Chapter 3 - The Challenge!

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I moved away from the mirror and headed straight for the door. I walked down all the steps rather than taking the elevator to get my blood pumping and ran out the back of the pack house towards the training grounds. Rj ran towards me and asked if I wanted him to help me warm up and I smiled and said yes. He grabbed the pads and helped me with my combos and we did a quick spare to make sure my reflexes were on point and the were. I didn’t eat before I came out so I decided to make that my celebratory meal for after if I win. If I lose I have to move out of the pack house into a little cottage. I grimaced at the thought. “Attention everyone!” Alpha Mark boomed, pulling me from my thoughts. “Alice and Lesley will be fighting for Beta spot! This is a fight until one surrenders, no weapons and beings both are not of age to shift there will be no shifting! This is not a match until death so once someone surrenders you must stop immediately! Now that the rules are out of the way.” He pauses and looks at us, both on opposite sides of the training grounds and calls us forth “Alice and Lesley please join me in the center of the grounds please.” More people are piling in a little late and I’m getting a little nervous. Lesley doesn’t train ever but you never know how strong a person is until they are very determined of something and for Lesley that determination stems from her want to be Luna and the joy of ruining my life. “You’ve heard the rules ladies, I expect an honest fight.” With that Alpha Mark step out of the fighting area and started the fight. I got into my stance as Lesley just stood there for a second. She then ran towards me. In one quick motion I crouched low and ran toward her legs, close lining her. She flew in the air Landon on her stomach giving me time to run over and flip her over. She spit in my face which fueled my anger and I punched her so hard you could her her nose crack and a few gasps from the audience following afterwards. She flipped me over and went to punch me but I grabbed her fist just in time and twisted her wrist. She went to slap me and bite me at the same time. I spun to my side throwing her to the ground and stood up, I was tired of playing in the dirt. She was getting up and I shoved her down. She recovered quickly from the shove but my stance allowed me to taekwondo her as and side kick her right in the chest knocking the wind out of her. She just won’t back down! “You b***h! You will pay!” She gasps in between each word trying to catch her breath. She swings at me and actually makes contact with my face leaving me a nice soon to be black eye. She went to grab my pony tail and slapped me I grabbed her wrist and made her arm straight and with my other hand shoved my hand up into her elbow with so much force upward i snapped it. She fell to her knees screaming in pain. Hoping she’d surrender I put my hands on my knees for a short rest trying to gauge what she was going to do. That’s when I see it, her face paled, the blood boiling in her face reached her eyes and she stares daggers at me. I stood in my stance because I wasn’t sure what she was going to do. It’s so low I almost didn’t hear it, she did this on purpose to not let anyone else besides me her it, “I don’t care if I lose, but I’m not giving up. Zane is my mate and even if I’m not I’ll be his chosen mate and become Luna and you will bow down to me. You nasty rat.” She steadied herself and she stood holding her now limp arm that I had freshly broke. Her kick landed on me with force throwing me off balance, she takes that time to punch me with her useful arm knocking me to my butt. That’s embarrassing. I frowned but hoped back up. All I have to do is hurt her just enough for her to surrender. I’m still fine, a bruise here and there but nothing broken at all. She was fairing much worse than I with a broken nose and elbow. I swiftly got closer and gripped her up to where just the tips of her toes where touching the ground. “You aren’t worthy of being my Luna. You can’t hold your own in a fight and you lose your temper way too quickly. A Luna is calculated and thinks through situations and doesn’t challenge people way out of her strength level or challenges people in general. You would disgrace this whole pack. And so would Zane if he would choose you over his mate.” I spit. I threw her, the walked forcefully to where she landed on her butt and Spartan kicked her right in the face. I turned away seething. I here gasps so I turn to face her, her hand was up in surrender and tears spilling from her eyes. I heard Alpha Marks heavy footfalls as he ran over. “Send her to the pack doctor.” He pointed and ordered to an omega near by. “Well done Alice!” He boomed “You get to keep your future position as well as your room in the pack house! You are all dismissed!” He pulled me into a hug and whispered “i heard what you both said out there, you would make an amazing Luna if you weren’t future beta.” He put his hand on my shoulders and held me and arms length away and smiled at me. He was a second dad to me. I returned the smile but then we heard my stomoloach growl loudly. We both boomed with laughter. “Go get some food kiddo, you earned it!” He patted my shoulder and walked away. I started the walk towards the pack house when I heard someone come up to the side of me throwing their arm around my shoulder. Rjs scent filled my nose. “Nice job making it look like she even had a tiny chance.” He giggled. I smacked his chest “Honestly she caught me off guard a little at one point but, I kick ass so it wasn’t heard to recover. Sad thing is she’s a whole 9 inches taller than me and still got her ass handed to her.” I said while a grin beamed from my face. We walked into the pack house and made our way to the kitchen where my grin fell flat. “Why are you so happy?” Zane grumbled “I just beat Lesley and can keep my Beta position.” I replied flatly recognizing his grumpiness. “I will let you know now that she said she feels the mate pull towards me and as an alpha that isn’t hard to believe beings it comes stronger for me the closer I get to my birthday.” He states with a growl. As I turn on my heal to leave the room I boom “OUR BIRTHDAY BUT I GUESS ITS OKAY TO FORGET YOUR BEST FRIEND.” Zane stood there baffled. He had completely forgotten that they share the same birthday. Rj’s POV Alice and Zane have some tension between them. But from what I understand he says that Lesley feels the mate pull towards him but he is closer to his birthday than she is. Wouldn’t he feel it towards her rather than the other way around. Lesley doesn’t even act like what a future Luna would act like. Alice does. She’s calculating, she thinks everything through before speaking and she’s always studying new things and trying to understand everyone’s side before making a decision. I had always wished she was going to be my mate but seeing how they are and how much she reminds me of Luna Jane I just know she’s Zanes mate. How they don’t see it is beyond me. I turned to Zane. “Great job asshole! You guys are going to be mates and you just made it clear whose side you are on!” “She isn’t going to be my mate! Lesley said she feels the pull!” “Come to my office Zane I don’t need people hearing this!” We both this up the stairs and close and lock the door as I continue, “ I would kill to have someone as great as Alice as my mate..” Zane interrupts “Maybe she is your mate and all this weirdness can end” “You’re the one making it weird Zane! Tell me, why is Lesley the only one feeling the pull when you are the one closer to their 18th birthday, why do you always check out Alice? Why are you guys always so close and prefer to be next to each other constantly. And now that you guys have been separated, you are now so miserable! It’s because she’s going to be your mate! She will be our Luna. But with the way your acting she’s gonna reject you and have a chosen mate.” Zane collapses in the chair and lets out a huge sigh. “This is all so weird dude. She’s my beta and best friend.” “We have a back up Beta, I think that’s why she was a twin. The moon goddess had this all planned dude. You better find her and figure this s**t out before it’s too late.” He has to know I’m right. And yes Alice is a twin. His name is Jake, but he’s always off doing some sort of training because we all think Alice isn’t going to be beta. He even trains with us. He is the back up beta that trains with us along with my younger brother, Peter, the back up gamma. We all see it besides them two. It’s weird. I ran out to find Jake because I need to get some insight. I ended up calling him and met him in the rec room. We played some video games and talked while we played. “Dude if he f***s this up with my sister he’s gonna get punched in the face. Future alpha or not.” Jake states with a low growl “I know man, I’ve been trying to get him to see that he’s screwing everything up. I’m just hoping he didn’t believe Lesley to the point where they had sex.” “Well did he smell different? Like was his scent off?” He asked me “With the arguing I didn’t even get a chance to even remember to get a whiff.” “Well Speak of the devil.” Jake whispered as Zane walked up. “Does anyone have an extra key to Alice’s room? She stole mine from my room and left her copy of mine on my desk” he huffed running a hand through his hair. “Nope and wouldn’t help ya, sorry.” Jake said stiffly. “Rj?” He looked at me with pleading eyes. “Nah dude, and you might want to take a shower, you reek of skank. Please tell me you haven’t been sleeping with her.” His eyes widened I guess forgetting we were all werewolves. “Well are you gonna tell us that you f****d up the mate bond with my sister or not?” Jake let out a huge growl making even me look at him. “We hooked up but I didn’t fully sleep with her. And Alice won’t be my mate, it won’t work out that way. Nothing is ever that good!” “So you now you’re f*****g around with random bitches cause ‘nothings ever that good’” he sarcastically laughed “you realize now it’s never gonna be good cause she is gonna be your mate and you didn’t fully save your self for her.” Jake stormed out and I threw my hands up and then walked out leaving him to his own thoughts. I went to my office to do my homework and get ready to take over the job of gamma. My dad has been giving me little projects here and there to prepare me.
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