Curse, what curse?

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Narrator Norella and Clem were startled from their sleep as their chamber doors were thrown open. Clem was on his feet, bedside sword in hand before the guards made it to the foot of the bed. “Dejá Ojo, Dejá Reyo the Dejá is at the gates. We have tried everything to open them, she says she tried the port several times. We have even tried the port from our side no one has been able to enter or leave.” The guard spoke swiftly with his eyes averted as Norella and Clem hastily threw on over coats and shoes. By the end of the statement they were both on the balcony. They glided down from their balcony seamlessly summoning their wind connections and making for the gate through the clouds. “Momma,” Zeya screamed as she saw their approach. “What’s happening? Why can’t I enter? Why can’t they get the gates open?” Norella saw the fatigue washing over Zeya, “Suppress your connection to Ojo Zeya,” Zeya’s eye’s bucked momentarily before she focused on suppressing her connection she’d forgotten she summoned at the port. She was instantly rewarded with an energy reserve she did not have access to before She was still tired and being drained but not at the same rate. “Now breathe. What happened?” Norella feared there is much to be said, but she schooled her face pushing her fears down and dawning the mantle of ruler rather than mother that she so desperately wanted to keep on at the moment. Zeya felt her eyes stinging again as she fought the urge to break into tears, “We were attacked by dwarves and Elves during the council reception dinner. Miljena held them off so that I could come for reinforcements. We need help they breached the inner gates and over ran the stronghold within an hour of the first horn.” Zeya spoke swiftly as tears streamed down her face. “Give us room.” Norella projected her voice from her gut, the guards moved away expeditiously giving the Royals time and space to continue their discussion. “You said dwarves and Elves working together?” Norella said softly looking into her daughter’s eyes, “think carefully were there any sprites present?” Clem made a small gasp looking at his mate with wide eyes, she could not really be suggesting what he thought she was, they could not all be working together. “I did not see any in physical form, but they could have been there in the eseo. Why?” Zeya said through hiccups, grief now hitting her in uncontrollable waves. “The curse has awakened.” Norella whispered softly,” We cannot enter or exit the sky tribe, the prophecy needs to be fulfilled. You cannot return to the stronghold tonight” “But Miljena is still-“ “Miljena is a trained warrior,” Norella cut her daughter off harshly then proceeded more softly, “with far more experience than you can imagine. She will be fine. Now listen, there is a safe house 10 miles north from the port. There you will find clothes, food, the prophecy written, and instructions on what we believe must be done to restore order. Until Miljena catches up with you, you will have to do this on your own. You can do this my phoenix. You are prepared.” “What prophecy, what safe house? Momma you knew this was coming?” Zeya’s mind had more questions than answers, but with every moment she floated on wind’s strength she felt less focused and weaker. “Go to the safe house, rest, regroup and follow my instructions. You have to hurry or your strength with fade to far. I love you my sweet gift.” “We love you,” Clem’s green eyes looked at his daughter with such affection, “you will be fine. Reyo will protect you.” He said more for himself than the two women before him. Tears swelled in Norella’s eyes as she watched her daughter become weaker, she reached out to Clem who drew her in close wrapping his arms around her. They stood embracing each other as they watched their daughter fall back to the ground. Miljena I sat in the same seat I was in hours earlier, the room still decorated with the welcome banners displaying the five kingdom’s shields surrounding the shield of Ojo. Chairs were overturned, wine stained the white tablecloths having poured from silver and gold goblets overturned during the attack, food was strewn across the floor, and a few women had left their shoes behind in their attempts to flee faster. Victor stood behind me to the right as six fully armored warriors strode into the dining hall. Bagphlyn, an elf, walked a few steps ahead of the group. His long strides causing Sephina and Melvo to take quicker steps just to keep up. “All is as we agreed. We hurt as few as we could manage to breach this fortress and secure it as our own.” Bagphlyn said briskly. He stood with his broad shoulders squared off. His silver hair hung around his shoulder the top half pulled back from his face in a loose braid. His ice blue eyes not quite making eye contact with me. He was clearly lying, but I had expected extra loss when dealing with elves. They always thought the only lives worth living were their own. “Have you received word of the other attacks yet?” I asked looking past Bagphlyn to the earth sprites on his left, their kind didn’t take names (at least none that anyone else could pronounce). They didn’t usually take physical form either, preferring to spend their time in the oseo. The oseo was a realm layered on top of the physical, it could be used for many purposes but it was very dangerous to use if one was not skilled and careful. Sprites had evolved in their use of oseo in such a way that that their very life force was formed from the oseo making using it like breathing to them. When working with others not of their race the sprites tried to maintain humanoid form. “They all went according to plan. The outer walls were all breached and our warriors feigned defeat upon reaching the inner gates. The humans will never guess how easily we could have overtaken them.” One sprite spoke its voice reminded me of squawking eagles. The form he took was not particularly attractive, but it wasn’t unpleasant either. He was of average height, not muscular but toned, and his eyes were a murky black. “Good, our ambassadors should return to their homes relating the message to their kings that we were also attacked brutally,” I looked over my shoulder to Victor relating that he was included in that statement, “ after a few days we will send letters to each kingdom requesting we meet to discuss the future of our treaty. No doubt they will not want to return here so be prepared to meet in Ventera. Once a date is agreed upon I will insist that in light of recent events we include the other races to join our peace discussions and we will move on from there. Are there any questions on what everyone should do from here?” Silence was the only response I needed to know we were all on the same page. “Excellent.” Turning to Sephina I continued, “Have your troops retired to the mountains yet? The sun will rise soon so if not there are underground tunnels here that they can recover in until nightfall.” Sephina smiled her appreciation to me, “We are the only two that will require accommodation, we have already laid claim to one of the windowless rooms in the west wing of this stronghold. As long as we are undisturbed we will be fine for one night not within the earth, though we may be a bit grumpy come nightfall.” “Well help yourselves to any of the other four courses my dear niece planned for this evening, the food should not go to waste just because the night was ended early.” I said as I rose from my seat, a silent dismissal of my make shift council. Zeya I just wanted to hug my parents as my father whispered, “you will be fine, Reyo will protect you.” I began to fall towards the ground no longer able to keep a steady connection with wind. I plummeted to the ground trying repeatedly to reconnect creating short bursts of air that slowed my decent to earth. As my back hit the ground with a thud I stopped reaching for my connection and laid there for a while collecting the breath that had been knocked out of me upon landing. Finally, I rose and began my trek in the direction mother had indicated. The moon shone down on me, in its fullness, lighting up the night. The dew sat on the grass like diamonds, I could hear the night around me. Owls sang their night songs, wolves joined in the chorus, my steps made the percussion. I pushed on up and down the hills listening to the music of the night searching for the safe house. At some point the landscape transitioned. Dense woods surrounded me blocking some of the wind of the night and creating a new layer to the song. As the moon began its decent I started to question whether I would ever find the house. I didn’t want to think right now, though my brain seemed determined. I kept focusing on the music, stomping hard and stepping lighter to match the melodies around me. I just needed to make it to shelter and then I could process, I could decompress, I could make sense of everything. I stepped into a clearing. The full light of the moon once again lighting up the night. A log cabin stood like a beacon. I pushed through the door closing it behind me. Slamming my back to it I slide to the floor and lets my thoughts take over. I sat at a desk in the receiving room of the cabin. Before me lay a weathered scroll and a journal. Unrolling the scroll I began to read. When all the blood of princes past converge as one. The ruler of all walks the land harmony final done. The blunder over the future here Beware the terror will appear. When least is most and most at least The time has come turn towards the East When time has done it all the best The fracture has gone look to the West All shall hear the and rejoice their mouth Sing songs of praises from the South Keep steady hand don’t stray from course The reinforcements from the North Rest thy own eyes from ground to high The final sword comes from the Sky Shall all align to conquer the blight All kingdoms merge behold the sight None of it made any sense to me, but from what I could gather something was going to happen that would require all the tribes working together. I reached for the journal opening it to the first page. My mother’s handwriting was the first thing I noticed. If you are reading this all five races have joined forces and the day of reckoning has arrived. For there to be peace for all first there must be war. Because no great victory is ever sustained without the ties of blood to remind us why they are important. The Sky tribe has fallen to a curse and are unable to leave the gates. My people must overcome this without further guidance from their Dejá Ojo and Dejá Rayo. Though it breaks my heart to leave this task to anyone else I cannot also leave that person without instruction on how to help us all. May Ojo guide you and Rayo protect you on the journey that is now before you. I looked up from the journal, my eyes wide with disbelief. My mother knew this could happen and still she never told me. Taking a deep breath I centered myself and continued reading. First it is my responsibility to explain what curse has befallen us. It is not common knowledge that there once was a council of life. The council was composed of all the species of higher thinking. The council made sure that peace and harmony reigned throughout the kingdoms. The fifteenth Deja Ojo came to power during the council’s reign in an unorthodox way. While her connection to air, earth, and water were undeniable she was unable to call on fire and her connection to Ojo was weak at best. However, because she was next in the line of succession and no other prospect with connection to all elements and Ojo was found she ascended to rule the Sky tribe. Her rule was smooth in the beginning, all loved her for her tenacity and soft heart. The time came for her to unite with her intended mate and she refused. It would seem she had fallen in love with another and would not tie herself to one she did not love. She had a secret tying ceremony with her love and revealed on her tying day to the Deja Rayo that she had done so. The council was not pleased. This was before we knew the Dejas need not be united for stability of power to be maintained. The sky tribe was enraged, They called for the chosen mate to be put to death. The council thought that was extreme. They cursed her beloved instead and exiled him, if he ever laid eyes on the Deja Ojo he would parish from existence for eternity. In a fit of rage the Deja Ojo cursed the council, if ever they worked together to achieve a common goal they would server the sky tribe from the land. No one would be permitted to enter or leave until the end of time. The council took heed of this curse deciding that peace could be sustained without their monitoring it as a unit. Before they all disbanded to their prospective homes the human representative, a seer, had vision of a great prophecy to come to pass. One that the fae have held close ever since. We have studied this prophecy over and over, because of our devotion to deciphering this prophecy we believe that it is the answer to the curse. To reinforce our beliefs Deja Ojo one hundred fortieth of her name implemented a counter curse of her own to be enacted on the solar eclipse once the curse is in affect. The power of the tribes in unison can restore order. All of their power will be required, all of their concentration as well. They need only to be there and do what comes natural to us, connect. If you are reading this the curse has been activated by the races working together again. The only hope of restoring order and freeing the sky tribe is to bring the prophecy to fruition. To our understanding that means following the instruction below. You must first send word to king Vlad of the Ventria kingdom, he is prepared and will rally the humans to the cause. Then it is up to you to travel to each tribe enlisting the help of each queen to assist with the battle that is to come. They are proud, but they are warriors. Be honest with them but do not reveal more than you must. You must gather them all below the sky gate portal during the eclipse. Each tribe has a task to perform. They will know what it is, you need only to help plan for timely arrival. Trust Ojo will reveal all. Provisions are here for your use. On the bed you will find an emblem of your representation of me. It will effectively make you the voice of the Sky. May Reyo protect you and fortify you with the strength necessary to accomplish the task before you. Good luck and Ojo’s blessings upon you. I leaned back in the chair, lost for words, fatigue starting to take hold of my mind. I pushed up from the desk and made my way to the small room in the back. It was not extravagant, but it had all the necessities. A bed with sheets and a blanket, a bedside table with a candle and a closet stocked with clothes of different sizes and climates. I plopped down on the bed and was asleep before my head hit the lone pillow. I sat straight up in the bed, the afternoon sun streamed through the window and sweat flowed freely down my face. One moment of haze and confusion was followed by the rushing of the past day’s experiences grounding me to the present and reminding me of the task I had to complete. I swung out of the bed and shuffled to the small kitchen. Stopping on my way at a wooden door that led out the back. I cracked the door open to peered at the woods surrounding a spacious opening of tall grass noticing a port. That will come in handy. Closing the door I continued on to break my fast with whatever I could find in that kitchen. Luckily the pantry was fully stocked I grabed some dried meat and fruit and shuffled to the desk, scarfing it down as I glanced back at the letter written in my mother’s hand. How was none of this in my studies? Did my mother really think it was wise to not teach the full histories to the heir? My mother would have much to explain when all of this was over. I looked down at my armor, and decided it would probably not be best to show up at my first formal meeting with another tribe battle ready. I moved to the closet in the room noting that there were different sizes in all of the basics. I settled on a pair of trousers and shirt that looked like it would fit, then moved back to the desk to reread the letter of instructions. There was not room for mistakes, I had to be perfect. I was so tired the morning before I didn’t even stop to look for the emblem my mother wrote would be on the bed. This was not the best start to being perfect. I walked back into the room looking at the now tousled bed, moving the sheets around I looked for the emblem. I started to get frustrated so I shook the sheets out over the floor and was rewarded with the clang off metal hitting wood. I tossed the sheets back on the bed and bent to pick up a pin with my family’s crest on it. The light of Ojo hung to the left symbolizing the rising sun, dark clouds drifted directly below it barely grazing the bottom of the sung to the right the full moon represented the protection of Rayo below it white clouds grazed the bottom of the moon all of it sat on a back drop of sapphire blue. One is not one alone is scribed in sapphire blue on an emerald green banner at the bottom. Pin in hand I went back to the desk in the receiving room, lit a candle to help combat the darkness settling in with the setting of the sun, and pulled paper from a drawer. I dipped my pen in the ink well and began to write a note to the king of Ventria. King Vlad, The time that you were warned of is upon us. The fae are in need of the assistance of man. Gather your allies and enemies alike, they will all be needed for what is to come. I folded the letter and sealed it with the wax seal on the desk, it also barred my family’s crest. I stood from the desk and headed back to the room to begin packing for my journey. After I finished packing I made the bed, leaving everything as it was when I arrived.
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