Love spray

1512 Words
Three years ago "I'll miss you." "What you're going to miss is my dick.", he says, looking at the friend he just f****d. "I'm going to miss your d**k too, that's true.", I answered the younger boy. "You'll find someone who really likes you, baby. It's always been just s*x between us. You deserve someone better than me." The younger boy laughs. "Who wants a boyfriend when they have the best f**k in the world?" "I hope you're wrong. If at 17 you're already having the best f**k in the world, what are you going to do with the rest of your life?" Both laughed. "Between the two of us, it's going to get worse for me. You'll soon find a better f**k than me. As for me, I feel like college is going to be extremely boring." The younger boy looks at him and says: "You're silly. My brother is in college and says it's all parties, alcohol and sex." "I think you're forgetting that my high school life was parties, alcohol and s*x. It's going to be the same thing there as always. It doesn't mess with me anymore." The youngest boy sits on the bed, leans towards the floor, saying: "I just remembered that I have a parting gift for you. Considering you're making such a dark plan for your college journey, I think it'll come in handy." He raises an eyebrow suspiciously, but then he sees his lover's ass, completely exposed and lifted. He can only feel the blood pooling in his nether regions. He puts his erection against the younger boy's ass and says: "I'm going to eat you again." The other laughs, saying: "Calm down, let me give you this first. Then you can eat me until morning." He sits down on the bed, legs crossed, causing the older boy to pull away with a grunt. "Here." "What is this?" "A friend of mine got it for me. It's called a s*x drug. One spritz in the face and you're totally groggy and unable to resist." The older boy chuckles. "But you think I need that to have s*x? Do you really think that in college I have to resort to crime?" "Don't be silly. This isn't rape drugs. This just gives you a different c**k, you get high. Take it, try it on me." The older boy takes the sprey, looks at it and says: "Don't you think you're a w***e enough?" The younger boy pouts. "Don't be mean. Try it." Without much conviction, he takes the cap off the sprey and hits his lover in the face. At first it looked like nothing was going to happen, but after a few seconds, the younger boy started panting, all the blood migrating south, his face flushed. "I'm fully aware of what I'm doing.", he laughs. "But damn, I need you inside me. f**k me baby. Get inside me deep and tough. Now." "Damn, and I thought you couldn't be more depraved." "Stop talking and get inside me. I'm still open. Get inside me. Quick." Their mouths come together in a deep kiss. The tongue's ​​in a battle for control. Wasting no time, the older boy pulls his lover by his legs, making him lie down. Without any foreplay, he violently enters the lover's pink orifice, making him scream with pleasure and pain. The s*x was wild, dirty, sweaty, but very good, and the two ended up coming together at the same time. The older boy's body lands on top of the younger boy's, both gasping for air. It took a few seconds for the two to descend from the height that pleasure had taken them. "I think I'll buy one of these for myself." Says the youngest of the two, laughing. "No need. Give me a few minutes, and I'll take you to the moon again." They kissed again, aware that they were going to have s*x all night, and that the next day, they would be apart, maybe forever. Now in the bathroom Josh's curiosity leads him to the bathroom door. Slowly, he approaches to peek, and a spray hits him in the face, making him recoil. Scared, he runs to the sink and washes his face, but it was too late. Josh's body heats up, starts panting and, in a panic, finds he can't control his own body. With d**k erect, he staggers to the bathtub and steps under the shower. Cold water does not alleviate the reaction. The door opens, and the man, bare-chested but not showing his face, walks in and watches Josh. Silently, he thanks his former lover for the gift he hasn't used since that night. Josh looks at the man and shivers. His legs give way, and before he can fall into the tub, the man grabs him and helps him sit up. Josh looks the man in the eyes, unable to attempt any escape. "You are so beautiful Josh," says the man. "No... don't rape me... please.", he manages to say. "I'm not going to rape you Josh. I'm only going to touch you when you beg. But it won't be with the help of disinhibitors. You'll beg completely conscious. Now, I'm just going to help you." The man gets up from the edge of the bathtub where he has sat, takes the enema device, fills it with warm water. Then he lifts Josh from where he was sitting and lays him on his lap, head out of the tub. Josh tries to resist but fails. Using a little lube, he inserts the device into Josh's anus. Open the faucet and slowly let water in. Josh moans first, then cries. Finally, he asks: "Stop please, it's uncomfortable, it hurts." He felt discomfort but no pain, and the man knew it. Holding Josh in one hand and holding the hose in the other, he slowly fills Josh with water. After a few minutes, he feels that Josh is really full and uncomfortable. He removes the device, lifts Josh and helps him sit on the toilet. Fully erect, Josh was almost sorry the man didn't relieve him. When he looks at the man's pants and sees them stained with his pre-cam, he blushes. When he looks up at the man's crotch and sees the big height he has, Josh can't breathe. "Can you hold on?" asks the man. Josh nods. "You can expel the water.", says the man, and Josh obliges. Afterwards, the man takes him back to the bathtub and gently washes him. Already out of the bathtub, he dries Josh's body, and supports Josh back to the bedroom. Josh wanted to resist and run away, but at the same time he wanted the man to give him pleasure. He was so disoriented by the need to feel relief, that he didn't even see that the man lay him down on the bed and put the chains back on his wrists, leaving them long. Josh, lying on the bed, couldn't help looking into the man's eyes. They were beautiful, the color of almonds. And the mouth, fleshy. "What it would be like to kiss those lips.". Josh shakes his head, "This is the drug talking,", he thinks. The man caresses Josh's face, saying: "Do you want me to relieve you? You seem bothered by your friend." he Says, pointing to Josh's crotch. He wanted to say no, but a shy "Yes" came out of Josh's mouth. The man smiles, and lets his hand caress Josh's chest, belly, and finally his d**k. Josh couldn't move, not because of chains, but because of the need. With his eyes fixed on the man's hand, he lets him jerk him off. "I can do it myself," he manage to say. The man chuchles. "but you can't do this.", he says, while moving between Josh's legs, and without taking his eyes off Josh's eyes, runs his tongue, savoring the pre-cam. Josh groans, and feels his eyes roll back. The man runs his tongue along the entire length, up and down, while his hand teases the balls. Josh, surrendered to pleasure, groans and grunts. The man puts the entire length in his mouth, swallowing it to the base. He feels it hit the back of his throat and chokes, but doesn't stop. After a few seconds, he starts to bob his head. Josh doesn't last long, and after a few minutes, he screams, and comes into the man's mouth, filling it. The man swallows, and says to Josh, "You taste so good. You're perfect." Josh blushes. The man gets up and asks: "I don't have a chance of seeing the favor returned, do I?", he says, pointing to the groin. Josh blushes and looks away. "It doesn't matter, I'll handle it myself." The man grabs a wet rag, wipes Josh, and leaves the room. Alone, relieved and embarrassed, Josh realizes that the effects of the drug have long worn off, and that he let the man do that to him without even realizing it. Josh changes color, blushing up to his neck.
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