Chapter 71

1081 Words

Kelly I am so embarrassed. The way Kevin looked at me, he knew something was going on between me and Austin. I had to get out of that apartment, so I left. I know I have nothing to be embarrassed about. This is just Kevin. But we really have not come forward with our relationship yet. I know it’s because Austin wants to keep it under wraps because of our jobs. But I kind of feel like there is more to that though. I got over to Kiera’s house to pick my son up. Since I skipped out, I could pick him up early. Jaime opened the door. I could see she was really showing in her pregnancy now. “Hey Jaime, how are you feeling?” I asked her. “My bladder is a soccer ball now. These two are non stop kicking it I feel. Definitely Kevin’s kids” She told me. “I can’t believe you two are having twins

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