It's over

1131 Words
The man opens the door to Josh's room, tilts his head, looking at the floor. Josh stirs, opens his eyes and looks at the man. "Good morning. Rough night?", says the man, pointing to the ground. "I couldn't exactly go to the bathroom.", said Josh, frowning. "It seems to me that the tissues used are proof that you did more with the d**k than peeing." Josh felt the blood rush to his face. The man gave an approving smile. Take the bottle and tissues and leave. He comes back with a bowl full of water, soap and a clean towel, a toothbrush and toothpaste, indicating to Josh that he can do his morning hygiene. "I need to pee." says Josh. Without speaking, the man leaves and returns with a bucket. "Seriously?" says Josh. The man shrugs, mocking. Josh gets up and uses the bucket, cleans himself, and does the possible hygiene. The man removes the objects from the room, moves the table near the bed, leaves the room and returns carrying a tray with coffee, toast, scrambled eggs, butter and strawberries. When he sets the tray down on the table, he motions Josh to eat. Confused, Josh started to eat, but the gears in his brain started to move. "What the hell is going to happen to me? He kidnaps me, feeds me, does things to me, all for a game of stupid questions? In fact, he hasn't hurt me yet, just done things to me. I think I'll never leave this place." Josh stops eating, and tears run down his face. "Hey, hey, hey. what's up?" Josh pushes the food away and pulls his knees to his chest, rocking. "Come on josh, tell me what's going on." "What do you think is going on? I'm stuck here, at your mercy. Do you think that's not enough?" The man sighs. "Eat. After you eat, let's talk a little. OK?" Josh nods. Josh takes a bite and pushes the plate away. Take the coffee, and look at the man behind the mask. HIS eyes lock onto the man's eyes, showing no emotion. The man sighs. He pushes the table away, and sits in the chair, keeping his distance from Josh. "I lost the will to play with you." When Josh hears those words, he nearly drops his coffee. "It's now, he's had enough and he's going to kill me.", Josh thinks, while his eyes fill with water. Now Josh's eyes are filled with terror. He didn't want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to conquer the life that was denied him by that drunk who killed his family. He wanted to... Feeling a spike of energy, he launches himself against the man, letting the mug fall to the ground, but the chains don't let him touch the man, who remains serenely seated. "Motherfucker, you're not going to kill me without a good fight." The man chuckled. "I'm not going to hurt you. Calm down. Let's talk. Soon I'll release you." Josh, releases the breath he didn't even know he was holding, and with a groan, sits up in bed with his hands over his face. "Holy crap.", the man thinks. "You know josh,", he says, "My life was always easy. Everything I wanted my parents gave me. I f****d so many women and men over the years, I tried drugs, I did a little of everything. I did too much and too early. Now, I've been living in a state of apathy for a long time. Boredom is part of my everyday life. Yes, I get along well with strangers, but I don't bother with close friends. They try to cheer me up, but my life is so boring." "Should I pity you?" Asks Josh sarcasticly. The man chackls again. "No. You shouldn't feel sorry for me. I'm just talking about this, because when I saw you at the party, something moved me. Yes, I had seen you before, but I had never really looked at you. You are special Josh. You're not just cute and beautiful. You have a life force, a special energy. You live day to day, without much comfort, but with your eyes set on the future. When I saw you, drunk at the party, at first I thought only of helping you, taking you to your room. But when I got you in the car, and I looked at your sleeping face, your energy was like a beacon for me. Everything about you I'm attracted to. Then it was crazy. I thought I'd lock you here over the weekend, have some fun and let you go. Like you said, the questions were stupid, as was the crappy idea that made me kidnap you." Josh listens incredulously, not saying a word. The man continues: "Every minute I tried to stop, but it was like I had a good angel and a bad angel on my shoulders. One said to let you go, one said to touch you." Josh snork. The man looks at Josh, and continues: "I don't regret the pleasure I made you feel. I regret not having left you in the dorm and trying to win your heart. I know you don't think you're gay, and that I probably wouldn't be able to win you over, but I would try. It's too late now. Because I'm an i***t, with a brain dulled by boredom, I lost any chance of having you." Josh remains silent, just looking at the man, "The things I've done to you, I wish I'd done with you, not as someone who forces himself on another, but as someone who shares, together. I wish I'd made love to you. The things I would do just to see you come." The confession starts to mess with Josh. He felt lost. At that moment, the memory of the pleasure that the man had given him was something he had never felt. He wanted to hate the man, but at the same time, the anticipation of everything the man wanted to make him feel was exciting. Now he was the one who felt like an i***t, feeling his c**k throb. "I screwed up, and now I have no chance with you. At this point, I don't even care if I get arrested or not. I don't want to play anymore. I just want you to feel for me what I'm feeling for you." The man gets up, takes a key and frees Josh's arms. Josh, on the other hand, was stunned. He rubs his wrists, jumps away from the man and leans against the opposite wall. Without taking his eyes off Josh, the man takes off his mask and reveals his face. Josh gasp. He forgets he's naked, advances towards the man, pointing: "You!"
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