Chapter 40

1312 Words

Austin I feel this darkness all around me. I feel like my body is just in pain. What happened? In the distance I can hear someone talking. “Hello?” I call out, but no one answers me. “I think he just moved?” I hear very faintly. “Austin?” Again it’s very faint that I hear my name. Who is this? And why can I hardly hear them? I’m trying to think what was the last thing I remembered? “He groaned, he is groaning dad.” I heard being said. Was that Adam? Why is Adam here? He said dad, is dad with me? Where am I? Think Austin, what’s the last thing I remember? Mom, I was with mom. Wait, where is my mother? Why am I alive in this dark room? Where is everyone? “Talk to him, it looks like he is responding to your voices. Just keep talking to him.” A voice said. Who is that? I don’t reco

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