Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Liorn headed for the bed to awaken his wife. He stood over her wondering how he would wake her without making everything too uncomfortable for himself and Melinia. Melinia felt him around her. She could feel that he was watching her and it made goosebumps run throughout her body. She turned the other way way so she could at least stop him from staring at her face before she would uncover her facade. Moaning, she stretched pretending as if she barely awoken. She turned and picked up the covers to hide her bare torso. Just as she had expected, Liorn stood to the side of the bed. "My lord? I-is there something I can d-do for you?" He crawled on the bed towards her. The way he crouched reminded her of a wild animal out to pounce on its prey. Once he reached close enough, he led his arm out to Melinia. She closed her eyes shut. Liorn wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back to his front. When she was against his chest, he stretched his kneeled legs out in front of him. They sat in silence while Liorn laid his head on her shoulder that was blanketed by her hair. Her scent was the most he'd ever smelled and it permeated his senses. He had never been this intimate with a soul, not even the late night lovers he's taken when nights grew cold. The ones he had taken were afraid, unresponsive. "M-my lord?" His arms were muscular and strong, almost like bonds as she watched the veins protrude on his arms. They held a tight grasp on her. Melinia couldn't or wouldn't want to move. "Call me Liorn." He whispered silently almost as if he willed the wind to try to talk to her when he was speaking more to himself. Melinia thought she had heard him say something, "Y-yes my lord, did you say something?" Damnation. Why did the woman frustrate him so? He wondered when anyone and everyone else he did not give a second thought to. Only Melinia would make him feel the way he did. Ever since he first laid his eyes on her, did he realize he had fallen hard. Hard for a princess that didn't feel the same, but he was Liorn, Liorn King of Fawn, the Black Heart, the Black Demon. He was known to get what he wanted even if it made him terrifying. He lived up to his name but it took one person to make him feel otherwise. As soon as he loosened his grasp, Melinia literally jumped out of his arms and stood as far away from she could taking the sheet with her, watching him. He was watching the sheets like as if something really interesting had his gaze entranced for the longest of times. For a while he did not change his gaze. "Your early morning meal is ready, please freshen yourself and I'll have my nurse bring you extra clothing." He left the chamber and left her alone to freshen himself up elsewhere. Frowning, Melinia had seen his cold, blank expression. She felt her stomach cringe, felt heavy. If she knew any better, she'd have thought she had hurt his feelings. Shaking and trying to change her train of thoughts she dropped the sheet back on the bed and stalked towards the screen to put on her evening attire. Inside the massive dining hall, the only sound was the "c***k" and "clangs" of the utensils on the tableware. There was a silence so ill that the low sounds of the utensils were heard. Liorn and Melinia sat across from each other. The table had six chairs on each side and to Liorn it felt like miles. He gave a quick silent glance to Melinia as her head was low at all times only held high to thank the maid for her portions. This day, Liorn first wanted his Nurse Mya take Melinia to see to the markets for her getting her new attire and to see his Kingdom, but at last thought he decided he'd take the task up himself. Maybe she would get used to his presence. The market consisted of outdoor booths and everywhere merchants from all the lands came to try and sale their wares. Barrels and stands littered the dirt roads where many exchanged gold, bronze or silver coins for food, fabric, and other useful items. Melinia walked ahead of Liorn with his personal guards following in front, side and behind their group. Every townspeople stopped to take a look at their new queen. Many stopped and watched in awe as she passed by offering them wishes and luck. Little children mimicked wanting to feel like royalty when they have been born into peasant families. Seeing them made her feel some authority as their queen. Even if she didn't agree to this engagement, she couldn't be the little princess she was anymore running to her mommy when subjects did not go to her wishes, she now ruled a kingdom with a very powerful man. And if she did not recognize her duty, she would be shaming her parentage and her own kingdom. With a breath Melinia smiled at "her" people. This was going to be the start of a new dynasty and lineage.
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