An addiction

1682 Words
Jetta POV The morning light caused me to squeeze my eyelids before raising them, staring at Kael deep in sleep, and gosh, I want to smack him hard in the cheek. Even though he had the face of a man, he had the force of a beast in bed, and I could barely walk last night, so he had to take care of me. How embarrassing to think about the fact that he bathed me, and I want to say that I hated it, that he treated me like something fragile and handled me with care, but I can't because I didn't. The truth is, I enjoyed every moment, and I despised that I feel this way because it's just unfair to Ace, my father, and everything that relies on us getting married. The truth is Ace and I are arranged to be together and marry and have known each other for quite a while, even though nothing intimate had happened between us. Last night, I couldn't find any sleep. My thoughts wouldn't let me. After twenty-three years of being a virgin, I didn't expect my first time would be with a total stranger who seems like bad news. Pouting at Kael, I couldn't imagine how he could be so at ease with me and fall soundly asleep, not caring that I could literally suffocate him with a pillow. No lie, after taking a long look at him, I think I was giving in to the thought because he looked so freaking calm sleeping when my entire body ached painfully. Furious, I sat up, picked up the pillow, and as I drew it towards his nose, he raised his eyelids, hardening his face. "I knew you were a psycho," Kael mumbled, looking so freaking calm that it scared me. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, hugging the pillow. "You were not going to succeed in trying to kill me like that." "Why?" "I could have snapped your neck within less than a minute." Fear overwhelmed me as I squeezed the pillow tightly, wondering what the I had gotten myself into, and how the heck am I going to escape. "I wasn't trying to suffocate you," I mumbled beneath my breath as I watched Kael leave the bed. When he stopped and looked back at me, I held my breath, hoping that I didn't offend him. Thankfully, he only scoffed and mumbled, "Yeah, right." Then he picked up his phone, and I nervously listened to him having a conversation with someone named, "Velcro," and I couldn't stop thinking the worst because he wasn't replying with sentences and just kept saying, "Mmmm," "I see," "Okay." One of my wildest imaginations was that he was in the Mafia because he was freaking strong in bed and physically, he had a lot of money, and he seemed cold-blooded. In my book that is the same as, "A gang leader." After his little conversation which I knew nothing about even though he was speaking right in front of me, he looked at me and asked, "What do you want to eat?" "I want to go home," I mumbled, wanting to get far away from this problem as soon as possible. "You are not a hostage," "Okay. Then let me go." Staring intensely at me, Kael rubbed his nose, sniffing, and then let out, "So you are not hungry? After everything that we did last night, I thought you would…" "Stop talking!" I shouted, feeling hot in my cheeks when a memory of last night crossed my head. "What would you like to eat then?" "Anything. "Anything?" The naughtiness in his tone made me realize what he was up to, and not wanting anything weird going down my throat, I hastily uttered, "Panettone french toast! Chilli labneh eggs! Blueberry ricotta hotcakes!" "Okay, hold up! How the do you know these dishes when you claim to have only two thousand dollars to your name." Kael cut me off. From his clutched brows, I could already tell that he thought I lied, but I told him the truth. My dad is the kind of man who believes we should labor for what we earn. If you want anything from him, you have to prove yourself, and that's why I and Ara are at loggerhead. The company was originally built by my father and mother, and rightfully it should belong to me. But after marrying Debbie, my father suddenly had a change of heart, claiming it would be unfair to Ara if it just get handed to me. So we both have to prove that we are worth owning the companies. Now, I know Debbie is the one behind his stupid mentality, and that's why I am prepared to do anything to prove to my father that I am worthy of what rightfully belongs to me. But Kael just ruined all of that for me. How the heck was I going to marry Ace now and merge our businesses which have been my father's biggest goal if I just had se.x with a random stranger. "Earth to Jetta!" Kael called out, snapping his fingers. "It because like watching breakfast videos," I mumbled, annoyed by his stupid face. What a dream killer, with his perfectly smooth, spade-shaped beard, beautifully healthy hair, and stupidly tempting eyes with a ripped body. "Ri…ght…" Kael slowly let out, looking not the tiniest bit convinced. "I am going to call room service now." After he reached for the hotel telephone, I stared down at the bathrobe on me, wondering what I was going to wear to go home. Once Kael finished with his call, I pouted, making eye contact with him, and asked, "Can you please buy me something to wear?" "What happened to my shirt and your jeans?" Kael casually uttered, and I stared in disbelief at how shameless he could get. "They are dirty." "Well, I will be dropping you home, so there's no need to worry about what you are wearing since you will be in my car. You can wear the robe if you want to feel clean." What the heck is wrong with this guy? Is he crazy for real or what! Why does he always say the most annoying ever? Drawing a long breath, I looked at the lamp, instead of his jackass face, and mumbled, "Because my mother and sister are home, and I don't want them to know…" "That you have been a naughty girl with me?" Kael blurted, smirking with pride. "Don't worry. I am ready to take responsibility for you." "What the is wrong with your shitty brain!" "Ouch!" "How could you be so annoying. Is this a game to you! Do you like pissing me off, or am I a joke to you!" "What is my wrong now?" Laughing out my anger, I wonder if he was serious about his question, and yet, I still forced myself to answer and say, "Because us… we were supposed to be a one-night thing, and secondly! I am engaged, Kael!" "Okay, so? Break of the engagement. I am sure he is nothing compared to me." Kael uttered, and I regretted not stuffing his face with the pillow. "I hate you!" "Wow." Seeing the hurt in his eyes, I paused, feeling miserable and wanting to break down. So I got off the bed and slowly walked into the bathroom without looking back. Once I was inside, I slammed the door shut and rested back against it, crying silently from the pain in my back and about the entire situation. Within a couple of minutes, my crying got interrupted by the sound of the door opening, a couple of voices that belonged to Kael and a lady, and then the door shut. For a couple of seconds, I waited until it was completely silent before leaving the bathroom. When Kael and I locked eyes, he smiled and patted the sheets as he mumbled, "You should come to eat." Silently, I walked over to Kael and took a seat on the bed beside him, frowning at the food and drinks. Then I looked at him, and the calmness in his eyes hid exactly what his thoughts were, and I got lost in them as I gazed without blinking. "I don't want you to hate me, Jetta," Kael whispered, not losing sight of my eyes. "Why?" I murmured in confusion. "Because you are mine to claim." As Kael slowly, yet fiercely brushed his fingertip against my lip, he leaned in closer to my face, his hot breath hitting against my skin as he whispered, "I want you to love me, Jetta. Only me. Your mind, heart, and…" Resting his lips on mine, he looked deep into my eyes and mumbled, "Your body is mine… to kiss, touch, and" Right then and there, I should have pushed him off me or pulled away. But I was tempted by him so badly, like a sick desire, I wanted him to imprint his mark everywhere on my skin. As his mouth rested on mine, his hand stroked down my back until it reached my waist, and I folded my fingers slightly. Pulling me closer, Kael held me tightly in his grip, giving me no chance to exhale freely as he claimed my lips, making me moan sounds that felt embarrassing to hear, and yet it was turning me on, giving rise to my yearning for more of his rough touch. My eyelids shut closed as I clutched onto the sheets tightly, feeling his tongue deep in my throat as I breathed in the hot air he exhaled. It felt like I was perishing slowly and melting into his arm as he fiercely kissed me, making every inch of my body heat to the point that I felt wet between my legs. His grip on my waist grew firm, and I pressed against his solid chest, feeling every beat his heart made, and I realized that I just got an addiction, and it was him. This is bad!
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