

kickass heroine
magical world

When an ancient curse is activated Zeya is separated from her home and her parents. It’s left to her to gather the fae and break it. The journey is filled with challenges every step of the way. But what she doesn’t know may just be the end of her.

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Treaty or retreat
Zeya It had been 16 years since Norella revealed our existence to mankind, not as the angels and gods they thought us to be but as us just plain fae. Still there had been no accordances made with all 5 tribes of fae and 7 kingdoms of man. There had been treaties struck amongst neighboring tribes and kingdoms but nothing along the lines of totality. “However do we deign to come to an agreement with the likes of them?” Miljena spat throwing open the door to her chamber. She was especially heated after her last council meeting, but she would resort to her same speech. “Seven individual immature blight headed fools. They can’t agree with each other let alone-“ “see wisdom from those whose knowledge surpasses theirs by millennia” I finished for her. “Mock me now, but they will be the death of us all sweet niece.” She said as she slumped down into the cushioned chase beside me, transforming from all powerful voice of the fae to baffled teen in seconds. To be fair she’s not a teen though she was the youngest ever ambassador to man. Well, the only ever ambassador to man. “How much longer will your mother make us grovel for their agreement before we take it by force? Is it not clear by now they would rather be foe than friend?” Miljena’s feet dangled over the arm of the chase as she swayed them back and forth. “They’ve been more open to reason lately” I said to my aunt. “In this meeting they didn’t even fight with each other as much. They agreed to take the suggestions back to their kingdoms for consideration and resume counsel in a moon’s passing. That’s better by far than the first meeting” I gave my aunt a smirk letting her know I was in a picking kind of mood. The first meeting of the counsel was 10 years ago. It took 4 years for them to even agree on a place to convene the council, another 2 years to build a neutral site near the port to the sky tribe before they agreed to meet. Then when they did meet, they each brought their own armies as if a battle would break out at peace negotiations. And if that weren’t bad enough, before the break for midday feast the Solkins claimed offense because the Hilkliers were seated next to them and left for home. The Bhavins protested the Ceftins ability to adhere to any agreement that would be met. The Kefners refused their chambers. The Wexars saw no point in the meeting if the others were not going to stay. Leaving only the fae and the Ventries, whom have been a steady friend through the entire ordeal. It took 6 moon passings to get them all back to the table and we were just getting to a place where the discussions were progressing. From the deep sigh that escaped Miljena’s lips she had reminisced on that day as well. “They have come a long way. But not far enough for me to go home yet.” My mother had charged my aunt with this as her first duty station 4 years ago, the only way she could return home was by finalizing a treaty with mankind. Then she would only act as an emissary between the fae and humans, reinforcing our relationship every few years and making sure all treaty obligations were adhered to. I could tell Miljena missed home, she missed the closeness of the sun, the way the clouds turned pink as the sun rose and fell, her handmaidens, the foods no human could ever recreate. She missed her room, retreating to her true form and ducking into her small home within her room, the peace and quiet that only came from being the forgotten youngest. Most of all she missed her freedom, she used to come and go as she pleased, now she could only stay where she was and hope the humans would soon agree. I knew she wanted to go home. “What will you do while we await their return?” Miljena asked as she wiggled up from her seat and walked towards her closet. “I’ll probably just ride and hunt for a while, maybe make a few appearances at a court or two to try and sway the hearts of man. You?” Miljena took a deep breath, “Someone must plan for their return. Beyond that I think I will seek counsel of my own. Ojo knows I need all the help I can get” Miljena appeared from her closet in her riding leathers and strode straight for the door. She picked up a satchel Zeya hadn’t noticed earlier laying by the door and kept walking out the door and down the hall. Feeling like I’d missed some signal I scurried up from my seat and shuffled quickly my skirts ruffling as my legs kick stepped keeping me from tripping. “You knew they would call an end today?” I asked lengthening my strides to catch up. “I assumed they would have called an end yesterday, but they surprised me with extending until today.” Miljena’s determined walk suggested she was late for some engagement. “Whose counsel are you seeking that makes you move this fast? Is there a special someone you haven’t told me about? Do I have a prospective uncle?” I tried to calm the storm I sensed raging behind my aunt’s green eyes. Something was not right, though I couldn’t quite guess what was out of place. The sun was setting as we made our way to the stables. Miljena’s horse was saddled and awaiting her with provisions for at least half a moon’s pass. ‘She would not need so much or the horse to get to the port and portal to another tribe. The humans are the furthest from whom she would seek counsel. What is she up to?’ I thought to myself watching my aunt load her satchel onto the horse. “There is no prospect for me sweet niece.” Miljena said as she secured her satchel in place, “be safe until my return.” Miljena kissed my forehead, climbed onto her horse and rode away. Norella I listened intently my face unchanging as I was briefed on the latest council meeting. Not much had come of it, but the humans were becoming less combative. In another decade or two we may actually have the treaty we sought. My only worry was if Miljena could continue the job. I wasn’t a fool I knew my sister had no love for the humans, but if a future of peace was going to be established Miljena would need to learn to accept them as at least partners in this endeavor. Having her lead the charge for a treaty seemed the best way to ensure she would feel included and continue to uphold the agreements in the future. I missed my sister, and I knew my sister missed home. After the briefing closed, I would put a care package together with Miljena’s favorite food and send it down. It’s the least I could do considering all I had charged Miljena to accomplish. Zeya “How was your hunt?” Flyn asked as I trotted through the gate. “Not too bad. Should be enough to last through the next counsel session. Has my aunt returned?” I asked as I continued towards the kitchen entrance. “We haven’t seen her yet. When we do, we’ll let her know you await her presence.” “Thank you Flyn” I yelled back as I entered the stronghold. I strode through the kitchens looking for the butcher. Sarai was pulling a fresh batch of sweet rolls from the oven, filling the air with cinnamon and nutmeg. I stopped and grabbed one of the steaming rolls from the tray, tossing the hot bun from one hand to another before finding a saucer to carry it on as I continued my search for the butcher. I found Gash standing over a young kitchen maid speaking softly as she smiled up at him. “Got another mouse in your trap Gash?” I asked as I leaned against the door frame taking bites out of the sweet roll. The kitchen maid jumped at the sound of my voice. Gash just tilted his head a bit and smirked at me. “Hello mouse,” My gaze was now fully on the girl who seemed to be trying to shrink into nothing. “Hello ma’am,” the girl squeaked. I stepped up to the girl bending down to whisper, “This one is bad news and your mother didn’t send you here to be tricked and played. Trust me Aya. He has many bastards running around don’t let him put one in you.” The girl’s eyes moistened as she looked up at me. I opened her arms, the saucer discarded on the floor. The girl crashed into me tears spilling onto her cheeks. My eyes stab Gash with intensity, he turns and leaves the room a smirk and shrug over his shoulder. After Aya’s tears settled to hiccups I left her to gather herself. I walked back to my cart stepping beside Gash as he peered into the back taking quick inventory of the work that lay ahead. “You always have to spoil my fun Z; I was just giving a little joy to the girl’s day.” Gash crossed his arms and looked over at me, a smirk dancing on his lips. I wanted to punch him, but I heard my mother’s voice in my head ‘years of good can be undone in one millisecond by one act that was not worth it to begin’. So ZI just glared at him instead. Throwing his arms up in surrender Gash backed away saying, “I’ll get these squared away until your aunt returns with plans for the kitchen and our guests’ arrival. How long before she returns anyway? Our guests should be readying themselves for the journey back soon and we don’t even have a plan for preparation.” “Worry more for the tasks you have before you, we will continue to look after the big picture.” I responded through clinched teeth, my nails biting into my palms; the arrogance of this man was enough to drive me up a wall. This simple man of no real power and no honor had some nerve. I stormed up to my chamber wanting nothing more than to clean myself of my travel and await my aunt’s return. If Miljena didn’t return by tomorrow I would have to begin preparations without her. I was prepared if I had to, but Ojo knew I didn’t want to. I didn’t have the same advertence to humans as my aunt, but sometimes I thought they could be reminded they were not invincible. The sun shone lazily through the window in my chamber. No word had come in the night of my aunt’s arrival, so preparations fell to me now. Making a mental list of things that needed to be done I rose from my bed and went about getting ready for the day. First up the kitchen staff to create menus, then the maid and butler staff for turning over the rooms and readying the common areas. Last would be my favorite I would sit down with Flyn to discuss escorts, shift scheduling, and surveillance routes. I have this under control I thought as I headed for the door. A rumble sounded from my stomach making me even more grateful my first stop was the kitchens. After a full day of planning, problem solving, and replanning I was wiped. Everything was set for the arrivals and that is what mattered. The smoother the everyday stuff ran the less excuses and distractions the humans had from the treaty. I made my way to my chambers having already requested my evening meal be brought up. A few more days and all the council members would be back. I planned to enjoy some quiet while I still could. Zeya I stood next to Miljena smiling as each of the council members were introduced for the ten thousandth time since peace discussions began. I was wearing a sapphire blue gown that flowed from my waist which was belted with a white crystal studded sash. The top rose in two layers one a solid sapphire colored strapless sweetheart neckline, the second layer intricately wound lace that curved over it reaching ends at my neck and wrists. I glanced at Miljena who had shown up that morning before sunrise agitated but no worse for wear. She stood the picture of perfection as she politely greeted each person, making small talk about their dresses, family, and the crops that year. Whatever she had to say to make them feel seen, special, and powerful. She was so good at appeasing them I sometimes forgot how much she despised them all. The music played softly as everyone made their way to their seats to start the meal. A handmaiden slipped a letter to Miljena just as the first course was being served. Miljena wasted no time opening it, glancing swiftly over the words and handing it back to the girl. Looking into her eyes they share a moment I didn’t quite understand before the girl shuffled away. Miljena rejoined the conversation as if nothing was array. The table was cleared for the next course in the five-course meal I had spent a full day planning especially for this evening, everything was moving swimmingly along when a brute horn sliced through the soft music and muted voices. I jumped up from the table just as the doors to the dining hall swung open. Guards swarmed in posting themselves beside their prospective charges. We’re being attacked, but by whom. Who would think to attack in the neutral zone protected by the fae? Flyn stood between Miljena and I handing us both short swords. If he knew nothing else he knew we were well capable of defending ourselves and him if need be. Two more blasts sliced the air, the outer gates had been breached, by whom I could not begin to guess. Guards began to escort their charges out of the dining hall, thinking to gather their things and leave before the attackers made it to the inner gates and breach it as well. Miljena and I share a look both agreeing to go and change for what will most likely be a long night. “Escort her to her chambers we will rendezvous there after I have readied myself.” Miljena said already moving towards the door. Flyn nodded and began a stealthy trek to my chambers. The halls were particularly quiet considering the chaos that must be happening outside. Three more blasts from the war horn cut through the quiet. The inner gates had been breached. Bursting into my room I swiftly changed into my leathers and armor. Packing my knives into their hidden pockets along my thighs and arms. I tied my boots up tucking two more knives in each one. I swung my long sword over my back and belted my shorter two swords along with the rest of my throwing knives. I heard the thumping of the ram against the stronghold’s doors. Miljena opened the door to Zeya’s chamber ‘how did she get changed so quickly?’ the thought passes quickly through my mind before it was time to move. Miljena, Flyn and I made our way down the stairs just as the door is cracked. “Get to the port” Miljena screamed to me as dwarves and Elves filed in through the door. I looked back as the first wave of warriors reached Miljena’s men and the Ventries guards wanting to turn and help the beat back the enemy. I watched as Victor, the Ventries’ representative rushed to Miljena’s side. They shared a look that says everything and nothing as Flyn pushed me out the back hall through the service stairs. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me down the stairs to the stream that ran under the stronghold. I could still hear the battle noises over Flyn’s heavy breathing as we made our way around the last bend and out the building. The port was not far from this entrance I just needed to make it there. The doors above burst open. “Don’t look back,” Flyn yelled, “I’ll catch up soon.” I knew it was a lie, but I pushed forward, tears stinging my eyes. The only way they got to that door was through my aunt. The grief began to hit me, and I stumbled a few steps, the sound of battle still loud in my ears. Now was not the time, I had to make it to the port, I had to get reinforcements. I focused all my attention on pumping her arms faster and harder, lengthening my strides to carry me over the hilly terrain. The port was in my sight now as my breath came in gasps I reached the only elemental bowl, looked down at each representation of the elements, reached down into myself for my strongest connection the one to Ojo. Nothing happened, the port did not activate. I focused harder bringing my connection to the surface. The grass grew suddenly, the flowers in my vicinity began to bloom out of season, a breeze began to jostle my hair carrying the smell of rain, my face flushed with an inner heat spreading from my belly to my extremities. There was no flaw in my connection, and yet the port remained closed. Not wanting to waste more time I called on wind to lift me to the sky gates physically. I rose swiftly and steadily to the gates banging for them to be released. The guards there pulled and pushed but the gates didn’t budge. My energy was beginning to dwindle. “Send for my parents!” I screamed panic tightening its grip on my mind. Miljena I stood greeting the ambassadors and their companions as they entered. The soft bland music playing in the background made me want to call it an evening. I was wearing an emerald satin dress, the bottom flowed out at my calves, the material hugged my things and hips. Under my breast hung a belt of alternating sapphire and emeralds accentuating the deep neckline that plunged between my breasts. My quarter cut sleeves laced up my arms leaving my shoulders bare to reflect the candlelight against my caramel skin. Around my neck I wore a satin emerald choker with a large sapphire resting directly under my chin and just above it the face of refinement my mother and sister had drilled into me from the time I was old enough to attend my first family dinner. Small talk came easy to me, it took no effort to recall which humans had land, livestock, and children; how many wives each had, and which ones had recent events happen in their lives. I was beyond bored already and the council had just returned. For that matter I had just returned that morning myself. After all the participants were officially welcomed the music changed to signal time for us to take our seats and begin the meal. I made my way to the table and took my seat allowing the others to seat themselves as soon as they reached their places. Avery shuffled up to my side with a note, catching my gaze to let me know it was important to read right away. I grabbed the letter to read it swiftly. There are forces approaching the eastern perimeter of the outer gates. We are preparing to defend though we are not sure of their intentions or from what kingdom they hail. I looked up at Avery my eyes full of reassurance, I knew the girl had read the letter but did not want to alarm the others until they were sure the threat was real. Avery acknowledged my pointed look with an almost undetectable head nod before backing away just as my first course is placed before me. I resume the boring conversation I was having with the ambassador from Hilkilia about this year’s crop and their new farming methods. ‘Why on earth did Zeya make this meal so long? Three courses would have been more than enough time spent reacquainting ourselves with these humans.’ I wanted the entire ordeal to be over already. ‘One course down’ I thought smiling into her goblet as I sipped the deep rich red wine. A war horn sliced through the soft dinner music. I placed my cup down gently and looked up to the door anticipating the entrance of the guards. The stronghold was actively being attacked now, ‘Should I have warned the others when the note came?’ My mind wonders, ‘there is nothing they could have done to prevent it so no you did right not to worry anyone unnecessarily’ I decided resolving my thoughts. Flyn walked over just as I rise from my seat. I grabbed the short sword being handed to me; this human at least was competent. Two more blasts from the war horn. The attackers were moving extremely fast to have breached the outer gates already. I looked into my niece’s eyes projecting that they needed to move, obviously not the only one thinking such as I notice the other guards escorting their charges from the room quickly and quietly. Zeya had to stay safe, if nothing else she had to be safe through this. “Escort her to her chambers we will rendezvous there after I have readied myself.” I said already moving towards the door. After slipping into the hall, I took a passage hidden behind a tapestry that led up a narrow staircase branching off at different rooms I headed straight to my own disrobing as I walk. I swept the tapestry aside turning around straight into my closet and began getting ready. I adorned my leather and armor, strapped my wrist bow to my right arm, and threw a belt holding my custom arrows over my right shoulder and another around my waist. I slung my long sword over my left shoulder and sheathed two knives into each of my boots. Heading towards the door I slid two smaller swords into their places on my waist belt. Leaving the door to my chambers ajar I took long strides to Zeya’s room, glancing out of a hallway window I saw the progression of the attacking army. They were moving through the streets like water through a pipe and approaching the doors. I quickened my steps as the battle ram began to hit the door. Zeya had to get to the port before the doors were breached. I swung the door to Zeya’s room open, immediately made eye contact with Zeya urging her to hurry up so we could move. The human Flyn was still present, he would come in handy if I needed the attackers to keep busy while Zeya got away. The three made our way down the stairs me leading the way with the others trailing closely behind. I heard the door starting to give before I reached the bottom, turning to the other two just as a loud c***k broke the air I shouted, “Get to the port!” I saw dwarves and Elves rush through the door, but they had bodies of gaps mixed in with them, I summoned my connection to Ojo to my eyes and instantly saw the sprites. Victor came up beside me locking eyes with me just as the first wave of guards are assaulted. I grabbed his arm and drug him through another passage hidden in the stone wall using the double wall method. “What in All’s name is going on?! You said they would attack the other kingdoms not this place.” Victor sounded exasperated as he leaned against the thin inner wall of the chamber his hands on his knees gasping desperately for air. “Miljena this was not a part of the plan! Do you even know how hard it was to get my guards not to take me away from here when this attack started?” “Vic shut up! I didn’t tell you to stay and I definitely do not need your protection. Don’t you think it would’ve been a bit suspicious if they had attacked all the human kingdoms simultaneously and not attacked here too? The first thought would’ve been that the fae were behind it. So, to show that human and fae are in this together I had to orchestrate an attack here too. It’ll be over soon so just calm down.” Victor’s eyes were wide with surprise, for one I had never explained myself in the moment to anyone so I must be getting very fond of him. Any other time I would’ve just told him to shut up and explained when I felt like it, if I felt like it. For two I was gorgeous, my leather and armor enhanced my curves, my hair was pulled up with fly aways framing my face, the command in my voice, and the slight flush in my cheeks from me running the stairs had him on edge. And third I was standing so close to him my breath tickled his chin and wafted into his nose. I gazed up at him with my almond shaped green eyes sending heat through him like no fire ever could. He brought his lips down on mine knowing I would pull away soon. He just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to taste me again. I knew I had him just where I wanted him and there was nothing he could do about it. I could smell Victor’s change from anger to arousal instantly and knew he would take advantage of my vicinity to him. I allowed the stolen kiss, but now wasn’t the time for that kind of distraction. If only he wasn’t human, I could almost see a future with him. I closed my eyes as his head lowers participating willingly in the stolen moment then backed away putting space between them so that he could refocus. “Ok so since they are here does that mean the other attacks went well?” Victor asked the bulge in his leather trousers the only visible indication that he was not completely settled. “Victor, I’ve been here just like you. Does it look like I know how the other attacks went?” Miljena responded ear to the gap between the walls listening as the battle sounds began to die down. “I just mean if they got through here so quickly with fae and human soldiers on guard surely they got through the human only guards even quicker,” Victor huffed defensively. “The point wasn’t to get through the gates at all of the others, just this one. The other attacks were just to scare them. Nobody important was supposed to get injured.” I spun on Victor my eyes boring into him. “We are just aiming for these treaties to be sped up that’s it. I know you have grand dreams of dethroning your brother but that’s not the aim of this got it?” I said taking a step towards Victor to drive my point home. Victor’s brother Vlad had no heirs and his queen had passed last winter from their last attempt at barring one into the world. Victor would rule soon enough if he was patient, but he didn’t know the meaning of the word. None of them did, their lives were fleeting, over in the blink of an eye. They couldn’t afford to be patient and that was one of many reasons I detested them. That was why I couldn’t let Victor get any closer than I already had.

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