1911 Words
“Come on, Miko.”    Kaye called her pup and motioned him on the leash. The sun just rose but she needed to buy some fresh ingredients in the market. This hour would be the best time to shop. Not crowded, not too hot.   She regularly brought him along so he could familiarize the area and the people he should know.    According to Martin, he was over two months old on their first check-up. It was scary to think about what he went through in that box. But she never recalled seeing Miko troubled. Rather, he was always lively.    He was skipping around wagging his tail. The market was situated in the bay area. So definitely, they would be able to see the sun by the beach while enjoying a whiff of fresh air.    Miko savored the journey. He kept swinging his tail in exhilaration. It seemed like he loved the feel of the wind on his long white fur. He would even howl from time to time.   She was pleased. It was just months ago when she took him in. Though his wounds finally healed, the scars were still visible. Scars may stay but his memory of it disappeared. It was kind of amazing. Humans barely recover from trauma. So seeing Miko’s behavior was kind of incredible for her.   It only took ten minutes for them to reach the market. Most of the population on this hidden gem only used bicycles. They preferred that much to keep the air clean and of course, it was expensive to maintain cars in this part of the country. Still, some businesses in town used pick-up trucks. Their car batteries often froze or the car’s system would malfunction due to congestion.   Also, supplies were limited in town. If you wanted something currently unavailable like car parts, you could order online but it would usually take a couple of days before it arrives. And the transportation was costly. That’s how old school they were.   “Hey, Kaye! How are you doing?” One of the fishermen called her waving his hand.   “Good morning, Ramon. Nice looking tuna you got there.”   This was what she loved about the market. Everything was fresh. Mt. Salvador has been blessed. They’ve got a wide variety of seafood and meat. Aside from that, they have the best crops.    She took a pound of tuna and some chicken on the meat section. She does crave seafood from time to time. A person needed vitamins and omega fatty acids too, you know.    Once done on the wet market, Kaye and Miko stopped in front of Geraldine’s store. There you could see large amounts of vegetables and fruits the farmers grew.   “Hi, there!” Geraldine bent down and gave Miko a pat on the head. He was comfortable with her friends.   “Nice day, right?” Kaye responded with the same energy.   “I’ll just take these, some of those, and a bunch of those fruits.” Kaye picked her needed supplies. Then she turned to a bunch of grapes. “Oh, I love the look of these.” Kaye took a cluster and added it to her bag.    Geraldine bagged her items and placed them on the basket of her bike. She paid up and handed her a list.    “Would you be able to deliver these for the shop the day after tomorrow? I’m almost running out,” she pleaded.   “Darn, lady. You’re pretty busy nowadays. I just delivered 3 days ago,” Geraldine chuckled.   “I know!” Kaye grunted. “I spent yesterday in the shop’s kitchen making all cakes.”   Geraldine skimmed through the list and gave her a reassuring smile. “Well, I got all of them here. We can prepare them later today and pack for delivery tomorrow.”    As expected of her reliable friend. Geraldine’s family had been Sweet Macy’s supplier.   “That’s a good thing. Business seems growing and well, we have increasing tourists coming in each month. More tourists, more money for us,” Geraldine teased. She nudged her side playfully.   “Exactly. And I’ve been particularly busy since Jenny released our website.”   They haven’t had the chance to invite a food journalist yet. They just put out what they currently have.  The marketing strategy did pay off. Another factor was because Jenny actively posted on their page. People got to see their activities like the recent Halloween Trick or Treat they had.   Happiness in one bite.   She chuckled when she remembered the banner on the site. It was the tagline they came up with. They just added it recently since they couldn't decide on an earlier date. Moreover, things got out of hand since the website was released.   “Hiya, ladies. Very good morning to both of you.”    From behind, Kaye heard the usual baritone voice. Mykel, who suddenly showed up, positioned his arm over Kaye’s shoulder. She gave him an annoyed look.   “You never said anything yesterday about coming to the market,” he pinched her cheek.   “Well, maybe because I don’t need to.” She did the same to his cheek. She didn’t even know what was he talking about. Was she under surveillance? “Are you my Mom now?” Kaye added with a raised brow.   “Well, little girls shouldn’t be out all alone. As a police officer, I can’t help myself,” he retorted, not giving a d*mn of her annoyed look.    “And as a police officer, you be working right now and not chit-chatting around,” she brushed off his arm. She fixed her shirt which got slightly wrinkled.   Meanwhile, Geraldine kept observing them squabble with suspicion. Yes, she knew both of them were close and have been an extension of each other’s family. People who literally lived their whole life in this town knew their connection. How their fathers had been well-known heroes.    But sometimes, they gave off a different vibe. Or was it just her reading the atmosphere around them wrongly?    “You two aren’t dating, are you?” Geraldine blurted out without thinking.   It wasn't like she wouldn’t welcome the relationship. Truth be told, she thought they both complement each other. Kaye has a temper whereas Mykel always kept a chill persona. They had the same interests, even the time they spent together was not to be underestimated. Just like the drama on the television, this was the story that anyone around them wished for progress.    Sad to say, nothing has happened so far. They have waited in the background for years. However, their actions raised suspicions.    Just like now! Soon as she asked, Kaye averted her gaze looking awkward with mixed emotions painted on her face. Mykel on the other hand, looked dejected so he tried to cover it with a stupid smile. But his deep sigh didn’t escape Geraldine’s ears.    “Well, I won’t interrogate anymore,” Geraldine raised her hands in surrender. The expression on their faces was enough to answer her question.    Neither of them would spill. Looked like she has to yield for now and wait for them to finally open up. They never showed any indication of their current status, though.   Even Jenny, the closest friend, was not aware of their relationship. She went to the capital with them for college. But it was hard to get a hold of them when her university was located in a different district.   Kaye had to attend multiple training. She was ranting all the time, crying over the phone whenever she did a horrible performance. Or if one of the instructors reprimanded her. Nonetheless, she survived and completed her studies. Though, she never heard of any friends from her university. As far as she could remember, Kaye was staying in the school’s dormitory. So she must have had friends somehow.    At the same time, Mykel was struggling with his studies. He initially planned to attend a school majoring in criminal justice which was in the next town. Just an hour from here. But ever since Kaye got an offer in the capital, he changed his course. It was difficult for him. Standards and expectations were quite high.   Kaye and Mykel had to stay longer while Jenny returned after a brief work experience. Since then, she has worked and trained under Macy in managing the cafe. In hopes that after Kaye got her certification, she would return and work full-time in a shop that she would be inheriting.    Geraldine sighed slumping her shoulders. “I apologize for saying something weird.”   “What?” Mykel scrunched his face dismissing the uncomfortable environment surrounding them. “I don’t see anything wrong here.”   Still, Geraldine felt like a jerk for ruining the mood. Kaye was even lively. Now, she was like a capsized boat. Sinking on her thoughts. She even kept making eye contact after that while obviously looking stiff and uncomfortable. Seemed like she stepped on a landmine.   Kaye nervously laughed. “Yeah, no problem here.”    Looking at Kaye, she knew her friend was fond of Mykel. And so was Mykel who has always been protective of her.    He even went out of his way to adapt to her path. Both ventured to the capital to attend university.    Any person close to them was somehow invested in the progress of their relationship. After all, all of them practically grew up together. They even anticipated news of their marriage for years now.    Geraldine changed the subject and asked Mykel, “Something on your list for me?”    Kaye strategically escaped by bidding her friend bye and paddled away on her bike with Miko at tow.  Geraldine shook her head and muttered to herself. Unbelievable.    She raised her head to Mykel and there she saw his wistful look. She muttered again. Oh, God. Unbelievable.   “I didn’t mean anything bad when I said that. I’m sorry if it bothered you,” She said feeling horrible for being a busybody.   The silly guy that he was, he just laughed it off and move on.    “If I can be frank, both of you had been strangely different since both of you returned.”   Still, Mykel was tight-lipped on the issue at hand. Just like Kaye, he just stepped out and said goodbye.   Geraldine let out a heavy sigh. Years had passed but they continued feigning ignorance.   The most concerning detail was that Kaye returned almost a year before Mykel did.    “He had to take more sessions for his training.”    She clearly remembered the look on her face when she said that. Oddly enough, she was avoiding eye contact just like earlier. Although the fondness was still there when she spoke about him, yet she could detect a sense of tension from her.   As far as she knew, Kaye was supposed to stay longer in the capital for her certification. In addition to that, Mykel was surprised when he knew Kaye had been home for some time. He even closed his eyes and looked heavenward as if relieved.   What could possibly have happened?  
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