be at the edge" I hated it when someone saw right through me because I fekt vulnerable like they can see my pain I was ashamed of my pain. "I'm good don't worry yourself with me" I said while turning my chair to the bar and drinking my soul away "no I can't possibly leave you here" I turned and looked at him glaring at him "you can and you will I think your wife is waiting for you at home" ohk this was a man who seemed to be in his late 30s exactly my type I stood and immediately missed a step the guy caught me and helped me outside I knew I wasn't going home tonight "my car or your car" the man asked and he decided his car is better we got in and he drove to a hotel I spent the night there.then took a cab in the morning to take me to the bar so I can get my car. I arrived at my house and went straight to my room and got in a hot bath soaking my hangover away.No one even noticed I was not home I hate living in this house its extremely horrible we never laugh if you do its because of the tv well even the TV doesn't seem to be funny these days and this house lacks love but as long as we had the money right thats whats important. I heard a knock at my room I didn't open "who is it?" I shouted from inside "its me where were you last night?" I rolled my eyes at this i really hated my uncle he was such a dodgy and creeply guy "Who said I have to answer to you?" I said to him " Young lady I'm not your friend I'm your uncle" he said while turning the knob thank God I locked " and you never will be. How did you know I wasn't here? What were you doing in my room at night?" You see when I say dodgy I heard him walk away. I hate my life.
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