Time is of the Essence

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Zeya I stand behind a high backed velvet chair on a raised dias in the center of the proper receiving room which happens to be several stories above the main entrance I’d used earlier that day. The young fae, whose name I’d learned is Ahira, kneels before me at the bottom of the short staircase. Behind Ahira the entire court is assembled, most still wearing what they had on when they were assembled earlier. The room is marble and windows, or what appears to be windows. I’ve discovered since my arrival there is no glass just open air and great ornamental holes in the walls. Somehow the air tribe has created enough of a barrier that wind does not disturb the room but not a blocking force that prevents a fae from gliding right out of the side of the building. Ahira has been cleaned and dressed for the occasion. Blue feathers cover a sweet heart neck lined bodice, a burnt orang belt clenches tightly at her waist leading to layers of flowy fabric in varying shades of blue and white giving it a skylike appeal. Ahira’s firey red hair is twisted elegantly into braids that warped loosely around her ears and up into a high bun, a few kinky curls dangle down the back of her neck as her head rests on the marble floor. “Today can be viewed in two ways for this tribe. It can be seen as the day you lost your beloved leader from her position and from you tribe, or you can see this a win.” I say as I slowly make my way around the chir taking in the entire court. “The new beginning that this tribe is in such need of. The tradition this tribe has had of testing the worthiness of its leadership is a rich one that was twisted by the very leadership that was supposed to cherish and protect it and you. Today we correct that folly and press forward to reestablish this bold defining tradition and cleanse it of its perversion. The history of this tribe describes how Ojo herself tested the first leader of the Air tribe Vihadia. That history says that hundreds gathered to face the test and try to be the first leader. It says when Ojo saw Vihadia she knew the search was over, but she also knew the fae of this tribe were such that words without works would not suffice. So, she administered the same test she had given to hundreds of others.” Three young male fae brought out one crate each and placed them in a semi-circle around Ahira. “Rise Ahira.” My voice bounces off the marble and vaulted ceilings smoothly filling the room. “And so today I will administer the same test that was given then.” I reach for Ojo use me as a vessel for history to repeat itself I think before giving over to Ojo’s will once again. “In these crates are three babes of this tribe.” The voices of Ojo pour from my lips, as I jester to the crates around Ahira “Only one babe is the one who holds the fate of the tribe. If you know your history, you may believe you know the answer. I am not a creature of habit so do not rely on the past to guide you here.” I take a seat in the high backed chair. “The histories tell me that Vihadia chose the babe that would eventually become the mate to the next queen. He became her ward and changed the course of the tribe for the better.” Ahira inspects each crate being careful not to touch any of them. Moments tick by and the hall remains quiet. She closes her eyes and rises to one knee. The still air in the room begins to move swirling from the floor lifting the loose fabric of Ahira’s skirts and sending her braids into flight. When her eyes open they’re changed to sliver slivered pupils, a gasp escaps her lips and her head bows again. “The babe is me.” Ahira says through heavy breathes. “The fate of my tribe lies with me. In the eyes of Ojo we are all babes, and the world is a crate created to contain her beloved creations. The babe is Ahira.” “The babe is Ahira.” The voices of Ojo confirm as the three young male fae walk to the crates and open them simultaneously. Laying in the midst of the satin lined crates were marble baby shaped tablets with Ahira’s name chiseled into them. The entire court let out a massive cheer. I walk down the stairs, as the young male fae had take the crates away, and stand before Ahira. “Air tribe I present to you your new Queen. Queen Ahira.” The voices of Ojo announce proudly to the Air tribe court. The party the follows Ahira’s ascension is unlike anything I had ever seen. The dinning, hall like many of the other public spaces have marble flooring, vaulted ceilings, and windowless windows spanning the length of the room. I sit at the center of the head table Ahira to my right and the rest of the court seated comfortably around the room at other tables. “You must be sure to let your heart lead you in all of your decisions. You are young but do not let others tell you that is a disadvantage. Your purity will be your strength until your experience has been earned.” I say firmly enough for Ahira to grasp the importance of my advice but softly enough that our conversation would conyinue to be our own. “I vow to you that I will allow my heart to preside over my choices until my mind is better equipped to do so.” Ahira’s blue and green eyes look passionately into mine. “Tonight, enjoy yourself. Tomorrow the work begins” I say right before I signal for the music to begin. I finish my meal and stay to dance a few songs before retiring to my chambers for the night. The chambers set aside for my mother are given to me and are tranquilly decorated with orange and blue furniture, I slip out of my shoes expecting to find the marble floor cold but I’m pleasantly surprised when warmth greets the soles of my feet. A fire is roaring with life in the fireplace. Orange and blue curtains are open leaving a windowless window exposed. From it I can see what feel like the entire sky, it went on and on never seeming to end. I quickly draw the curtains closed even the sight of the endless sky only bringing a longing she could not afford right now. I miss home, I think to myself turning my back to the curtains and walking to the large bed covered in orange and blue frills. I slip into the warm bed and am fast asleep before my head hits the pillow. I straighten my back in the high backed velvet chair of the receiving room waiting for Ahira to show up. I’d gotten up pretty early but I’m sure the party had gone well into the morning so I wasn’t in any rush to see a hung over Ahira. I needed her mind sober and her focus on the discussion to come. I could hear the staff bustling about outside the room as time ticked on it seemed as if the walls themselves had woken up and were humming with happiness. I felt there could be no better time to reach out to Ojo then now, sitting alone in the receiving room surrounded by the energy of her people. I closed my eyes and reached down deeper than I ever had before instead of going for the well of power that I know is there I pass by it and head toward a different pool, one that I know has always been here, but have always until now ignored. The pool of what I could only describe as serenity. I sit down by the pool knowing I can only go so far and Ojo would have to meet me the rest of the way. This seems as good a place to be patient as any. I watch as the water smoothly ebbs and flows and allow my thoughts flow with it. Before I knew it I’ve gone from sitting next to the water to full on laying out and the serenity that surrounds me it has engulfed me in peace. Even if Ojo didn’t show this stolen moment would suffice. Just as I was coming to terms with the possibility that I may not see Ojo this time I feel the warm presence of another being. I open my eyes to look directly in the glowing face of Ojo. “Welcome.” Ojo’s many voices hang in the air around me almost tangible. “Ojo, thank you for coming.” I say shooting to her feet the serenity that had held her to the ground fading away to panic as I remember why I’ve come here, “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important. I just…” “Peace,” Ojo says reaching a hand out and resting it on my shoulder. I feel an immediate calmness wash over me. “You don’t need a reason to want to see me. We are here always.” My heart warms at the thought that I could just want to be in Ojo’s presence and that was enough for her to come. Ojo takes a seat on at the edge of the water glancing up at me, an open invitation to join. I sit down beside Ojo trying and failing not to stare at her beauty. “Your journey is not over, though you have come so far. The hardest parts are yet to come for you. I cannot tell you what you will have to endure, only that if you endure you will be made strong.” The look in Ojo’s eyes speaks the unspoken danger of me not enduring. I know whatever is to come I will have to endure. “I will endure” I say my voice as settled as stone. “The next time I see you we will know. For now, you must return you have work still to do.” I rise and begin to gather myself. “Before I go,” I say glancing at Ojo in all of her beauty, “How’s Dahin?” Ojo’s face brightens as her perfectly plump lips spread in a smile, “She’s fine Zeya. She recovered quickly and is taking some time to get to know her parents. Thank you so much for bringing her to us.” “I’m glad I could do something for you for once.” I say turning towards my pool of power to head out of my inner self. “Zeya,” Ojo says getting me to turn around and face her, “Do not underestimate the power you possess on your own. You are stronger than you can imagine. Set yourself to the task and you will finish no matter the cost, though the cost will be high.” Something about the tone of Ojo’s voices unsettles me. “It will be high,”Ojo repeats as she turns towards the pool and retreats. I do not like the sound of that. What price will I need to pay? I drift back up into myself, my mind flooding with the possibilities and curious as to how much this entire ordeal will cost, let alone what it is truly worth to me. I went to Ojo for peace and understanding and instead had left with more questions than I’d had to start. I take a deep breath as the sounds of the castle flood my ears again the walls hum louder than before. The guards are all staring at me in anticipation, haveI missed something? I thought glancing around the room “Deja Ojo,” One says as I stand from my seat and step forward, “I’m sorry to interrupt Deja Ojo, but Queen Ahira is awaiting permission to enter.” “Permit her entrance, but only her.” The guard bows and backs away to carry out the order. Dahin I haven’t been here long, but I already feel right at home. Like this is where I should have been all along, and in a way it is. The love my parents have shown me could not be measured. Ojo apologized vigorously about treating me so badly when we first met, but it had still taken me time to forgive her. Time, that’s another thing. It passes so differently here. It has been years here but back home, home after all this time I still call it that, only hours or days have gone by. I always thought it was just Rayo and Ojo here, but it’s not. I’ve met so many others. I’ve learned so much about this realm, and in a sense this realm is not much different from the fae realm. The humans thought us to be benevolent beings simply because of our innate power. Power that they don’t have access to in most circumstances, but we have never been that. We I still refer to the fae as we although I’m not one of them anymore, I actually was never one of them I suppose. Anyways, I’ve been thinking lately that we should tell the fae what we really are, who we really are. Like the fae did for the humans, but every time I bring it up my parents shut me down immediately. I get it if they aren’t ready now, but to not even want to discuss it bothers me a bit. I do know that the eclipse is coming soon back home, and I have this ire feeling that I’m supposed to be there. I’ve wanted to go back for a while now, but my parents keep saying that I shouldn’t. They’ve not explicitly said I couldn’t which leads me to think that I have a choice. And if I have the choice I will go. Zeya will need all the help she can get to come through this fight and I don’t intend to leave her high and dry. Today I’m supposed to be given my first followers. Ojo says it’s an honor and a responsibility that we all have. We are given followers to strengthen our ties to the other realms. They strengthen us in kind. We help them grow and develop and as their power grows so does ours. Rayo told me not to fear how primitive they are when I first meet them. He said they all start the same way and that I could respond to their questions however I wanted to. He told me the key to a successful beginning is to gain their trust, give them something they need to grow, and leave them knowing that you can do more for them. I can do that, it doesn’t seem that difficult. I just want to make sure I am as good to them as Ojo and Rayo have been to the fae. So I’m in my room going through all of my new clothes desperately looking for something just right to wear when I meet my new followers. It’s silly I know but I want to make a good impression. I sit on my bed covered in random items from closet thinking. I never use to be as scatter brained as I am now. I was disciplined and focused. Panic begins to rise from my gut. My heart races and sweat forms across my brow. My breathing quickens and my hands begin to twitch. Rayo bursts into my room “Dahin are you” His sentence drops and he walks quickly over to me and sits on my bed beside me, “It’s okay Dahin. I shouldn’t have left you for so long. I know meeting your followers is a big deal, but trust me you will be great.” His words drift around me not quite finding their target. “Now, you just need to get dressed and buck up kiddo” Rayo says with a little chuckle before rising and walking out of my room. My panic has subsided but I still worry that I am changing and not for the better. I resign to push my thoughts aside and get dressed. I put on a simple white robe with gold trim and leather sandals that lace up. I walk out of my room and right into Rayo. “uhm. I’m sorry I wasn’t looking.” I say quickly Rayo just smiles, “You can have your head in the clouds whenever you like. In fact I encourage it, especially when you get there. Seem just out of reach enough and keep you head in the clouds kiddo they eat that up. You ready to go?” I smile brightly, “Yes, dad” I say as I nudge him with my elbow and we both share a fit of laughter. “Well lets not keep them waiting.” Rayo grabs my hand and with a CRACKLE we leave. Zeya Ahira enters the receiving room with her eyes fixed to the floor. She strides to the base of the dias and bows gracefully placing her forehead to the marble. “Rise. We have much to discuss and not much time to get through it all. I assume you enjoyed your first night as a ruler.” I say simply and Ahira rises to a kneeled position with a broad smile on her face. “I did enjoy it, though I know that many of my subjects are not quite ready to receive me fully because of the way I have come to power. Deja Ojo I do have a question for you. If you will grant me that.” I’m taken back a bit. This is not the confidence I’d hoped she would have. As she kneels before me I feel a scared and timid energy wafting from her. “Of course, ask it.” “Will I ever see my mother again?” Her voice shakes with emotion. I had not thought about her mother being taken away the way she was, still in pain and anguish after loosing her connection to Ojo, and to the Wind tribe. I wasn’t even sure where they had taken her since she was powerless now. I can see that that was a mistake. “Yes, you can see your mother anytime you would like, but know that her emotional pain from this endeavor will take far longer for her to heal from. Also, because she was stripped of her power she will age faster than any of us and she will die sooner than you were expecting. I’m sorry that everything has played out this way, but Ojo is al knowing. Her will be done.” “Thank you Deja Ojo.” Ahira’s mitch match eyes were raw and read. Tears streamed down her face but deep in those eyes was hope. “Now we must get to the business at hand. First, though I am Ojo’s next chosen Deja my mother is still very much alive. Thus I am not the Deja Ojo just yet.” I have heard rumors of that being the case, but thought it improper of me to presume those rumors to be true.” “That was wise of you.” I feel that I must encourage her now more than ever, leadership is new to her and a good foundation of confidence is essential to a successful leader. “That being said we are at war with the other races. A war that has a fastly approaching day of reckoning. The Sky tribe has been cut off from the rest of us by a curse and on the day of the eclipse that curse will need us all to gather beneath the sky port to free them and fight the other races who have banded together against us in our time of weakness. I am here to ensure that the wind tribe falls in line and is there when we need them. Can I count on you to lead the Wind tribe in the coming battle?” I speak quickly glancing over everything she needs to know. Time is of an essence and I need an answer quickly so that I can be on my way. “Yes, of course, we serve at the pleasure of Ojo and here Deja Ojo. I will gather my war council and we will be ready when the time comes.” “Good, go and gather them now. Let I will join your war council meeting to answer any lingering questions they may have. Then I will restore the Ojo’s connection to this tribe. I will not stay here long. I hope to leave tomorrow and you should be ready to lead your tribe into battle two days after. The eclipse is close so I hope that during your time testing everyone else you have all stayed at the ready.” “Wind tribe has always been the most fit to fight, that has not changed. We will show ourselves more than ready for the task at hand.” She said projecting power. I smile at her and give a small nod, “You are dismissed I will see you in the war room within the hour.” Ahira rises just as gracefully as she had lowered and stalks out of the room leaving me to my thoughts once again. I sit at the head of the war table with Ahira’s generals and advisors around it. Ahira is just to my right and her lead general is to my left. So far everything has been smooth. Wind tribe keeps a standing army who’s only job is to train which makes things simpler than they have been in other tribes. On top of that they require their general population to train monthly and to withdraw from their family for one month a year to devote themselves entirely to combat training. Ahira was not wrong to be confident of their ability to fight. Her generals were more than happy to be able to put all of their hard work to the test after such a long time of peace. “Now that the planning is done,” Her lead general, his name is Zephir I believe, says, “Do you all have any pressing questions about their execution?” His deep rich voice fills the room. His earthy smell has filled my nose since he walked in and his mitch matched blue and grey eyes have continuously scanned the room taking in every small gesture from everyone in it. He is tall for a fae, towering over me when I stand and everyone else in the room. His red curly hair is cropped short faded at his temples then growing in thickness to meet a full beard at his jaw. His pink lips are moist in the rooms light and beneath his orange vest I know he posses a chiseled physic. His thick arms are bare showing all his veins running down them along with scars I would assume are from all of the training. “I do have a question,” Ahira says standing so that all eyes come to her, “We know that you are not a native to our tribe, but you are blood of our blood. Just as all Deja Ojo’s that have come before you, you share a connection with our beloved. Therefore, we ask you to join us. Become our sister, share in our traditions, learn our ways. Blood of our blood become mind of our mind and heart of our heart. Beat with us eternally more from this day forth.” Ahira speaks the traditional words placing three fingers to her lips chest then belly. I expected this to happen. It seems that all of the tribes who have extended sisterhood to me have made sure their most powerful tribe members were present when they did, “A sisterhood you extend to me a sister eternally I will be.” I say firmly following the traditional gesture. He eyes sparkle happy and she smiles at me while her generals clap around the table. “If that is all you are dismissed to carry out the plans.” Zephir says over the clapping, “We have much to do and less time than we can imagine.” The generals already standing in celebration of gaining a new sister give short nods and file out of the room. Zephir looks at me momentarily a raw desire in his eyes then gives me a small nod, “Welcome sister. I am glad that you are one of us.” His deep voice sounds strained as if welcoming me into the tribe is difficult for him. He turns for the door and takes long strides even for his height to exit. Ahira giggles beside me, “Would you two just get a room already” She says bubbly. “I mean the tension there is thick enough to cut with a knife.” Then she realizes where she is and to whom she’s speaking and quickly regains her composure, “I did not mean, I’m sorry its just I’ve never seen Zephir so taken with someone.” “You need not apologize sister,” I say with a smile, “But if that is him taken with me, I would hate to see him actually dislike someone. That one is pure stone.” I chuckle out causing Ahira to laugh again. “He’s always been a tough one, completely focused on his work and being the best at like everything. It’s so tiresome. But trust me Deja he is smitten.” My uncle’s prophecy immediately comes to mind. Could Zephir be my mate? Could it be that simple? I think to myself not ready to grasp of the thought that the person Ojo created just for me was just in the room with me. Though I want this to be true, right now just wasn’t the time. Time is the one thing I do not have.
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