The Friends and Family Plan

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Zeya Four days of planning, strategizing, preparation, and learning the histories and traditions went by before I could even blink. I had to carry on to my next destination. I packed up said my goodbyes to the new friends I had made at court. I utilized the cities central port to reach the shore side port and from there my next destination. If I had known that was there, I wouldn’t have trekked through the hot desert, but I know for next time. This time I used the bowl intend for use by those who could access Ojo directly. It felt good to reach into myself and connect with Ojo again. I relished the feeling of all five elements coursing through me. I guessed this would happen every time I reached for Ojo now. I basked in the smells of new rain, freshly turned dirt, and smoke. I stood at the bowl my hair flowing in wind only I could feel, my skin flushed with the heat that spread through my body, and smells filled my nose. I just enjoyed the moment before I reached out and activated the port. Norella As the sun rose further in the sky I watched the trainees brake for lunch. I knew I should’ve return to the castle, but the confounds of that place was not helping me feel free or powerful. I had a meeting to attend soon, but I hadn’t felt this kind of freedom in a long time I wasn’t ready to surrender it just yet. I reminisced more on my ascendance tour. I could tell as soon as I stepped through the igloo’s threshold that something was off. The air smelled tainted, the heat that was normally warming and calming was blazing and stuffy. As I moved through the village to the blazing gate for the castle I remembered the flames being blue from source to tip. They seemed out of control and when I padded through the gate into the hall there was chaos. The halls were full of fae running about. Advisors who normally would have been waiting for me in the throne room were barking at each other and moving swiftly about. I just stood there for a moment wondering when they would recognize I had arrived. The first person to even acknowledge my presence had been Clem. He strode through the halls with an air of confidence I’d only seen in the mirror. He commanded the space. When he entered the hall, everyone had stopped and cleared his path. I did not like him instantly, I knew at that moment I never would. No fae should have ever commanded a room better than the Deja Ojo herself. “Welcome Deja Ojo,” My heart had thumped hard with hatred at the sound of his voice. “I am so sorry you have not been welcomed properly. I would be honored to escort you to the throne room where I assume you would like to conduct an audience.” “That will suffice” I had responded sparing this boy not a second look. We proceeded to the throne room where I took my place on the throne and waited for my audience to begin. I was surprised when the queen had entered not alone but with that arrogant boy on her left, a protruding belly at her front, and my own betrayer of a brother on her right. At least she had the decency to look ashamed when she approached the throne and bowed. “Welcome, we are saddened by the news of your loss.” “Ojo knows best. She gives and she takes as is her will. Now I would like a private audience with you. There is no reason for these two to accompany you.” “Yes Deja, as you wish. I just thought you may want to know that the Deja Rayo has presented himself, and perhaps you would like to meet him seeing as to how your futures are so intwined. I also thought you would like to see you blood again. I am sorry I was mistaken.” “Deja Rayo? This boy is supposed to be the Deja Rayo?” At that moment Clem took a step forward not bowing before me, “I am the Deja Rayo. If proof is needed, I am willing to provide it.” “Proof will indeed be needed but not here or now. Here and now, you are both dismissed.” I could feel the truth in this boy’s statement. I knew there had to be a reason for the imbalances in the tribe. This was the most likely culprit. At the time I did not know the extent to which to attribute these imbalances, but I would soon find out. The welcome dinner was extravagant. The queen sat to one side and this Clem boy sat on the other. The tribe’s council members all vying for both my and his conversation and attention. It is a tireless job being a Queen. You lead but are always advised by these men, always surrounded by men. Men who think they could do better than you. Men that wished the law were such that they had the opportunity. Men who wish to use you as their puppet to do their bidding. Men who could never be trusted. My aunt’s words floated through my head as I looked around the room. The music played lowly as the four courses were served. I occupied the fae around me with conversation. After the meal I took to the dance floor. It was expected of me, since I had not made a mating pair, to dance with the men of status at least once. I didn’t care to do it, but I knew my duties and executed them thoroughly. I shared small talk with them all as song after song was played. I couldn’t tell where one dance ended and the next began until Clem stepped up. Something about being this close to him made me uncomfortable. The energy was palpable like volts of electricity. My heart thumped in my ears, the music dimmed, and the small talk didn’t seem important. I let Clem lead; his hand slid from my mid back to the small crest leading to my bottom. I took a deep breath in a sweet metallic smell filled my lungs, refreshing me after the hours I’d spent inhaling the sulfur drenched air. The music ended and we parted ways. As everyone was beginning to wind down in preparation for leaving the dinner the queen called attention and the room silenced. In the traditional words she extended sisterhood to me and in the traditional words I accepted. The next day I sat in my chamber with the queen and discussed the details of Clem going back to sky tribe with me. He needed to be presented before the council. If he was who they claimed to be his coronation would be performed quickly. “There can be no doubt that the power in the kingdom should be united.” I had expressed. “Now what is going on here with your connections? Not just to your element but also to Ojo. It has felt tainted since I arrived, and I have seen no decline in your people’s power.” “I am so sorry. You are right we have had no decline in our connection since the loss of the Deja Ojo. I am surprised you were not informed about the alternatively established connection we made when we were cut off from Ojo by your aunt.” I was aware that there had been an incident between the fire tribe and my aunt but that was the depth of my knowledge. “Consider me unaware. Inform me of the details.” The queen went on to explain it all. The new connection created by Clem to Rayo and how it came to be. How it had taken the place of their connection to Ojo in the beginning seamlessly, but now that they had become reliant on it again it was a little out of control. Somehow it had grown their connection to fire to an untamable level. I was not surprised that Clem had something to do with it. I was even less surprised when the stress of the confession sent the queen into labor. The tribe welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world just as they mourned the death of their leader. Miljena I had no words. I was obviously curious as to what this mother would do if she were present and how she could access old blood if she was the only one with it still alive, but as long as she didn’t intend to sabotage any of my plans, I figured it was of little consequence. It seemed that at least for the time being we were on the same side. “And so, you shall be there,” I said placing three fingers to my lips, heart, and belly sealing the agreement with a promise to Ojo. “Does that mean I will be communicating with you from now on or should I wait for the ambassador to come? With all due respect, I have a lot to do and not much more time to do it.” “I will be your point of contact moving forward,” Mother said as a smile danced on her lips. “You have an affinity for soul I see. As not to drain yourself I will assist you.” Mother reached out to place a hand on my belly but stopped when I backed away swiftly. “I appreciate your consideration, but I’m fine.” I said sweat began to form across my forehead. “I understand your apprehension, but as I’ve said my magic does not taint. I will respect your wishes however.” Mother dipped her head and turned toward the table to take a seat, “let us begin our meeting.” Once seated Mother dimmed the light radiating from her body, her eyes seeming to swallow it up, intensifying briefly before settling on a sky-blue color with a blazing white ring around it. I took a seat as the sprites took physical form on the other side of the room, I smirked as Mother looked at me with a knowing head nod, I didn’t know I things were going to end up, so I had instructed them to flank her just in case. “Rise and report to your commander she will want to debrief you.” Mother said without a glance in Bagphlyn’s direction. “Now what is required of us in the days and weeks to come?” Mother said bringing our meeting to an abrupt official opening. I laid in the mossy bed of a tree bubble high above the ground. The meeting hadn’t lasted long Mother had very few requests, and none she was inflexible on except being there when the curse was broken. Her main concern had been that she be allowed to be present at the culmination of power that was to come. We concluded our meeting shortly after nightfall. I had supped with Mother and been escorted to the bubble I was spending the night in. The sprites had disappeared sometime before the meal and had not reappeared yet, they may have had kin in the area, I wasn’t sure, but I knew that if I needed them, they would appear, they always did. I had heard the elves speaking about Meoni and her mate’s size. I couldn’t say my interest wasn’t peaked, but what interested me more was that I’d never heard of an egg of a divine creature in the sky tribe. Had someone hatched it? Why hadn’t I ever been told about this in my studies? It was nowhere in the histories. If the sprites were nearby, I would’ve sent a message to inquire but they weren’t so I couldn’t. Lying in that moss bed I starred through the gaps in the branches at the sky and decided I would see these divine creatures of old blood before I left. I woke up to the incessant chirping of birds as the sun barely tinged the sky purple, this was insanity and I was glad I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore. I rose from the moss left the bubble calling Ojo to strengthen my legs as I dropped sixty feet to the ground. I took long strides across the open grass and around the life tree to a tunnel that I assumed would take me to the rockery, riders dorms, and hopefully the resting area for the divine creatures. I walked through the tunnel the grass ending abruptly at the threshold giving way to packed dirt. The tunnel opened into a cavernous cave, from the stone wall jutted platforms of various sizes. The smaller platforms were close to the ground, I could see tiny feet dangling from a few of them as I walked through the cave. I could see some wings and clawed feet protruding from some of the platforms higher up but nothing large enough to constitute what I had heard. Before I knew it, I’d reached the back of the cave and though it appeared to be a stone wall I could swear I felt a cool sea breeze. Caves were strange that way though, I turned to leave and then I thought I came all this way the least I can do is make sure, as I turned back to the cave wall I called my connection to Ojo and looked for any disturbances in the wall, cracks , or anything that would lead me to believe there was a door there. I saw nothing, but something was tugging me to look down. I peered down at the dirt and to my surprise I saw paw prints and footprints that lead straight to the wall which wouldn’t have been a big deal if the last of those prints hadn’t been cut in half by the stone wall. I placed my hand to the stone. Focusing all my energy into it and willing it to open. The ridders began to stir behind me, the sound of stretching wings beat in my ears. I knew I had to either get the stone out of the way or get out of that cave fast. I doubled my effort sending my energy into the stone to search out any hinges or at least the magic that made it work. I was just about to cut my loses and run for the entrance when the stone began to fall away quietly. I knew I hadn’t found the key to it and as the stone fell away I saw the familiar glow that I now knew belonged to Mother. There was nowhere to hide now unless I opened the oseo but based on our interaction yesterday I knew Mother could see through the oseo with ease. No, better to just take whatever punishment came with my actions than to be a coward and still have to take the consequences. I took a step back and stood straight as the stone continued to fall away quietly in front of me and the stirring noises grew louder behind me. Mother shone in front of me, her hand reaching through the not completely opened gap in the stone. My eyes buck ed open in confusion. “If you’re spotted by one of them you are on your own.” Mother’s voice was barely over a whisper. I jumped through the gap and slid to the side slamming my back against nothing as I plopped to ground butt first. Mother’s laughter was light and airy and just as her beauty as she was. The gap that was in the stone closed leaving only air behind. What the…? What magic was this? Where am I? How had I gotten from a cave to ocean side so quickly? And how was the sun mid sky when only seconds ago it had been barely rising for the day. Mother for the second time in minutes reached a hand out to me, her light dimmed to ring around her sky blue eyes. I looked up at Mother admiring the mirth that brightened her features, the woman was breath taking. I rose on my own still starring at Mother, but finally taking all of her in. She wore ridding leathers her thighs padded with what Miljena now knew where scales. Her blouse was discarded and the bodice she had on yesterday had been exchanged for scales that wrapped around her chest. Her green hair fell in coils framing her face but were clearly long in the back. At the roots of her hair were small leaves and flowers that wove in with her coils. “I’m not calling you Mother,” I said allowing a smile to press the corners of my lips up, “You want to tell me what’s going on Meoni?” At the mention of her name I heard the beating of heavy wings I swung my head in the direction of the source of the sound taking in the scenery for the first time since I’d stepped through the gap. The sun reflected perfectly over a crystal blue ocean, green hills rolled, and there on a hill in the distance I saw two enormous scaled creatures bathing in the sunlight. One’s scales as dark as the oseo the other as white as the clouds above. They must be Meoni and her mate. My goddess how big are they? “Yes, they are and much bigger than they look from here. Would you like to see them closer?” I could not believe my luck. I should’ve been gone, but I couldn’t make myself leave. I had spent every moment I could in our getaway under the sun and the moon. We’d spent hours starring at the stars and more hours on the back of Meoni amongst them. The unridden had taken a liking to me almost immediately, which had taken Mother by surprise, “He’s usually quite protective of us, but it seems he knows what I knew the moment you grabbed those daggers from your boot.” “And what’s that” I asked as I reached a hand-out to the unridden and stroked his moist nose. “You are meant to be here with us.” From that moment I could not help but want to be by Mother’s side every moment, and so I had. We’d left our comfort every day at least once for a meal, “It’s important that my people see me. They need to be reassured that I am back and have no intention to abandon them again.” We’d shared so much, I’d learned more about elven history and the magic that Mother used to get us to our comfort. Mother had tried so hard to explain it saying something about dimensions and molecules words that meant nothing to me. It wasn’t until Mother told me it was like manipulating the oseo but not the oseo that it began to make sense. She’d just moved us through layers of the now. Before I knew it a week had passed. “I must leave. I have much to do in preparation for the task ahead.” I did not understand why I felt the need to explain this to Mother. I especially could not explain the way my heart beat against my ribs as if it were trying to escape while I stood before Mother and told her I had to leave. It had to be because the woman could literally read my mind. Every thought that passed swiftly through she knew. It was so invasive no wonder my heart objected. “Miljena I am not holding you hostage. You may leave whenever you want.” That was the point though, wasn’t it? I didn’t want, I didn’t want to leave at all. I wanted to stay here gazing in those blue eyes rimmed with power. I wanted to swim in the sunlight and star gaze at night. I wanted to fall asleep giggling with Mother and wake up under the wing of a divine creature large enough to be a castle. I wanted, I wanted… Mother was so close I breathe in her woodsy smell. My body voluntarily leaned into Mother’s space. Mother took a step forward, so many times we had found ourselves on this precipice, almost touching. I could not say why at this point I had not allowed Mother to touch me, but something told me everything would change. In all her time amongst her own people Mother never attempted to touch them, she barely allowed them to rise in her presence. Many of the elves resented how close I was to their Mother. I didn’t care much what they thought I wouldn’t give this, whatever this was, up if I didn’t have to. But now I had to. I had to give this up and get focused on the mission. My breath was coming faster creating small clouds in the brisk night air. Mother was so close the clouds engulfed her. Mother once again held her hand up to an imaginary wall, she had begun doing this after my third rejection of her touch. It made me feel like even in front of this powerful woman I was not powerless. Mother’s hand stayed suspended there in the air, just as those blue power rimmed eyes began clouding over with doubt I grabbed Mother’s hand. Norella I preformed the ceremony to renew the tribe’s connection to Ojo. Which seemed to bring balance back to the atmosphere. I stayed for the mourning period and appointed a female regent to oversee the tribe until the baby came of age. Clem had been less arrogant since the queen’s death. It seemed to have ripped a part of him from within. I comforted him as best I could, I was still mourning myself. I had to instruct him on controlling his emotions as to not to create chaos around him in the elements. I didn’t know if it was his sadness or strictly my renewal ceremony but by the time my party and I were leaving the atmosphere was no longer tainted. There was a harmonic thrum that danced between the connection to Ojo and the connection to Rayo. The journey was long, we avoided other races’ populations whenever possible. Most of the nights we spent around a campfire telling stories, mostly legends about the histories. We were always entertaining each other. I especially enjoyed listening to Clem’s versions, he had found my only soft spot and I had let him into it at some point realizing he was as close to understanding what I felt all the time as I would ever get now that my aunt was gone. As we reached the last days of our trek Clem made it clear his intent was to marry me after he passed the test and I had- I felt a sharp pain pass through me, jolting me from my memory. Power flowed from me freely. I had to return to the castle and I had to do it now. The amount of weakness that filled me was unacceptable. I rose shakily from my spot and made for the castle, power still draining from me rapidly. I took the stairs two at a time. My hand firmly stabilized me against the wall I just needed to get there. My power was dwindling with every step, I just needed to make it to the well and restore myself. Then I could figure out why this was even happening. I pushed through the door into a stone room with no windows. Blue light illuminated everything. I staggered to the well and plopped down on the stone floor beside it. This well had been created after I came to power. When I’d taken my ascension tour, I realized that the travel time between the tribes was not conducive of a united kingdom. I thought there had to be a way to bring the tribes closer. I’d spent weeks scouring the histories and discussing options with theologist, my advisors, our most powerful spell casters, and even some elves. We eventually came up with a viable option in the portals. I oversaw the construction and placement of the portals. First placing them outside the gates of each tribe and at a few locations near the tribes’ allies. What none of the fae knew was that each time they accessed their element and activated the portals a part of the energy was stored right here in this well for me to use for myself. I sat bent over the well looking at the energy flowing before I reached down and began to sing, “Power of my people shine, bring what’s lost and make it mine. Give me what I now most need. Power please flow into me.” The blue glow sharpened and brightened as it created small streams that flowed up from the well around my arms and led to my lip, heart and belly. It only took a few moments for me to regain what I had lost, but those moments made me grateful I’d had the foresight in my youth to create this. Sure, I’d used the well when I didn’t need to a few times. The power I harvested from it added to my own and allowed me to preform above and beyond my predecessors. I couldn’t imagine they’d ever felt as in control as I had in those moments. I pitied that they hadn’t had the opportunity to know this kind of power, and that in itself made me even more grateful. I rose from the floor and gathered myself. I had a meeting to get to that wouldn’t conduct itself. As I strode towards the war room I steadied myself. It had been quite some time since all my siblings were in the same place at the same time. Though I knew they respected my position sometimes I wished they could just be my siblings.
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