Chapter Four

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    Jen, Adam, and I chatted on the drive to the bar about the days events.  It was always an interesting mix of conversation with us, I had worked with Jen before she went to work for the jewelry store she worked for now, and Adam was a welder who had his own shop.  They've both been trying to convince me to take time off to go to one of their off-roading events and get muddy with them, so far they haven't convinced me, but it could be interesting.     We got to the bar a little earlier than normal, based on the number of cars and trucks parked it was easy to tell the line dancing lessons were still going at this moment without us looking at the clock.  I was thankful my friends liked bars like this, some other people I knew were always talking about the club in another nearby town, but the thought of having to pay a cover charge, or see who was in a "VIP" section in Montana seemed ridiculous to me.  Even though I wasn't quite the cowgirl type that this bar seemed to attract, it was still a great down to earth place for us to unwind together.     As we walked in, thankfully we saw the pool table was open, I nodded to Adam and Jen, heading towards the table putting our quarters down and getting my stick out of it's case, basically claiming the corner for us, the other two headed to the bar for drinks and greasy questionable bar food.  Our usual fly by waitress saw and smiled chatting with me for a second before making her rounds again, it seems funny that in all the time we've been coming here, we chat with her but I don't think I've ever gotten her name.     "One MGD and one shot of tequila" Jen walks up to me grinning, Adam holding his coffee and her twisted tea.     "You really are looking for trouble tonight, you know I still have to work tomorrow?" laughing I eye the shot in her hand. Tequila and I are on friendly terms mostly, except I'm only allowed to have it with a spotter, since it is only good for two things, and they both start with an f.     "Looked and sounded like you needed the chance to unwind, we got your back."     "Worst case you cause problems I'll just toss you over my shoulder and walk out with you."  Adams voice isn't as low as you would expect from a 6'8" welder, but he gets his point across, and I know he could toss me around like a rag doll if he wanted to.     "Well then, I must toast this moment," I hold my shot up waiting for them to hold up their drinks, "Here's to the friends we love, and here's to the friends that love us, and if the friends we love don't love us, screw them, here's to us."     They take a drink and I do my shot, enjoying the burn of the tequila as it goes down leaving just a pleasant warmth after.  I've never needed the lime or the salt with my tequila, just the shot and I am good.  Jen starts racking the balls for the first game and I'm chatting with Adam about the people learning the line dancing and the instructor, and we chuckle as one guy tries to get too fancy in the moves and almost takes out a quarter of the floor.     We've played a few games and done people watching in between our chances to shoot, when Adam gives us a chance.  He pretty much owns the table while we make all kinds of comments about men playing with sticks, balls, and holes.  Sometimes he has to stop for a minute to stop laughing at us, but I was able to make one comment that made him miss his shot, which almost scared me,  Adam is a power shooter, he scares the balls into the pockets with sheer force, and missed shots for him usually have a ball flying off the table.     "You little brat, you did that on purpose!"     "Of course I did!  Your just jealous you didn't think of that comment first!"  I settled in to aim for my shot, the 3 ball had been giving me issues this entire game and now I was determined to drop that ball.  Just as I was about to make my shot, the door opened again, and I glanced up to see if it was our karaoke dj and what I saw was enough to make me miss my shot.     The two men that walked in were definitely eye candy, in very different ways both were tall, over 6 feet, and both had very nice tans of men that weren't afraid of the sun, but that was where the similarities ended.  The one who walked in the lead was talking and had an easy going grin full of laughter, short sandy blond hair, and a more muscular frame, dressed in simple jeans and a white t-shirt he looked like the all American boy next door.  His companion was another type all together, with longer black hair, he was built on lean lines and wore a smirk as he shook his head at whatever was being said by blondie.  A dark blue, almost cobalt colored t-shirt and jeans completed his look.  For their builds and how they reacted it was almost like watching a super friendly hyper husky walking next to a panther.  I felt a slight chill go up my back and turned quickly towards Jen, so I wouldn't be caught staring.  As much as I could admire eye candy like that, the words of my last ex came back into my mind...No one could love you unless they are a drunk or a drug are just an insane mess. I pushed back the thoughts, and sighed, watching Adam line up for the 8 ball.  It's not like they will try and talk with us, its fine, nothing to worry about.     "Jen, looks like you are up against your dear husband now.  I'm gonna head to the bar for a refill, anyone need anything?"  Adam drains the last of his coffee and raises his cup.  Jen shakes he head after picking up her can and testing the weight.     Grabbing Adam's cup and my empty bottle I walk up to the bar, nodding to the owner that sits at the end of the bar watching everything, she looks at me and briefly smiles before going back to people watching.  I find a spot to stand and wait for the bartender tapping my foot to the beat of the song playing.     "Hey, how about some partners pretty lady?"  the smooth voice comes from behind my right side making me jump a little.  
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