The party

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Chapter 2 It was 2 pm when he woke up. "Damn, I slept longer than I wanted to.". He gets up, combs his long hair and collects it in a messy bun. Takes off his shorts and puts on jeans and a black sweatshirt, black socks and his old Jorden’s, which his parents gave him when he turned 17. He takes the key and the wallet and leaves for the canteen, to see if he can get something out of the machine. "Hello, new around here, right?" says a boy who appears to be a finalist. "Hello. Yes, I arrived today. My name is Joshua, but I'm usually called Josh. I took room 98, at the back.", he says with a smile. "Welcome Josh. My name is Jacob Mills, and I'm in charge of the second floor of this dorm. If you have a problem or need anything, my room is right next to the stairs, number 80. Hope we can be friends and I hope you help keep the environment clean and friendly.", says Jacob, also with a smile. "Good, so maybe you can help me. I'm going out to buy something to eat. I haven't eaten since yesterday and I'm starving. Can you tell me where to go and buy something cheap?" "Gods, that's not good for your health. You're the scholarship we've been waiting for, right?". "Correct" replies Josh. "Well, then, walk with me to the entrance. I think I have a surprise for you.", says Jacob. Josh does as he says and follows him. "Here is the kitchen. If you prefer, you can make your lunch or dinner. You can use one of the stoves, or a microwave. You also have 2 fridges here, but I don't advise you to leave food there, because when you go to look for it, someone has already eaten.", he says, laughing. Josh laughs. "I believe it", he says. "But the kitchen is not a surprise", says Jacob, opening a second door that led to a warehouse. "The dorm boys usually eat out, but I know from experience that scholarship holders usually have more difficulty getting around town and using Uber eats, so if you want, we can take one of these to your room. has a key, and your roommate won't be able to eat anything without you opening it.", says pointing to some mini fridges. "Can I?" Josh responds with a broad smile. "Yes, I'll help you carry it to the room. If you want to have a microwave, you can too. The School Director has equipped the dormitories with equipment that is not used. It's a shame to stay here when you need it." "Thank you. I agree to bring a microwave too, and I appreciate the surprise and the help. You made my day.". Jacob and Josh take one of the mini fridges and a microwave into Josh's room, and place the appliances next to Josh's desk. Yhey clean the devices and plug them in. "Thanks Jacob. Now I really have to go get some food because I'm still hungry.", says Josh as his stomach growls. "It's 3 pm, I'm going to the city. If you want, I'll give you a ride and while I'm going to take care of some business, you'll eat or buy something. I'll take 2 hours, and then I'll give you a ride back." says Jacob. "If it's OK with you, I'll accept your help again, and I'll buy some pre-made food." says Josh happily. "Then let's go, I'm just going to my room to get the car keys". Josh goes down to the front door, and Jacob quickly appears behind him, "let's go.". The trip to the city took 20 minutes, and then they went their separate ways, arranging to meet in the car in 2 hours. The first thing Josh did was go to KFC. He ate the cheapest meal, which barely killed his hunger. Then he went to a supermarket to buy some packs of noodles, the kind you just need to add hot water, yoghurt, bread, butter and ham, and some apples. He also bought some energy bars, milk and cereal. That has to be his next meal. Monday opened the canteen and cafeteria, and between one and the other, he was entitled to breakfast, lunch and dinner, free of charge, during the week, being on his own account only on weekends. Josh looked at his watch. There was still half an hour to go, but he was heading to Jacob's car, determined to wait. 45 minutes went by and Jacob came running. "Sorry for the wait. I took longer than I wanted to.", says Jacob. "You're not late at all. Your life doesn't depend on waiting for people you don't even know and I'll abuse your kindness twice.", says Josh with a big smile. "I think we're going to be good friends.", says Jacob. When they returned to the second floor of the dorm, Jacob and Josh said goodbye and each one went to their room. Josh stocks the groceries in the fridge, locks it, and takes his towels, shorts, boxers, t-shirt, and toiletries, and goes to take a shower. The trip to the town left him sweaty. In the bathroom, he leaves his clothes on the long bench, and takes the towels and hygiene products into one of the showers. With his eyes closed, he let the warm water fall on the skin. "Beautiful!". Josh got scared and looked back. Leaning against the sink, with one leg crossed over the other, and with a smirk on his lips, was a young man. Josh wasn't ashamed to be naked in front of another man, but the way the other was ogling him was uncomfortable. He washed the soap off his body as quickly as possible, wrapped himself in a towel, and without worrying about anything else, he grabbed the clothes he was carrying and walked to the bathroom door. "You don't need to run away like a scared rabbit. I'm not the big bad wolf.", says the other goggling Josh. Josh looks at the other, rolls his eyes and leaves, calmly, heading to the bedroom. From inside the bathroom, Josh still hear "nice ass, really.". Definitely, showering in the dorm was going to be tricky. The days passed and the lectures began. He enjoyed studying there. He spent hours in the library, which was open 24 hours a day, and that made life easier for the students, him included. He ate meals alone, sometimes in the company of new friends. "You really don't care about anyone else, Josh.", says one of his new friends. "You have lots of beautiful girls at your feet, and if you don't like girls, look at the boys at your feet too. You don't give a damn about that.". Josh laughs, "God, don't be like that. I didn't see anyone at my feet, and besides, I want to finish the course, get a job and make a life for myself. I'm not here for hookups or parties" "We're all here to finish the course, but we can also have some pussy... or ass... depending on taste. I'm not weird, as long as they have a hole...". Friends burst out laughing. "You really are a w***e" says Josh with a laugh. "The best one life has to offer.", replied the friend. "When I finish the course I have time to be straight... like you.", he says, bursting out laughing again. "By the way, your roommate is coming tomorrow, right?" "Yes" replies Josh. "I think he's been sick, and the school has allowed him to be absent for this month." "Maybe it's some rare beauty that will drive you crazy.". " I don't know anything about that, but I'm already mad, because I'm not going to have the room to myself anymore. I'm used to being alone.". Josh was really used to being alone, and he was apprehensive about having to share a room, but having somewhere to sleep was more than enough. His roommate turned out to be a nerd, a skinny, short guy with thick glasses who spent his days with his eyes buried in his books and wrinkling his nose at every noise Josh made. In the end, Josh didn't even notice him, and another month passed. "Josh, my sorority is having a party, please come.", says one of the cheerleaders on the football team. "I don't know", replies Josh, "I have a lot to study and I'm not used to drinking. "Don't be like that," she insisted. "it's going to be fun. everyone will be there.". Josh looked at her and sighed deeply. He hadn't taken a single night to have fun. Tomorrow is Saturday and there were no lectures. Why not? "Okay, I'll go. Do I need to bring anything?". "You don't need to bring anything.", she says, squealing. "The fraternity is in the girls' sector. Alpha Beta Pi. You'll see the party as soon as you approach. Show up around 7 pm" "Okay, I'll be there." It wasn't very common for a first-year student to be invited to a fraternity party. Most likely he was the youngest present, but there were already bets on campus to guess who was the person who would make the attractive first year fall in love. The day went by and by 7 o'clock, Josh was wearing his black jeans and a black sweatshirt. He put his diamond earring in the ear, which he had never worn since his parents' death. He combed his hair into a messy bun, the way he liked it, and off he went to the party. It was impossible not to see where the party was. He had barely turned the corner that led to the girls' part of the campus, and already loud music, laughter and screams could be heard. a few familiar faces, a few mates from the floor, but no other first-year student. Josh was literally feeling like a fish out of water. A squeal, followed by a giggle, quickly reached his ears. It was the cheerleader who invited him... he didn't even know her name. "You came!", she says happily. "I said I'd come.", says Josh while thinking he never said how long he was going to stay. "Come, I'll introduce you to everyone.",she says, dragging him into the fraternity. Life isn't fair, Josh thinks. Look at the amount of money on drink and food that is here, he continues, turning his head and looking in all directions. With a sigh, he resigns himself to being dragged along until she stops and yells, "Everyone, this is Josh. Josh, this is everyone." "Hello Josh", replies the others. "Hi!", say Josh. "white or black beer?", asks one of the guys, who, by the looks of it, was a member of the football team. "White.", replies Josh, and immediately has a glass identical to the big glasses in fast food restaurants in his hand, filled to the brim with beer. Needless to say, Josh got a little drunk after 30 minutes. he was looking for a way to escape from there, but there was always someone talking to him. "Have you thought about running for the football team? You look like someone who would make a good player.", says one of the boys, who someone identified as being the team captain. "To be honest, I know as much about football as I know about fishing.". The boys looked at him and laughed out loud. "You can always join the cheerleaders. There are guys there too.", says another guy with a smirk. "Thanks, but no thanks!" answers Josh, annoyed. Everyone laughed out loud again. Josh sits down, sipping another beer, which someone, in the confusion, thrust into his hand. He looked around, and everywhere, couples were wrapped in kisses, which looked more like authentic mating rituals. Josh felt himself observed, but not even the girl who invited him seemed interested in him. They were all drunk, and Josh was getting more and more drunk too. That strange feeling of being watched wouldn't let go of him. Josh looked around, searching until his eyes landed on someone who was sitting at the back of the room, alone, a glass of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, and with an intense gaze at him. He felt the gaze, but the vision was already so blurred that he couldn't even verify if it was a man or a woman or even a ghost. The lack of a drinking habit won out, and Josh, trying to get up, ends up sitting down again. He giggles, and ends up laughing for having giggled. his eyes begin to feel heavy and he falls asleep.
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