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Phew. Thank God.   Kaye took a breath of relief when Doctor Martin told her that Miko was going to be fine. He got worried when he saw him earlier since the police officers just brought him in some days ago for the treatment. So, he assumed the pup might have gotten some infection or worse than that. He looked relieved when she told her otherwise.   "Good thing there aren't any deep lacerations. In time, he will be fine. I'll prescribe this wound spray. You can apply it two to three times a day. It would also help him avoid scratching the infected areas so as not to re-open the wounds. You can either spray it directly or dab it with cotton," Dr. Martin, the veterinarian advised.   He also grew up in Mt. Salvador. Although he was living closer to the mountainous area, he was fond of their place near the bay. Mostly on his days off, you would see him by the shore with some of his buddies.     "Once he's recovered, try to make time to take him for a walk. Play fetch or take him for a dip on the beach. And this is also the best time to train him. Dog's of this age have a lot of energy to spare. So, exercising would be great."   "Yeah, thank you so much, doctor," she replied while slightly bowing her head.   He still looked energetic even in his fifties. He was hands-on in managing their family's farm. They mostly grew vegetables and sold them at the market. Or oftentimes, he would offer help to the fishermen during his free time. Looked like he just couldn't stay still.   He was around the same age as Macy was. They grew up together after all. Went to the same school for years.   Looking back, she had memories of him coming over to their house and cafe few days a week. They would share meals. Visit places together. It has even gotten to a point where she thought that he was going to be her father. She was just in elementary school by then. Somehow she felt embarrassed thinking about that now. She was so naive then.   He was a gentle and caring person. Fitted for someone who cares for and treats animals for a living. In her opinion, anyone would have agreed to have him in their family.   "Oh, no," she gasped worriedly seeing Miko walking around.   Miko was roaming around the room, sniffing here and there. She got troubled because he might poop or pee out of nowhere.   "Oh, don't worry.” Martin dismissed the idea. “After all, it's their primary sense to sniff around. Whatever they see and know comes through their noses."   He gave her a soft smile before continuing. "Do you have troubles with your dog?"   She shook her head. "Nah. Just the usual. He would chew off my slippers or shoes. Or I would just discover that he peeped or pooped somewhere in the house. It's challenging since Hina was already old when I got to spend more time with her. And she was a highly disciplined dog."   He released a hearty laugh. She can't help but felt nostalgic from the sound of that. She could recall them eating ice cream by the beach, laughing at her messy way of eating.   It took a while for him to compose himself. Then he took Miko and placed him on her lap. The dog calmed down and settled.   "Anyway, how are you now?" the air around them suddenly changed.   He was nice. And she had known him all her life. Much like Macy, he was a great father figure. So she was certain his concern was genuine.   She swallowed the lump on her throat and responded with a soft smile. Trying her best not to be so obvious. "Well, I haven't adjusted to it yet. But I think I'm getting better."   He held her hands and looked straight into her eyes. "My heart breaks with you for the loss of your Aunt. I know it's difficult. I've known her since so I can say for sure that she enjoyed her life with you in it. But the only choice that we have is to move on."   Her throat felt clogged as words kept raining at her. Somehow, she realized her breathing got heavy. It suddenly got dense. This was why she wanted to avoid making contact with people who knew her aunt because those memories she wanted to overcome kept coming back all over again.   He released her hands and leaned back on the chair. Then he looked out the window. His eyes were looking at a distance. But for certain, his mind wasn't on the view outside.   "There was a point in my life that I longed to be with her." He was grinning to himself as if reliving some memories from his younger days. "I loved her."   She expected that. It was no secret to her that Martin loved her Aunt. After all, it was obvious to everyone except to her aunt who was blinded. Her heart was tightened in pain.   "She was reckless. But it was her recklessness that made her fear nothing." Martin was going down memory lane. "The way she does things without regrets is what I admired the most."   He closed his eyes. Reminiscing of what’s left of Macy on his memory. Macy's face, when they were in high school, was clear as day.   "Martin, try this new dessert I made yesterday."   "What do you think? Too sweet?"   "Hey, Martin. I have something with fruits today."   "Hehe. I'm glad you liked it. Do you want anything else tomorrow?"   Thoughts of Macy flooded him. Macy was expressive. She was like an open book, easy to read. He took a deep breath before saying more.   "Actually, I asked her multiple times. I just refuse to give up. Even if she had been vocal of her answer." He took a deep breath. Like he was letting go of something heavy. "But she said she had her hands full. It consumed her so much seeing you abandoned like that by her sister. She felt so guilty. So she solely dedicated her life to you. Because for her, you are her everything."   He then turned to her with such a lonely look in his eyes. His eyes were glistening against the sun.   Kaye gasped. She bit her lip, trying to stop herself. Her eyes water and shine from tears.   She balled her fists on her lap, grasping at the fabric of her jeans. She can't keep herself from trembling. Guess she wasn't mature enough to bring her emotions under control. She started sobbing like a child.   She can correlate to this man. His feelings. Loneliness. The expression on his face.   After all, it was the same look she saw every day in the morning as she faced the mirror. Such a miserable look to start the day.   "Hush now. That's not something to be crying over for," he was beside her now rubbing her back for her to calm down.   She curled in her seat covering her mouth, trying to hide the sound of solitariness. She didn't expect her visit to the animal clinic today would end like this. Guess it was inevitable when meeting someone close to your family.   Miko then looked up at her with his ears tucked in. At the same time, he was whining while licking her face. The poor pup got distressed. He was as sensitive as she was.   She can't help but feel guilty. She could tell all the regret from the tone of his voice. Every word he said was achingly painful. He handed her some napkins to wipe her tears.   What could she possibly say to ease his regrets? From one broken person to another. Would that be convincing at all?   "I'm sorry," all she could utter in between sobs.   She heard him sigh. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not telling you this to blame you. All I want you to know is she lived a fulfilling life and didn't regret her choices. Especially having you."   The slight tremble in his voice didn't escape her. He might have looked on the positive sight of things but he has his share of sorrows, too. An admirable person indeed.   They were in that situation for some time. He kept showering her with comforting words. Looking back, Martin was also beside her like this when Macy was proclaimed dead by the doctor in the hospital. She kept crying selfishly while being comforted by a person with the same grief as she had.   "You can always take your time, Kaye. No one will force you to forget her either. Just don't do anything that would make Macy come back alive and smack you," he gave her one of those fatherly looks.   She may have looked like a snotty brat right now. She kept blowing her nose when she calmed down. The box of tissue was reduced almost to half.   "I always suppressed crying like this because I think it will make me feel worse." She said in between. "But talking to your right now made me feel better. Thank you, Martin."   She gave him a warm tight hug. Good thing it was almost lunchtime. Or else, the waiting patients would have been annoyed.   Before leaving, Martin invited her to lunch. They spent time as they had before when she was a kid. Both of them savored all the memories they had with Macy. By the end, he reminded her that she could always count on him if anything happens in the future.   "Don't forget to rely on me," he said as he waved at her goodbye.
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