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Aya beamed after taking a bite of the fruit sandwich. She got to taste two variations, strawberry and peach, and her new favorite cocktail sandwich. The cocktail was made of bits of different fruits available in Mt. Salvador.    “This is Happiness in one bite,” Aya referenced Sweet Macys’ slogan.   Kaye served her coffee since Aya preferred one. She was even surprised to know Aya already tasted everything on the menu although it was the first time she saw her visit the cafe.    I’m sure I haven’t seen her around here before. Kaye muttered to herself. She wouldn’t miss such a person. Not only she was kind, but Aya was extremely beautiful. She was oozing with charm.   Furthermore, Aya felt familiar to her. Perhaps she just got too comfortable around her leading to the feeling of familiarity.   She figured it would sound awful to suddenly ask her, so she dismissed the idea. But if they did meet before, boy, she was rude all this time.   “I came here to personally see the cafe but I was in for a surprise when you added the seasonal menu,” Aya’s eyes lit up in excitement.    Aya kept snapping her camera for photos. She needed those photos for her vlog when it’s time for editing.   “You came at a perfect time,” Jenny replied. She looked like a calm and mature adult. If ‘professional’ was a person, then Jenny was the perfect embodiment.    D*mn. Sucking up to people isn’t my thing. Kaye sighed mentally. She kept those thoughts to herself. Jenny would kill her if she managed to mess things up.   Jenny sure has her switched flipped. She must be somersaulting in joy inside her head right now. But this part of her bragged how capable and efficient she was at her job.    Not just Jenny but also everyone working in the cafe. None of them were half-baked. And Kaye was proud. All of them were the face of Sweet Macys’.   “This would be a hit!” Aya squealed in excitement. “I’ll post the final video on your page. Please look forward to it.”   Before leaving, Aya took some candid pictures around the shop. Her kind nature made it easier for everyone. She was also better at socializing. But one thing she noticed about her, she kept peeking at her phone restlessly. Kaye couldn’t help but think she must be in a hurry so she was straightforward to all of her queries.   “I hope I don’t have my eyes closed on any of the photos,” Stella breathe out heavily.   “I’m sure I looked cool on all of them,” Keith boasted with confidence.   Stef shook his head. “Both of you looked like kids asking for candy all the time.”   They all snickered at his remark. He wasn’t wrong though. They were like a bunch of preschoolers during Halloween trying to impress everyone for a treat.    Jenny on the other hand was ecstatic. She couldn’t even stop her lips from grinning since the morning customers came in. She was having a great feeling that this would bring more customers to their shop. And of course, contribute to the development of the town.    “You sure sound like someone planning to go to the political side,” Kaye told Jenny.   “Never! I’m sure you can’t even manage everything here on your own.”   Kaye gasped in disbelief and said, “so you do plan to do politics?”   “How’d you come up with that? Oh heavens. I would never do that. I wouldn’t be here in the first place if I wanted to join politics.” Jenny yelled in horror. “ Anyway, the current vice mayor seems to be aggressive so he might be taking the seat from the old geezer.”    Indeed, the current vice mayor was reaching out to investors. He was young and ambitious. So that explained the bold actions towards development.    They loved their town so it would be a disappointment to see it decline. It was touching to see how it all unfolded in their time.   Everyone was just closing up when a knock sounded at the shop’s front door. Everyone present exchanged glances. Obviously, the closed sign was up so who might be visiting at this hour?   “Who could be coming here at this time? Everyone knows we’ve closed half an hour ago,” Jenny murmured under her breath.   Keith motioned towards the door to take a peek through the blinds. Shortly after, he opened the door.   “Unfortunately, we’re closed for the day.”   Keith said to Mykel when he opened the door. Mykel waved his hand, rejecting the idea. The usual charming smile was there but his aura was emitting otherwise.   “I’m here for Kaye.”   Kaye was startled. The staff was taken by surprise. This was something that never happened before. Aside from that, the man was suddenly putting on a humorless face.    Jenny was the first one to recover. She took the mop from Kaye and pushed her to leave.    “We can take it from here,” Jenny encouraged. She had no idea what was going on but Mykel looked like he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.   “The kitchen is done anyway so don’t worry,” Stef added looking at Kaye with a gentle smile. He then turned to Mykel and said, “make sure to take care of her, okay?”   Mykel nodded in response. Not even lifting his lips for a smile.    Kaye’s heart was pounding she couldn’t even hear the entire conversation. His mere entrance was enough to make her anxious. She felt cornered.    “Here.” Stella handed her things from the locker. “Cover yourself. It might be summer soon but it’s still cold outside.”    Stella gave her a reassuring smile after helping her wear her coat. She gently patted her shoulders encouraging her to go.    Kaye was speechless. Everything happened so fast she didn’t have time to react.    The pair left the cafe minutes ago but the remaining people inside never spoke a word.  Kaye appeared too stunned to respond. Something new to those who witnessed.    Kaye would always find excuses. Or rather she could turn the situation in her favor. But not today.    They were all perplexed as Kaye was. Or perhaps Kaye knew what was going on causing her to clam up. And they were the only ones who knew nothing.    D*mn you, Kaye. Why won’t you say anything? Jenny gritted her teeth. It was frustrating as hell. She was her best friend but why was she unknowing?   “What just happened?” Stella broke the deafening silence.   “It sounded like a challenge to me,” Keith shrugged his shoulders.   Jenny blew her hair off. “Well, might be. They are people who have a score to settle after all.”   “Seriously?!” Keith immediately covered his mouth. For a moment he felt like freaking out. He was never aware of their problem. More like, he didn’t notice it. As he can remember, they always remain casual with each other.    Jenny sighed. She just wished that it’d finally work out for them. She was praying for their happiness. Neither spoke but she was aware of their blooming romance.    “Would Kaye be alright?” Stella asked in worry.   “She’ll be fine,” Jenny gave them a reassuring smile.    Even when Kaye lost what she considered her everything, she gained people who genuinely cared for her. Sure, the cafe was Macy’s keepsake but Kaye should welcome the gift of love. Including Mykel who diligently showered her with affection.    Just like Kaye, she loved the cafe. She already imagined herself growing old managing the business. Macy had been kind to her. She believed in her even when she was struggling in her studies and career.    And Jenny wanted to return Macy’s generosity. Her plan for widening their market was one thing. She had more ambitions for the cafe to be fulfilled. It was unfortunate that she didn’t accomplish it while Macy was still alive, but Jenny was still determined to carry out her duties.    It was risky to have her manage the cafe with little experience. The city life overwhelmed her so she returned to their small town with almost nothing. It was discouraging seeking employment. She felt rejected when she was going around job hunting.    It was frustrating. She put on great effort into her studies yet she just couldn’t secure stability. The news got out that Macy was looking for help for the cafe. With little confidence in herself, she approached her. Then, the rest was history.    But if anything else, Kaye was the one worrying her. It wasn’t about Mykel. Between them, he was the straightforward one. Whereas Kaye may have readable expressions, but what’s inside her mind was unclear.    Frankly, she saw the changes when Kaye attended university. They promised to meet from time to time given the distance from her university to hers. Yet it became less and less until they barely contacted each other. She never told her anything even if she’d ask directly. So she later decided to give up and wait patiently for her to open up.   Will she ever? Jenny questioned to herself. It had been years but Kaye was the same. It sometimes occurred to her that she might have encountered something she wanted to avoid.   
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