Chapter 18 - Jane

1591 Words
I open my door and drop my bags in exhaustion. I’m beat. My late night with Kadis is catching up with me. Glancing at the clock, I decide to have a quick nap before Kadis is set to show up. I imagine that it’ll be a late night again. Not too late though, as Bea’s funeral is tomorrow. Trudging to my bed, I crawl in and cry myself to sleep. -------------------- I wake up to the sound of my phone. Picking it up I see that I’ve been asleep for three hours! It’s almost eight. Panicking I fumble with the phone and see that it is Michael’s name that comes up. I breathe a sigh of relief and answer. “Hi Michael. How are you?” “Jane, nice to hear your voice. I’m just calling to check up on you.” Walking to the bathroom I catch my reflection in the mirror. I am a mess! Grabbing my brush I start to detangle my hair. “I’m doing good. I just woke up actually.” Pausing to swallow a lump that starts to form in my throat. “Bea’s funeral is tomorrow.” “Can I come? I know I didn’t know her, but I want to be there for you.” His voice coming through the speaker softly. I look at myself and bite my lip. Should I say no? Would Kadis be okay with me hanging out with Michael? I like Michael, but I don’t want to lead him on. I told Kadis I wanted to be with him and him alone. That is the truth. I contemplate it for a moment and decide that Michael is okay to come to the funeral. I’ll ask Kadis as well or maybe tell him Michael will be there. That way I’m not hiding anything. I want to be honest with both of them. I want Michael as a friend, because right now that’s all I have to offer. “Sure you can come Michael, I would really like your support. But I have to be blunt and just so you know, I’m dating Kadis.” The silence on the other end is palpable and when he answers his voice is monotonous. “I understand Jane. I will still come though. What time?” I can almost feel the tension through the line. “Two o’clock.” “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jane.” “Michael?” “Yes?” “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I’ll understand if you don’t.”  My heart feels heavy with regret, but I have to make it clear that I can’t be what he wants. Silence echoes through the phone again. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He ends the call before I can answer. And I sit on the edge of the tub contemplating what I just did. -------------------- I pay the cab driver and step out into the night air. Kadis called me and asked if we could meet up instead of staying in. An old friend of his was in town and he asked if I would like to join them for a bite to eat. I’m not really in the mood for going out, but Kadis sounded so excited for us to meet that I couldn’t say no. Walking into the bar where he said they were at, I scan the tables. He said they were here, but I don’t see him. I can’t just wait in the doorway so I make my way over to the bar and sit down. I glance around once again and notice a guy sitting by himself a few seats away. Was he always there? I hadn’t noticed him before. I sneak a peek at him. What is with all the gorgeous guys around here? He must have seen me looking because he gives a small smile and gestures to the seat beside him. I shake my head and wave at the bartender. Before she can make it to me, I see Kadis emerge from the bathroom area. Letting out a sigh of relief, I wave and make my way towards him. “Jane! I’m so glad you came. I want you to meet my very best friend, Jaed.” “Hi Jane, I’ve heard so much about you.” A sexy voice purrs from behind me. I turn to see the guy that was at the bar. It figures that Kadis’ friend would be super hot as well. He holds his hand out to me and when I go to shake it, he turns it and gives it a kiss. His green eyes seem to dance with laughter as his breath lingers on the back of my hand. Pulling out of his grip, I turn back to Kadis. His face is expressionless as he stares at Jaed. “Kadis?” After a few moments, he looks down at me and he breaks into his signature smirk. He holds his hand out and leads me to a nearby table. Kadis and I take the bench as Jaed sits across from us. Kadis goes to let go of my hand but I grip it firmly in mine. Kadis relinquishes his hand to me and I absently trace the lines on the palm of his hand as we sit and talk. I’m only half listening, my mind already on tomorrow. “Jane.” “What? Oh. I’m sorry, I’m off in a daze today Kadis.” “I was just telling Jaed about your schooling and such. He has a better knowledge than me about that stuff. How about you guys discuss the current economic issues for a bit, I have to excuse myself and make a call.” Before I can answer, he gives me a quick kiss, slides out of the booth and heads outside. I’m left staring at Jaed. I shrug. “So, what do you want to talk about? One of my courses is about leadership and one is about macroeconomics. Kadis has way too much faith in my knowledge. I’m still just learning.” I look over to the doors, wishing Kadis would come back. “Well, how about we talk about Kadis then.” I look back at Jaed and see him staring at me intensely. “I’m not sure what you want to know?” I suddenly feel a pressure building in my head. I can’t look away, my eyes are locked to his. “Tell me about last night.” My mouth turns dry, and again I am struck by the need to tell Jaed everything. Gritting my teeth, I clamp my mouth shut. What is it about this weird need to blurt out intimate details. I clench my hands into fists and feel my fingernails bite into the palms of my hands. “I… I don’t really think that that is any of your business, friend or not.” My head feels like it's going to explode but I manage to control myself. I close my eyes to concentrate, and when I open them I see Kadis walking back to the table. When he sees me he quickens his pace. “Are you alright, Jane?” I shake my head, but don’t answer. Turning to Jaed, he grabs his shoulder. “Enough Jaed!” The pressure starts to fade and I unclench my jaw and hands. My breathing returns to normal, I didn’t even realize I had stopped. “What did you do to me?” I demand once I can speak again. Jaed’s grin drops from his face and I see his eyes widen in surprise.  “I tested you.” Test? What test? Testing to see if I could be loyal to Kadis? “Did I pass?” A look of horror crosses his face as he spits out the answer, “Yes.” Getting out from the table, I stand up and lean towards him, staring him in the eye. “Good, now if you are done, I’m going home.” Turning to Kadis I see him standing there in shock. “I’m sorry, I have to leave, Bea’s funeral is tomorrow and I want to get a good night's rest. Call me in the morning if you want to join me. I could really use you there.” I grab my bag off the bench and walk to the bar to call a cab. When I turn around Kadis is standing a few feet away. “Jane, I… I’m sorry about Jaed.” “Kadis, I’m exhausted. I’m going to be burying my friend tomorrow. I’m not mad at you, I’m just tired.” He walks with me outside and we stand in silence as we wait for my ride. “I do want you to know that Michael has asked to come to the funeral and I told him he could.” I look up at him and see his jaw clench. I close my eyes and continue, “I told him I was dating you and that I was unavailable to date him.” I feel Kadis move to stand in front of me. His arms wrap around me and I fall into them. I breathe in his scent and my eyes start to tear up. I was so worried he would be mad. Placing a finger under my chin he guides my face up. I squeeze my eyes tighter, but the tears spill out. His lips touch mine gently and release. “I will join you tomorrow Jane. I told you, I want to be here for you.” He lets me go slowly and I realize my cab is here. “Do you mind if I come tonight or would you rather be by yourself.” “Please come. If you don’t mind being a shoulder to cry on.” “I don’t. See you soon, Jane.” He helps me into the cab and gives my hand a quick kiss before closing the door. I give the driver my address and slump on the seat in exhaustion. -------------------- I groggily wake up to the shifting of the bed. I feel Kadis’ warmth as he scoots over to my side. Wrapping his arms around me he pulls me close and gives me a gentle squeeze. Snuggling up against him, I drift back into oblivion as Kadis murmurs in my ear.
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