Chapter 14 - Jane

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“Thank you officer, I’ll contact the funeral home right away.” Hanging up, I look at the notes that I had scribbled down. Bea has been declared “unclaimed” because she has no next-of-kin. The officer who called to update me, informed me that I can call the funeral home to claim the body and make arrangements for burial services. He also suggested that I contact a lawyer about her estate. The excitement of my date with Kadis has fled and I’m left with nothing but the stress of reality. How am I going to pay for a funeral? But I can’t leave her to lay in cold storage for months or years. I guess it’s fairly common practice for funeral homes to do that. I’m assuming just in case a relative is eventually found. Well, if some obscure family member does eventually show up I’ll deal with it when it happens. I call the funeral home that has Bea, and arrange an appointment for this evening to go over my options. I also Google estate lawyers and get a consultation appointment for tomorrow morning. Well, the distraction was awesome while it lasted. And, oh boy, what a distraction it was. I still can’t believe that Kadis kissed me! My stomach gets butterflies every time I think about it. And I have a date with him tomorrow! I’m dreaming! It must be a dream. With the way my real life is going I can believe Kadis is a dream. I still don’t understand ‘why me’, but I’m just going to shove that question to the back of my mind and enjoy the ride. Just don’t get your hopes up Jane. Bringing myself back to reality, I head out the door to take care of my friend. -------------------- I’m lost in thought as I make my way back home from my meeting with the lawyer. I’ve learned a lot of things in the last 24 hours. I have things moving to claim Bea’s estate. I don’t want her stuff to just be auctioned off to strangers. The mementos and personal items are the most important. Things she kept after her husband and son died. It’s going to cost me, but at this point I’m so far in debt it really doesn’t matter. I can’t just abandon her. I’ll just have to quit school and take another job. I can always go back after. The lawyers suggested having an estate sale to cover some of the cost, but I honestly can’t see anything of Bea’s being worth a lot. As I approach my building I see a woman dressed in a smart suit trying to read the buzzers. She’s having a hard time though it seems. The board that has the numbers on it was graffitied last week and the building manager hasn’t dealt with it yet. “Good morning. Can I help you find someone? If you let me know what apartment you are looking for, I can tell you what buzzer it is.” The woman turns and gives me a beautifully huge smile. “Oh my god! Thank you! I need to get this letter to someone and I really didn’t want to make a return trip.” The smile is replaced with a small frown. “Though, I suppose that if the person isn’t home I may just have to come back anyways.” The smile returns, “Oh well, no worrying about that right now.” She sticks her hand in my direction, “Ms. Des Watkins. Thank you for helping.” Her attitude is infectious and a smile tugs at the corner of my lips in response as I shake her hand. “Jane. Nice to meet you.” “Jane, you say?” She takes a closer look at me. “Jane Quinn? Who resides in 127, Imperial Apartments?” “Yyyeessss?” “Well, you’re not what I expected. Not that I had any expectations, but if I did have one, it wasn’t you.” Her smile was back again. “I’m sorry, I’m confused.” “Oh dear. Let me start again,” Straightening her jacket, she gets a serious look on her face. “Miss Quinn, I am a representative for Frontier Life Insurance.” Pulling a letter out of her bag she hands it to me. “Since this is a sensitive subject, would you like to go inside.” I stare at the letter in shock. My eyes go over the words over again, but my mind isn’t comprehending what they are reading. “Miss Quinn? Would you like to continue this inside?” Nodding, I punch my code and lead her to my apartment. --------------------- “Nice to have met you Jane. If you have any questions, you just give me a call. Bye!” I can hear her start to whistle as I close the door. I sit back down at the table which is now scattered with papers. Des told me to forward all the documents to my lawyers. The white envelope that she first gave me is sitting on the edge of the table and I grab it once more. I held onto it for the most part of our meeting, rereading it again and again. I can feel my eyes filling up as I look at it one more time. ‘To the beneficiary of Beatrice Daisy Weston, Jane Rhode Quinn’ -------------------- I run out of my bedroom when I hear the buzzer ring. “Hello?” “Jane, my dear. Are you ready?” “I’ll be right down Kadis.” Kadis’ voice sounds sexy as hell, even through the intercom. After giving myself a quick once over in the entryway mirror, I head down to meet him. Stepping outside, the evening air does little to cool the heat that envelopes me when I see Kadis. I thought that Kadis couldn't possibly get anymore gorgeous, but I was so very wrong. If the casual look was god-like, then the formal look was to die for. His suit was cut to fit him perfectly. It showed off his broad shoulders and chiseled features. Silver cufflinks flash in the streetlight as he adjusts his tie. He sees me and rushes up the stairs to meet me, holding his hand out for me to take. My breath catches in my throat as I place my hand in his and he brings it to his lips. His eyes never once leave mine. "Jane," he whispers, "you look stunning." Standing up, he leads me by my hand towards a black Mercedes. "Your chariot for the evening." Opening the passenger side door, he bows and helps me into the seat. He climbs into the driver's seat, leans across towards me and cups my face in his hands. Shivers of pleasure run through me as he lightly runs his thumb along my bottom lip. "I so very much want to kiss you right now, Jane. But I'm afraid if I do, I won't stop and I'll end up ruining your makeup." Booping me lightly on the nose, he doesn't wait for my answer and starts the car, which is good because I'm still reeling from his touch. I find my voice finally, "Where are we going?" "Amirah's" "Really!? But that's…" "I know." "How did you get a table in such short notice? Reservations are books months in advance! You only just asked me yesterday." He looks over and gives me that sexy smirk of his. "I have my ways." He then turns his focus back to driving and I pretend to watch the city go by. Soon enough we pull up to one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city. Driving up to the entrance an usher appears, opens my door and holds his hand out to help me out of the car. As I straighten up, Kadis appears at my side and places his hand in the small of my back and guides me to the doors. "Mr. Drevish, we have your table ready, as always." The host bows deeply and waves over a server to watch the doors, then turns to lead us to a table himself. The table is located in the best section, quiet but central. As we pass by tables I get glimpses of people staring. I recognize a few faces here and there, mostly from television. I'm swept along as Kadis' firm hand continues to guide me to my seat. He pulls my chair out for me before sitting down himself. The host calls over a young man and speaks to him in low tones. "Mr. Drevish. Miss. A pleasure to have you here. My name is Antonio and I will be serving you tonight. Would you like to start with the drink or wine list? We have a wonderful 2005 Leroy Domaine d'Auvenay Les Gouttes d'Or." "Meursault region, my favorite. You read my mind Antonio." Antonio gives us a quick bow before hurrying off. “Now Jane, tell me about your day.” He leans forward with his arms resting on the table, almost succeeding in looking wide-eyed and innocent. “But… but…. I’m sorry Kadis, I’m a little flustered.” I look around at all the glittering people. I can feel their eyes on me, judging and deeming me unworthy. Almost like he can read my mind Kadis gives a chuckle. “Oh Jane my sweet. Don’t worry about anyone here, they are inconsequential to us. I want to treat you to a wonderful meal and Amirah’s chef is the best. So don’t worry about the people here.” Reaching across the table to cup my hand in his, he eyes flit across my face and stop to stare into my eyes. I instantly lose myself in the depths of them. Time seems to slow down and I find that I don’t care about anyone else but who is in front of me. I can feel Kadis stroking the palm of my hand with his thumb, but I can’t look away. “Mr. Drevish.” I finally break away and see Antonio holding out a bottle of wine for Kadis. Kadis glances at the label and gives a nod. Antonio then uncorks it and presents the cork to Kadis again for inspection. Kadis gives him a nod again and receives a small glass of wine, which is again inspected. I suddenly feel awkward. I’m completely out of my element. It’s like watching a ritual where everyone knows what to do but me. After Kadis is satisfied with the wine, Antonio pours two glasses. Leaving the bottle, Antonio bows out again. I look around again. It's beautiful here, like a dream, but it's not me. I thought that I could use a distraction. But today's events have put things in perspective and I need to be true to myself. I need to tell Kadis the truth. I take a deep breath and hope like hell that I don't scare him off with my mundane life. "Kadis, I appreciate you wanting to take me somewhere nice, but this isn't me. I think I should tell you what has been going on in my life."
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