The Divine

1398 Words
***Antonio’s POV *** She blinked away from me, and no matter how much it stung, I understood why she did it. She could deny it all she wanted, but she still loved him. I wonder if she still felt their bond. Was it as strong as ours? Did she understand what it would actually mean for her to be with me? I was suddenly more terrified than before. After last night, after holding her close to me all night, listening to her breath and whimpering happily as I played with her hair; how could I have actually suggested giving her up. Was she considering taking him back? She said she didn't know what she wanted. Would she want me? I wasn't like a changeling vampire, I was vampire royalty, a pure blooded vampire. Only pure blooded vampires could breed, we weren't undead like changeling, our hearts beat, we took breath, but we could also walk in the sunlight. Many purebloods lived among humans in hiding, it was easier to gain your preys trust, so to speak, but most only preyed on the wicked. Changelings were not the same, they were sensitive to light, craved to feed more often, and their bodies were essentially dead; no heartbeat, and no breath. They weren't inherently bad, it really depended on who they were before they turned, but it wasn't uncommon for a shitty person to become even shittier after turning. I didn't know how it worked when she was already a wolf. Would it turn her if I marked her? Would it kill her? What about children, could we have any? Would they be hybrids? I had way too many questions, and there was only one place I knew I could find them. I can't believe I had never thought about it before. I left the house. The rain had stopped and I made my way to the packhouse. I stood in the foyer and was waiting for the assistant to come down. I looked out the window absentmindedly, and saw her standing there talking to Kaid, when she suddenly blinked him away. I saw her take a deep breath and wrap her arms around herself as if she was trying to hold herself together. Luna Fae snapped me out of my trance, "Your Highness," she began respectfully, we had always addressed each other formally since she came of age. "It's lovely to see you again. What strange circumstances though." She said taking my hand and kissing the air on each side of my face. "Luna Fae, you haven't aged a day." I complimented bowing as she stepped back. "What brings you to our home, Your Highness? I figured your business would be a bit more to the east." She grinned a knowing grin at me. Truth be told, I knew the Luna when she was a small girl. She was a child I had rescued on an assignment, and was raised by the council. We had become friends until she found her mate in Alpha Blazen and he requested I stay away from her. I respected his request, so in public, we were extra formal. It was almost laughable. My eyes went serious, "I need to speak with Grand Alpha Hazen, it's of the utmost importance." I said evenly. She smiled, "He's in his office. Right this way." ***Zabella’s POV*** I hugged myself right after sending Kaid away, and thought about Antonio’s words. It's not that I thought he was right, but the fact that he cared enough about me to say it, I'm sure to his own great personal pain. I didn't want Kaid, that decision was final, but I wanted to help him, somehow. I went back to my home, the sun was starting to rise behind the clouds and the rain had stopped, but it was still dreary and gray. He had told me about the goddess, and what she said, and it only pissed me off more that he didn't listen to her...but, maybe she could help. The only place I knew to look for answers was the archive and I would need permission from the records keeper. I had only met her once and she was not a nice woman. More like an angry little ball of hate trapped in an archaically old looking body. She was about 5' tall and had starch white long hair she kept braided. Her blue eyes were beautiful but terrifying like the sea after a storm. She always wore a frown and was sharp of tongue. This would not be pleasant. I first linked my cousin. "Raze. I'm so sorry, may I speak with you?" "It's alright cousin. I'm up in my room, come on up." He said. They were all so forgiving. I made my way into the packhouse and up to Raze's room. He was waiting with the door open so I could just come in. I closed it behind me and he smiled wide like nothing had happened earlier. "Heya lassie, ye ok?" He said. "Are we really ok? I feel terrible about earlier, and," I paused fidgeting, "I just want to make sure we're ok. Uncle Blaze is next." I laughed uncomfortably. Raze stood at his full height. He almost looked intimidating except for the smile that never left his face. "Ey, ye shocked me a bit, but I know why you did it. Da wants him dead. He always liked Antonio for ye better." He looked at my expression before continuing. "I do too, yah know. I was a little mad you challenged me, please never do it publicly, I have to always be the strong Alpha." I understood what he meant. He couldn't kill me for challenging him, he knew I'd win, but he would have to banish me to save face. "I'm just learning the extent of my powers. Perhaps I should move further from the pack house to ensure everyone's safety." I said seriously. "Naw Lass," he smiled swinging an arm around me in a side hug, "You're doing just fine. I know what you can do, but no one else really knows what you are, so it would just look bad for the Alpha to be bowing to some new rogue we'd just accepted. I'm just reminding ye, we have to keep up the smoke screen for ye, keep everyone safe." I nodded smiling, showing him I understood. "I had another question. Do you think you could assist me in the archives? The record keeper is terrifying." He laughed at me. "Yeah, great Aunt Hazel is..." "...she's our great aunt?" I asked, shocked. "Good gravy, her glare could turn someone to stone." He laughed again, "Ey, she's pretty coarse. Come on, I'll take you." He took me down to the archive, and Hazel sat in a comfy lounger reading a book. She took one look at me, "No." She said simply, and returned to her book. "Aunt Hazel." Raze said in a warning tone. The old woman rolled her eyes and looked at me again. "I hated your mother." She said plainly, judging me with her stare. "Well she's a frigid b***h, so join the club." My cousin almost choked, and Hazel almost smiled. Almost. "What are you looking for?" She asked pointedly standing up and rifling a large ring of keys out from under her blanket. I wasn't sure if I should answer truthfully, but decided I was a terrible lier, and she'd find out or already know. "I need information on Ethereals." She dropped her keys with a start. She turned to me slowly and then with a speed I did not expect from the old woman, she started digging into my clothes, hiking my shirt up to expose my left breast. My cousin turned quickly with an, "oh ew." I didn't want to fight her off, she wasn't trying to hurt me, but she was definitely invasive. She pulled the band to my bra down and exposed my birthmark, a little red crown shaped mark with a star beneath it, the size of a dime. I'd had it since birth. She unhanded me with a gasp and stepped back with her hands over her mouth. She couldn't speak, and I helped her to her chair. Her eyes were wide as she sputtered nonsensical words, "Ye...yer...The Divine Ethereal." She finally said. Well, what the hell did that mean?
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