Chapter 5

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Kelly I played with little Xavier. I do miss being with my son, but it was better for him to be raised by his father’s family, then by me. When I found out I was pregnant, it was after Xavier was deployed. I hated that I had to tell him via a video call, but he was so excited that he was going to be a father. I knew he was doing dangerous missions, so he could get home faster to me and our baby. I found this out much later on after his death. Just before our son was born, Xavier was killed. The grief caused me to go into labor three weeks early. I was in such a state that I just could not bear to be around my son. Betty and John, Xavier’s parents were also grieving, having lost their only son. Betty knew I not only was grieving, but had postpartum depression. Together those things are not a good combination. I tried, I really tried to be a mother for my son, but the depression was crippling me. I had to heal if I was going to be a mother to little Xavier. So I came to an agreement with Betty and John. They needed to heal too, Little Xavier was the key for them to do that. They agreed to raise him, so I could heal from the heartbreak of losing my husband and get over this postpartum. Mr Case is friends with John, and knows the situation. He also knows me because of being friends with Austin. He helped save me. Mr Case interviewed me and had me interview with Austin, so I could help rebuild my life. He promised me, he would not tell Austin about my son and the situation. I owe so much to Mr Case, he really helped me in a time I needed help the most. I know it sounds selfish not to be raising my son and keeping him a secret. I wanted that because I didn’t want him to suffer because I was not in the right state of mind. At the time, I felt that was the best thing for him. I should have been overjoyed with the birth of my son. And I was, I could not wait to be a mother, but when you get a man in uniform show up at your door who says, I am sorry to inform you that your husband has died in the line of combat for your country, it changes you. I looked at my son, taking his nap. He looks so peaceful. He really does look so much like Xavier. I know I made the right decision in having Betty and John raise him. They needed him, and he needed someone who was in a better state than me. Now that I am better, I can’t take him away from them, I know it would hurt all of them. So it is what it is, I'm stuck in this situation, and I need to live with that. ____ Austin I am sitting in with this company that Tonja booked for me to meet with. My guess is she wants Kelly’s position and thought this made her look good, when it did the opposite. “Mr Case, thank you so much for meeting with us today. Tonja said she could get us to see you. I can’t believe she did.” This woman said to me. “Yeah, so do you know Tonja?” I asked her. “Yes, she is my cousin.” This woman said. That explains why I am in a meeting with this natural lube lady. Yeah I will have to have a talk with Tonja afterwards. “So Ms? I am sorry I did not get your name.” I said to this woman. “Karen Jones, Mr Case.” She said to me. Ok, Ms Jones…” I started to say. Please, it is Karen.” She said, as her hand went on top of my hand. I heard a snort come from Kevin. He saw the hand thing too. Oh this is going to be an interesting meeting for sure. “So, Ms Jones, I understand your company specializes in organic natural lubrication.” Kevin said, coming to my rescue. “Yes, why use something synthetic when natural feels so much better when you're intimate, wouldn’t you agree Mr Case.” Ms Jones said, as she lightly rubbed my hand with her finger. Great, she is trying to seduce me. I am not interested in this woman. Kevin is going to hate me. “I have to admit, I am a safety man in that department Ms Jones, but Mr Kincaid here is more the expert when it comes to natural intimacy.” I told her. I could feel Kevin’s eyes just throwing the daggers at me. “Yes, I do prefer natural Ms Jones.” He said. “Great, then my product is perfect, you see I use all natural organic ingredients that are perfect for a woman during intimate times.” She said to us. “Well, if you have samples for Kevin here to test out.” I said to her. “I did prepare a little sample basket for you, I have various flavors, including pumpkin spice, which many love in the fall.” She said as she pointed to this little basket on the table. “So this stuff is edible I take it?” I asked her. “Yes, that is one of the benefits of a natural organic lube.” She said. Oh my dad would be laughing at me if he saw this meeting. I am really trying to be professional, but the truth is I want to ask if Antonio or Bryan is playing a joke on me. I mean, come on, this is lube we are talking about. “Well Ms Jones, I will have Mr Kincade test out your product, so please leave your information about your company, and we will get back to you after his testing of your product.” I said to her. How I got that out without laughing, I have no idea. “Yes, I will do a thorough testing of your lubrication with a detailed report.” Kevin said. I know he is dying on the inside like I am right now. “Thank you so much for you time, Mr Case and Mr Kincade. I know you will love the products I produced.” She said to us. “Oh, I am sure Mr Kincade will enjoy them.” I said to her as I stood up from the table. Ms Jones got up as well, shook our hands and left. I looked at Kevin and said, “What the hell did we just sit through?” “Thanks for selling me out to her, test out lube? Really? How the hell do you suggest I do this? Want me to go up to a girl and say hi I am Kevin, want go back to my place, I got some lube for you to try?” He said to me. “You could rock Saturday night solo and try it out.” I laughed. “Oh, f**k you, you try this crap out on a solo mission, I plan to have a girl.” He said. “Girls do like pumpkin spice.” I laughed.
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