Caught Ya

1331 Words
Susan couldn't stop thinking about her encounter with Althea. It got to the point where she couldn’t sleep a bit last night. And yet instead of being tired, she felt thrilled. She had taken the day off today. It was time to make a call. She reached for her phone and immediately contacted the factory's manager. "Hello Mr. Barn , Ms. Susan Merchant here. I hope I'm not disturbing you." She introduced herself, making it clear that he knew who she was. The daughter of the owner of the factory. Mr. Barn cleared his throat before stuttering, “My utter pleasure, Ms. Merchant.” He took a deep breath, clearly nervous as he continued, asking her, “How can I help you?” Susan smirked knowing she had control over him. It was so easy. They would never dare go against any members of the Merchant family. "You remember my visit to our factory for field investigation yesterday, right?" She asked. He gulped, his mind going back, trying to remember if he did any mistake. Was that why she was calling? He feared what might happen if he had accidentally pissed her off under her supervision. Damn it. "Ye...yeah... I mean, yes of course, I do. Um, why? Was there anything not to your liking? Please, miss…. tell us before reporting the issue to your father or sister. I'll try my best to see to it." He answered, not bothering to hide his anxiety now. She adopted a sweet voice, playing him in the palm of her hand, "Oh Mr. Barn. it's nothing like that… Instead, I'm very impressed by your management there. In fact, I might even talk to my father about your invaluable skills. You’ll receive a promotion, perhaps?” She said, getting him at ease, right where she wanted him. It was so easy to manipulate people. Give them what they want and use them to her advantage. She would never tire of this game. "Oh, that's… that’s very kind and considerate of you Ms. Merchant! Please, if I can be of any service, do not hesitate!" "Well, there is one thing you can help me with. You see… I think I saw one of my dear school friends there at your factory. She has blonde hair, distinctive grey eyes, a very charming smile and always popular among women." Susan tried her best to explain how Althea looked. She could say she had a good figure, curves at the right places, that her touch and kisses were to die for but that, she would keep for herself. "Grey eyes? Oh, you mean Ms Althea Jordan?" He said and the moment she heard the name, Susan couldn’t help but grin wider. Althea Jordan. She could almost laugh. Found You b***h, I knew it was you... Who would have known it was so easy to find her? Payback was going to start now. Devious, evil thoughts rushed clouded her mind. Oh yes, she couldn’t wait to get started. "Oh my goodness, yes that’s her name! After my days at school, we couldn't keep in touch because I went to study abroad. I expect you to mail me her details by… let’s say… now?" Susan commanded, the threat of what could happen if he opposed her, lingering on her tongue. He gasped, "Certainly, Ms. Merchant! I'll mail you her contact details right away.” She warned, “I want all the information you have on her. Thank you and I appreciate confidentiality.” She ended the call instantly, not awaiting for his response and in no less than two minutes, a mail popped up on her laptop. She clicked it open and Althea’s whole biography appeared on the screen. Good. It was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to keep an eye on her target. Vivid memories surfaced on her mind when she saw her picture. The scars, the torture, the suffering… Althea was her living nightmare but soon, the tables would turn. Immediately she drove off in her car, punching GPS location of her target’s address. Within half an hour, she reached the area and what faced her shocked her. It was such a slum, stinky and definitely, unhealthy area. Am I at the wrong place? She thought, rechecking the location on her GPS screen. No… it was clear that she wasn’t but she wouldn’t be spending another second here. It made her sick in the stomach. Susan was about to turn her vehicle when she saw her target approaching with groceries bag in hands, in the rearview mirror. "She didn't go to work either. Must have thought I'd be there looking for her. Her bad. I'm better than that." Susan mumbled, staying calm at her car seat when Althea passed by, without glancing at her luxurious car. Still cocky, I see. Suddenly a woman around their age jumped at Althea, kissing her fully on the lips. Brown hair, messy bangs and clothes ,pale skin.....she reflected innocence. Susan scoffed. That girl wasn’t even any close in her league. Althea adorably kissed her back, being gentle which took Susan off guard. Was she mistaken? Memories of Althea's rough breathtaking kisses invaded Susan's mind. She, being pinned on wall while Althea's knee pressing against her core, making her moan and wet. What the hell was happening there? Her grip on car's clutch tightens. She couldn't take the PDA anymore as she instantly pressed her foot on the gas pedal hard, accelerating harshly. Evidence of her jealousy was reflected by those tire prints on the road as she drove forward, nearly hitting the couples. Althea and her girlfriend Eve jolted apart, almost falling on the ground by the impact of the crazy vehicle that just passed by them, nearly hitting them. "Crazy ass!" Althea angrily shouted, picking up a stone nearby to hit the car but her girlfriend stopped her, holding her hands lovingly. "Ignore them. Let's get inside! I'm freezing out here." Eve said, pulling Althea inside their tiny apartment which hardly adjusted both of them inside. It had a kitchen, a small bathroom and a bedroom with attached ripped old sofa whose strings were hanging from many sides. Luckily, they also had a TV which entertained them on weekends. "You should have been at work Al. Because of me, they'll cut off your salary." Eve sighed heavily, feeling guilty. Since early morning, she had been burning with high fever and this, gave Althea a valid reason to escape work. Althea would have missed it anyway because she was sure that Susan would be there waiting for her. She took high risk working at that factory knowing it was owned by the Merchant family but she had no other options left. Her family disowned her when she went to jail, she didn't have any qualifications to get a desk job. All she had was her girlfriend, Eve whom she met at juvenile and a newspaper with vacancy for labours which she gladly accepted. Susan drove off breaking all speeding limits, passing all the red traffic lights. Screeching noise of the police sirens were not able to stop the raging Susan whose eyes were burning with anger and hatred to what she just saw. How can she? How can she smile like that?? Is that how she has been living all this while? Happy!? While I suffered like hell!? Susan questioned herself. She dialed again that familiar number which could take in the fire that was burning within her. "Gina, come over to my place ... now...!! And call my sister to get rid off these sirens behind my car. They're annoying my ride." She snapped to Georgina, ending the call. Susan flung open her apartment's door finding her girlfriend naked, on her knees with a pet's collar in her hand. Upon seeing Susan, she dutifully handed the rope of that collar to her, saying, "Welcome home, Mistress," flashing a seductive smile at her.
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