Chapter 20

1671 Words

Kelly I am definitely in another world. Austin was so right about his grandmother. First she judged me for my shoes. Who does that? Apparently this upper east side cult does. Then she basically talked loud enough with Austin that I could hear, she asked if I was basically a gold digger. I’m sorry but if this is what it’s like being rich, I rather be poor. After being welcomed by dear old granny, I was shown a room I could sleep in. Trust me granny stressed the word sleep. I had the feeling that’s all she wanted me in this penthouse to do. Sleep in a bed and get the heck out. Austin must have sensed this too because he said, “Let’s go over to the New York office. The sooner I get stuff done, the sooner I can get back home.” “Always working my Stephen, that’s why you are such a good CE

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