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Gash I awake to the sound of keys again. The darkness of the hull of the ship had become soothing to me at this point. I dreaded the door swinging open and letting in the light of the day. The new day that would find me right back in the middle of the chaos I was trying to get away from. But as much as I dreaded it the door still swings open. Letting in the light. Ringer still comes down the stairs making noise waking up the rest of the guys in the hull. I sit up, shuffle to the center isle and wait to be shackled to the other men. They move slowly, always so slowly. These were the same guys that want to make an escape and yet they move like snails in a bed of salt. Ringer and his crew shackle us together and usher us up to the deck of the boat. Seagulls sing loud songs as they fly around the rolled up masts of the ship. Men I hadn’t seen before unload crates from the deck to the dock. Ringer has us stand in a semicircle around him and his crew. “Alright. Don’t get too excited. We’ve made it to land, but it’s still a half days travel to get to the battlefield. Don’t mess up now, just cuz you got your feet on land doesn’t mean you can get away from us. Member we’re watchin ya and we don’t mind putting you in ya place. We’ll get to the battlefield by night fall an tomarra you’ll fight. So taday you rest, you eat, you think bout everythin we taught ya. Think bout getting back home ta ya families and friends. The only way you get to see them again is living through tomorrow. Member that and fight like you want ta go home.” After his speech he nods to his crew and they usher us down the ramp and sit us amongst the crates. One stays to watch us as the others go presumably to retrieve our form of travel. I know we won’t be walking there, the port is at least a two days walk from the sky port so they would need to wagon us there to get there in the time Ringer said it would take. “Alright its now or never. I don’t know about ya’ll but I’m not dying in a war I didn’t start. There’s only one of them we can take him and make a run for it.” “Shut up.” I spit at the burly brute that’s trying to get us all killed. “I told you last night I’m not running, and as you can see.” I say raising my chained hands at him, “you ain’t going anywhere without me.” “I’ll drag your skinny ass if I have to.” He said rising from the ground and making his way towards our only guard. The other men waisted no time jumping up from the ground to follow him. I glare at the young boy that had been a part of my training group, “don’t help them do anything. Trust me this will bite them in the a**” Then I rise slowly from the ground so I’m not dragged behind the rest of them. The burly man takes the guard by surprise bashing the back of his head and knocking him out cold. He takes a few seconds to search the guard’s body for the keys but comes up empty handed before making a dash for the other end of the port city all the rest of us in toe. As we sprint through the town we see people stopping and pointing at us, drawing mor attention to us than an escape like this needed, and still we pressed on. The city wasn’t large, but it was busy. It was the closest port to the sky portal and the best bet on transporting troops to the battle that was coming. Because of this the muddy trail that well used and messy. As we approach the single road on the outskirts of the city I can hear the rattling of heavy wheeled carriages. I take a second to glance back and see Ringer and his crew gaining on us in a carriage with a large cage on its back. Finally, I think to myself as I slow my pace purposely slowing the rest of the party down. “They’ve caught us!” I yell forward, “ We may as well make it easier on ourselves.” “If you stop running I’ll kill you myself” the burly brute at the front yells back at me. “Then kill me” I say stubbornly flopping down to the ground. I know the energy they’ve used running this far has weakened them and there’s only a few moments until the carriage catches us and ends whatever brutality they plan to unleash on me. The rest of the men try to push on dragging my body with them as they run. “Why! You said you wouldn’t stand in our way, yet here you are about to get us all caught.” “Trust me,” I say as they drag me a bit further, “None of this war will ever touch us. You will not have to fight.” The leader stops and looks back at me. “How could you possibly know that?” “Just trust me. You’re making this worse than it ever could be. The Fae have no intention of fighting the humans.” “If we do end up fighting,” The leader says taking quick long strides towards me, “You will be my first target.” “By all means please do kill me if we have to fight. I’d rather die quickly than be made to fight to the death and still die.” This guy with all his strength is terrified of a little battle. Unbelievable. I think to myself as I wait for the carriage to reach us. Ringer brings the carriage up right beside us and hops down. “I thought I told you bast***s not to run!” He says huffing as he walks towards us. “Now the day before I need you to be at your best I have to do my worse! I thought we understood each other. But it seems we don’t. It seems I’ll have to show you I mean business.” He stops in front of the young boy dragging him up to his feet. “Wait.” I say standing slowly to my feet. “I’ve not given you any trouble. I even tried to talk this lot out of running, so I ask you to just listen to me this once.” Ringer drops the boy and turns his attention to me. “I got them to stop or we’d still be running and probably have reached to woods by now.” “Spit out what you have to say and be done we have to get moving soon. “I swear to you none of us will run again. We will go willingly and represent you well if you only give us all one more chance.” I knew I was not very persuasive or compelling, but at least I was trying. The last thing I wanted was for that boy who was already disadvantaged by his youth to be harmed before he even had a chance. On the off chance that Miljena’s plan fell through the boy would need. “If you could just count this one out and we go back to how it was, we’ll give you no more trouble. Like you said we have somewhere to be.” I could only hope my plea was enough as I stood before Ringer who just looked me up and down. Finally, “Fine, I’ll chalk this one up. But, if they try to run again at any point before the war starts I will kill you, capture them to make them fight, and the ones that return will not be freed as I agreed to do before.” The look in his eyes let me know this was not a game. He meant every bit of what he said. I took a look at the men around me, shackled but not broken, and knew that above all else they wanted to be free. They wouldn’t chance that for another botched escape attempt. “Agreed” I said before turning around and starting towards the cage in the back of the carriage. I didn’t need to look back to know the rest of the men were following me. Once we loaded up and were locked in Ringer threw some stale bread and dried meat into the cage. “You would’ve had a better meal had you waited, but now this will have to do until we make camp.” He said as he walked back to the front and we wheeled away. We reached to the cusp of the last hill before the sky port. From the back of the carriage I could see the campsites of the humans, elves, and dwarves on one side of the portal and the campsites of the Fae on the other. There were so many tents it was if a temporary city had been created. Time was winding down for the two sides to come to a compromise. The eclipse was less than a day away and I knew, even if Mijena was too naive to see, the humans would not wait for the fae to be at full strength before they attacked. That wouldn’t be smart tactically. The carriage made its way down the hill and into the camp. We stop by a small open patch, that presumably has been set aside for us to set up camp. Ringer approaches the cage. “Look I don’t want to keep you locked up on your last night before a fight. I unlock ya’ll but my crew will keep an eye on ya so try anything funny. Member what I said.” I unlocks the cage and allows us to climb out then unlocks the shackles that bind us together before unlocking our hands and feet. “Now, help set up the camp then you’ll be introduced to the rest of your regiment.” We look at each other slowly before setting to the task of setting up the camp. The crates that were brought in the wagon behind us held our tents and some weapons that we organized and set up. One of Ringer’s crew started a fire and set up to cook us supper. Once the camp was set Ringer led us deeper into the camp and had us stand with other men that looked like farmers and cooks, definitely not soldiers. “Get to know the men you’ll fight beside and come back to camp before nightfall.” He said before walking away. I took in my surroundings, picking out the men that might survive if we had to fight and counting the guards that surrounded us. “Don’t try anything, we’re not here unwatched” I said to the group of men I had arrived with. “Just talk to them” I pointed to the other men, “see how good we got it in comparison” I said before heading off to take a stroll around the group. Just as I was making my way back to the spot I had started I spot none other than Mijena herself walking casually with a group of men. Dahin I broke the surface of the crystal clear lake raining droplets of water over the rippling surface. Fish that had just raced beside me dashed away from the newly established chaos. I flip over to my back and allow the water to carry me deeper to the center of the lake. The three suns shine down on me from the orange sky through blue and purple clouds creating a picture of beauty. The song of the land floated around me filling my heart to bursting. Almost a half millennium had passed since I had arrived here and not a day went by that the song of the land did not effect my heart. I had changed drastically as had the land itself and my people, but change is not always bad. Layers had been added with the creation of civilization, harmonies that had not been present when I first arrived now dominated the song. My people’s habits had become the lyrics that gave the song meaning, and I basked in all of it. My curls drifted around me as I floated in the lake knowing that I needed to wrap up my bath. Today was a big day for my people. Today I would choose a prophetess. My people didn’t understand why I needed a prophetess, they had always had direct contact with me, but as the population grew, I knew there was no way I could continue to allow that. I personally thought that a few prophetesses were needed moving forward, but for now I could settle for one. I would endow gifts on her and ensure that when the time came for me to leave my people would not feel abandoned. I swim across the lake to the shore and allow my attendants to dry and dress me before we head back to the temple. I sit on the raised thrown at the head of the temple and watch as my people file in. They’re the leaders of their community, yet they walk in with their heads lowered and take their places knelled and bowed with their foreheads to the ground on rows of pillows placed for their viewing of the ceremony. Once the temple is filled the musicians began playing the song of the land. My people still could not hear the song as I could, but with the musicians help they hear a near identical version of it. With the music playing my attendants usher in twenty young girls their blue skin still smooth and unmarked with the tattoos that indicated their cross into womanhood. Each of them is dressed plainly in green wrapped skirts and a matching bantu, their hair braided intricately on their head and their eyes focused on the ground. All of them except for five that walk in together and pear up through their lashes trying to catch a glimpse of their surroundings. The girls were split at the top of the isle three of them going right and two of them going left then stopped at the base of the dais, where they lowered to the pillows and bowed deeply placing their foreheads on the ground. The music ends and I rise from the thrown and walk to the edge of the dais. “Today we are gathered for a momentous occasion. You may rise leaders of the chosen.” My voice belted out filling the temple and the leaders on their pillows rose to seated positions and took in what was some of their first glimpse of me. The awe and shock of those who have never held my audience is clear. I do not look like them. Where their skin is blue, mine is brown, where they are covered in tattoos that identified their family, gender, job, and status, my skin was smooth and clear of marks. Where their hair was shiny, straight, and red, my hair was coily, curls, and ginger. It always made me smile to witness their reaction when they first saw me. It was if their eyes were opened for the first time. There were many legends about how foreign I looked, how dangerous, mysterious, and intimidating I was, but when they saw me for the first time, I could tell that they thought I was beauty in carnet. Perhaps I got that from my mother. I thought in passing, allowing my people a moment to take me in. “Today I chose my first prophetesses.” My attendants and my people begin to whisper at the pluralization of the word. I had told them all that I would choose one, though I had been toying with the idea of having more than one since I had made the choice to have prophets. After seeing the five curious girls walk in it had become clear to me that they were the ones I needed. I needed disciplined disciples, yes, but also those who were curious. Knowledge was the key that unlocked everything, and curiosity was essential to gaining knowledge. With these girls in place my people’s hunger for knowledge would not die. They would lead my people forward and urge them to progress and that, more than anything was what I wanted for them. “As we gather here today to choose and introduce my new prophetesses to you, I want you all to keep in mind their purpose. They are not just here to be your liaison to me, but to inspire you. Youth, I like to say is not wasted on the young but is sent to the old to inspire the future. You are all charged to look upon them and be inspired by their character, their fortitude, their curiosity.” I turned to the girls in front of me all still lowered to the ground, “Rise my children and gaze upon me. For ten of you will be taken on as alcoholates, five of those will be prechosen as my prophetesses, the remaining five of them will be their understudies and companions. The road of leadership is a lonely one, each pair is there to make that loneliness a little less. Trust each other and only each other. Bond together and rely on each other. No one will understand the stress you will come to experience like your companion.” I take the stairs down to the girls. “First I will choose the prophetesses. If you receive a kiss from me you have been chosen” I begin walking to the right. I walk down to the end of the line and then back up it before I stop in front of the first girl that peered at me through her lashes and lower myself to lightly kiss her forehead. The song of the land slightly changes as my kiss lands and my gifts pour into her rushing through her body and taking her by surprise. She sways a bit before lowering her head back to the floor the girl to her right immediately grabs the girl’s hand in excitement, as I move to the next girls whose eyes are now wide with fear. I plant a kiss on her forehead and elicit the same response from her as a girl from the center of the line takes a deep inhale. I then move to the next girl and do the same receiving the same response the girl beside her just looks at her while a girl at the start of the line exhales deeply. I move down the line passing the girls until I get to the fourth girl that peered at me through her lashes. I stop in front of her and look into her wild orange eyes. This one has a fire in her that I can’t help but admire. I place a kiss on her forehead and the girl to her left is the first to reach out to her before I move to her and do the same. I turn and walk back to the center of the line of girls having chosen my five prophetesses. I take a moment to listen to the song of the land again. Its song forever changed as these girls own keys now contribute stronger than before. “Now I will choose their companions. If you are not chosen you will rise and exit the temple. Remember that not being chosen for these tasks does not make you less than in my eyes or the eyes of your peers. It simple means that your life is meant for a different destiny. If you receive shoulder tap you will be the companion of the corresponding prophetess.” I started my way to the girl beside my first prophetess and placed three fingers on her forehead, I proceeded to the girl in the center who inhaled deeply and do the same. I make my way to the girl separated by one girl from my third prophetess and place three fingers on her forehead. The last two girls would be more difficult as they seemed to have been close to each other and no other girl elicited a response. I walk down the line taking in each of them, one girl’s eyes are filled with tears, her song is not one of sadness though but of joy for her sisters I place three fingers to her forehead and her tears overflow. Fire and water they will make for and interesting pair. I continue my walk down the line and when I reach the end I double back. I make my way all the way back to the beginning of the line when a sad song drifts to my ear. A song of loneliness and despair. The girl it comes from has a smile plastered across her face that would seem genuine, but her song tells me that if she leaves here she has no where and no one to go back to. I approach her and place three fingers to her forehead. Her song lightens to one of hope. I stand there taking her in and listening to the shift in her song. The melody now feeding stronger into the song of the land. I finally turn back to the dais. “Now, if you have not been selected, go forth and live your life. Find your destiny and fulfill it.” I wait patiently for the girls who had not been chosen to leave the temple before continuing. “To the rest of you.” I address the girls left, “Rise and follow my attendants. We will sup together and learn more about each other.” The girls quietly obey leaving me and the leaders of my people alone in the temple. “Take what you have witnessed here today back to you communities. Tell them that I will always be with you. There will come a time, soon” I say solemnly, “That I will not be amongst you. A time when I will have to leave you. But I will return. I do not want my absence to drive you to stagnation. Grow, flourish, learn in my absence. When I return I expect greatness to greet me. My prophetesses will always be able to reach me, no matter where I am. If there is a crisis that you can not handle use them to reach out to me. Solve as many things on your own as you can. Independence is key to success in your future.” The girls walk in giggling amongst themselves. I had not heard such a beautiful ruckus since I came to this place. Food was lavishly placed on the table before me and as the girls entered they took seats around the feast each prophetess with her companion by her side. I felt full with happiness and satisfaction. “Welcome ladies. I hope that you have enjoyed your day so far.” They had changed into ornamental robes, each matching the gifts I had bestowed on them. “I see that you have also discovered your new gifts.” I say with a smile. They had no idea how strong they would become. “Be mindful that our people do not know what gifts you have now, so when you make public appearances, you will continue to wear green or brown. All knowledge is not meant for everyone.” The girls all nodded in agreement as they looked to me for more guidance. “I trust that we will get to know each other but the thing I want to make clear to each of you is that we are forever bonded. There will never be a time when you can not reach me. From now on you will train together, live together, and grow together. You will age more slowly than others and because of that you will have time to develop many skills and learn from the passing of time. There will come a time when you are needed for the survival of our people and you will be ready. I will ensure that you are ready. Remember to be kind to each other, do not burn the bridge of friendship that links you all together. You will need each other over the decades to come. For now let’s eat and enjoy each other’s company.” I smiled and we all began our meal. Once we finished eating I rose from the table the girls doing the same, “I will see you in the morning for our first training. Get plenty of rest, tomorrow will be long.” I turned and retreated to my chambers. The suns lit up the sky making waves of heat rise from the sand pit. I walk to the center of the pit and the girls form a circle around me. “Today we will explore the extent of your gifts” I project my voice, “break into pairs with your companions and show me what you have discovered so far.” The girls eagerly break into pairs and spread out on the sand pit stretching and loosening their muscles before they begin to show off their new gifts. Small fires light and tiny rain clouds manifest above palms. Single flowers burst from the ground in front of one and a gust of wind lifts the curls of another. Finally, one girl quietly sits on the ground with her companion closing her eyes. I feel the song of the land around her grow quieter, the fires and rain clouds disappear, the flower withers and the wind dies down. When she opens her eyes they glow yellow power exuding from her body. Then she releases the connection and closes her eyes again. These girls were fast learners, training them would be easy work. I smiled to myself then decided to show them a bit of what I could do. “All right ladies that’s great keep working on those skills and one day you will be able to do this.” I close my eyes drawing just a little power from the song from a wider area than the prophetess which ended up being more power than she had gotten from the small area around her. Wind kicks up sand around me creating a small tornado. A thunder cloud forms over my head shooting lightening into the sand and forming glass around the tornado and raining down droplets of water into my curls. Fire forms on the ground being picked up into the tornado and forming smaller tunnels that spun in unison with the tornado. I begin to lift from the ground taking the shards of glass, fire, tornado, and rain with me. Once I’ve reached a decent height I aim the glass at the ground and send it flying down along with streaks of fire then follow it with rain to put out the fire leaving behind the emblem of a circle of elements. I land next to the image and dismiss the power that had answered my call restoring the song of the land to its full power. Before I can speak I hear a slow steady clap behind me. I turn to see where the noise is coming from and am greeted by my father. “Rayo!” I shriek making my way quickly across the sand pit. “I’ve missed you” I say breathlessly as I launch myself at him and he catches me in his arms. “I’ve missed you too daughter. I see you have been busy” He chuckles as he lowers me back to the ground and gives me a forehead kiss. “But now we must go. Bid your followers goodbye and come along.” “Go? I’m not ready to go yet. They are not ready for me to go yet.” “Dahin. I told you one hour. One hour is up you have to return now.” “One hour. Father’s its been half a millennium.” “I know what it has been her, which is why you have to come with me now. Remember what we told you. Don’t let them consume you. Let’s go.” “I won’t go yet. Not yet. Surely a few more moments won’t be anytime back home.” “Alright, a few moments, but only for you to say your goodbyes.” He said sternly. I give him a smile and a quick peck on the cheek, “Thanks daddy” I flounce back over to my prophetesses. “I can not tell you how proud I am of you all. I thought I had more time, but it seems destiny has another plan for me. Don’t forget what I have told you. Develop your gifts, hone them. I believe in you. Reach out to me if you ever need anything” So many things I wish I had time to tell them, but as Rayo said my time is up. “Believe in yourselves and in the bond you share. I will return one day, until then take care of our people.” I hugged each of them and turned to my attendants. “Keep an eye on them. Look out and advise them, but follow them do not expect them to follow you.”
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