Chapter 17 - Kadis

1865 Words
I could get used to waking up like this! I wake up when I feel her wiggling against me and I joke that she won’t be leaving the bed anytime soon if she continues. To my surprise she rolls over and grasps me firmly in her hands. The tease! I roll on top of her and give her what she asked for. I enter her, tantalizingly slow at first. Over and over, slow and deep, and within minutes I could feel her tighten around me, her fingers digging into my shoulders as she cries out in pleasure. Barely holding my own o****m at bay, I quicken my pace, filling her again and again. A second o****m pulses through her and her moans start to sound like whimpers. I drive into her, deeper, faster, and harder. I want her to be driven by lust. This about reducing her to a quivering pile of want and desire, this is about making her mine. I can feel her building up again and when she wraps her legs around my waist to pull me deeper, I lose control and c****x with her. Her body shakes and her back arches in pleasure. Spent, I brace myself on my elbows to try to keep my weight off of her. Small moans escape her as she comes off the high of her o****m and I can feel her muscles twitching as she grips me. I feel almost giddy as the endorphins of my own c****x hit me. I look down at her. Her face is flushed from exertion and her hair is a wild halo upon her pillow. I drop my face towards hers and she quickly turns away. "Uh uh." She says as she shakes her head. "Morning breath." Chuckling I roll off of her. She jumps up and walks out the door to the bathroom. I stare, transfixed by the sway of her naked ass as she leaves. Falling back onto the pillow, I think to myself. Yup! I can definitely get used to this. -------------------- While I'm waiting for Jane to get ready I look at the pictures that I took of her while she was cooking breakfast. Most are blurry, but there is one that turned out great. I don’t even realize Jane is behind me until I feel her arms around my shoulders. Her breath tickles my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I turn and manage to surprise her as I twirl her to my lap. “You little vixen, do you realize what you do to me?” She looks up at me innocently and runs her hands down my chest stopping near the belt of my pants. I can feel myself start to stir again. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” She says as a lazy smile forms on her lips. I pull her to me and kiss the smug smile off of her. Heat flares through me. Sweet Helis. What is she doing to me! “Jane, seriously, you need to stop. I won’t be able to control myself any longer if you keep teasing.” Her smile is back. She kisses me hard and quick and before I can hold on to her, she bounces up off my lap and grabs her stuff. She plays with her keys for a minute, then turns and holds one out to me. “Here’s a key for my place, the code is 3489. Just give me a shout before you head over.” The gesture takes me by surprise. I'm shocked that she wants to move our relationship further already. Should I mark her? Would she accept my mark this early? Am I the one in control of this relationship? The last thought makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m in control! When I mark her she will be in my service! “Jane, I have to ask you something. I think we need to establish our relationship first before I accept your offer. I want to be with you, and only you. But I need to know if you want to be with me. Only me.” I word the question in a way to distort the truth without actually lying. If she accepts then I could technically mark her. Jaed was right, my obsession is blinding me. I pin her with my stare. It seems like forever before she answers. “I only want to be with you.” I can’t help but smile. I hold her gaze as I trace my rune on her arm and say the ritual. I feel my power flow through my fingertips and touch her skin. I relish in the pleasure of the transfer. I give her a kiss and tap her lightly on the nose before taking the key from her hand. “Thank you Jane. I have been waiting for someone like you for a long time now.” She looks down at her arm in shock, shaking it like she is getting rid of pins and needles. I glance at her arm expecting my rune to be bright against her skin. I look on in denial as my sigil disappears.  What the f**k! I can’t comprehend what just happened. I stare slack-jawed and dumbfounded. I look back and forth between Jane’s face and her arm. “What?” She looks down at her arm. I honestly think she doesn’t even know what happened. She rejected the mark! I clear my throat. I try to collect my thoughts. Keep cool, Kadis. “Nothing my dear, I just remembered that I have an extremely important meeting today.”  “Well how about we get together again this evening. Give me a call when you are done with your meeting. I should be done mine by five or so.” I nod absently, but I’m already thinking about the research I will have to do on this. No human has rejected a mark before. She can’t be human then! But she thinks she is. Or does she? That’s the dilemma that I turn over in my mind as I follow her out. When we get outside she disrupts my thoughts. “Kadis?” “Oh,” I realize that she’s waiting for an answer about tonight. “Yes, I’ll call you this evening. Maybe a little take-out tonight? I know a great chinese restaurant that delivers.” “Sounds good Kadis. See you later.” I go back to my questions and walk away. But the books I’ve found make no mention of anything about rejecting a mark, human or not. There’s only one place left to look. I have to figure this out. I need Jaed’s help. -------------------- "You're crazy!" This is the fifth time he has called me crazy. “You want to go and do some 'research' in the Hall? You won't tell me why and you want my help!” Shaking his head he leans back in his chair and glares at me.  “Jaed…” “Don’t you ‘Jaed’ me! You know what can happen if you are caught digging in areas you are not supposed to. So no. I won’t help you. You have to give me a damn good reason to risk my freedom and possibly even my life.” I hang my head. I don’t know what to do. I need his help but I don’t want to tell him about Jane’s abilities. Would he even believe me? “It’s about Jane, isn’t it?” I look up and see him staring at me. “You should have just marked her Kadis. Your obsession with finding something special about her is going to get you killed. Drop her Kadis. Now. Just walk away.” “You don't understand.” I say weakly. “Well make me understand Kadis!” He yells as he stands up and slams his fists on the table. Silence surrounds us as I sit stunned at his outburst. He looks down at his hands and then at the chair that he knocked to the floor. Relaxing his fists, he runs a hand through his hair and then picks up the chair and sits back down. He leans forward, rests his elbows on the table and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I’m just saying that I can’t help you if you don’t tell me anything.” Defeated, I slump in my chair. He doesn’t know the risk he is taking by asking for more information. I wanted to protect him by keeping him in the dark, but in reality I don’t think the ones who Rule would care either way if we are caught. “If I tell you, just the knowledge can get you in trouble, Jaed. You have to understand this.” I plead with him, but I already know his answer. He is like me. I would be demanding the same thing if our roles were reversed. “Tell me Kadis.” I tell him about Jane’s ability to see and interact with me before permission was given, her being able to resist my aura’s effects, the strange compulsion I experienced, and finally the rejection of my mark. I also tell him about the information I found pertaining to the Maji, sensitives, artifacts, and how none of the books mention any of her abilities. I tell him about my current suspicions of fae and daemons, and how I think she could be one of them. I also tell him how I think she is unaware of what she is and what she can do. I keep my voice steady and even as I tell him. I feel better telling him about my findings and concerns, but to be honest, the rejection of my mark is the one that worries me the most. Funny though, my desire to own her has not ebbed in the least. I still want her. I still want her to be mine. Is my obsession a part of this mystery? Am I being drawn to her against my will? Whether or not I am, I need her. I need to make her mine and the thought of not having her causes me serious discomfort. I keep that tidbit out of my story. Jaed would have me flayed if he found out the depth of my obsession. Jaed’s expression goes from mild interest to disbelief as I relay the story. “That’s impossible, Kadis.” “I know it should be, but what I told you is the truth.” Minutes pass as Jaed digests the information. “I want to meet her.” “What?” “I want to meet her,” he says as he gets up. “If we are going to break rules about digging in the Archives, I want to meet the human who I’m risking everything for.” He holds his hand up to silence me as I start to protest. “I know what you are thinking, and if she is what you think she is. Then she will be immune to my charms. Let’s call it a test. I’ll help you if she can resist me.” He smiles smugly at me, cause he knows he has me backed into a corner. Let him meet her and risk the chance that he takes her away from me, or he won’t help me. I tip my chair back balancing it on its back legs, fold my hands behind my head and look up to the ceiling. I turn over the options I have. I could just leave it and forget about finding out the truth about Jane. I could try to dig through the Archives myself without help from Jaed. Or I can introduce Jaed to Jane and hope that she is what I think she is. I make my decision. “Let's do it. I'll introduce you and you can see for yourself.”
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