Making new friends

2132 Words
Sebrina reaches the city without any problems. She thought her parents and especially her twin would feel the breaking of the bond with the pack. Sebrina knows that when she and her sister were young, they used to be connected uniquely as they were twins, but as they grew older, the bond became less noticeable as Leona pushed her away for her friends. At firsts, Sebrina was sad about losing her sister. However, later she realised that her sister was not a nice person and was very selfish. So she started to distance herself from her twin, and the twin bond became weaker. Sebrina got her wolf at a very young age, but she told no one, and Ruby helped her keep Leona out of her thoughts. Leona did not like it, as she would always tease Sebrina about her dreams. Sebrina had a special bond with Ruby and sometimes talked to her when she was alone. She never let her parents or sister find out that the Moon Goddess gave her her wolf as a gift at a young age because she felt sorry for Sebrina being alone. She knew Sebrina was alone and needed someone to keep her company. Selene, the Moon Goddess, would talk to Sebrina sometimes when she was alone in the woods and tell her that she must not feel alone and scared as she had a unique plan for Sebrina, and one day she would be loved by someone specially picked for her by the Moon Goddess herself. Sebrina does not believe it as she thinks no one will ever love her. She is ugly in her own eyes, and she will always come second to her beautiful sister Leona. No one can blame Sebrina for thinking that way, as her parents chose Leona and now their mate. Sebrina sighs as she walks deeper into the city. She will stay in a hotel tonight and start looking for a job tomorrow. She knows she can not stay too long in the city as Leona might find her, but she will remain in the side of the city Leona, and her friend never will put their foot in as it is not up to their standers and they never visit the cheap shops in the city. It will also be easier to find a low paying job in the poorer side of the city than in the upper-class side of the city. Apartments will be cheaper and her cost of living. She wants to study but will have to do it online as she can not dare go to a university in the city. Leona and her friends might decide to go to a university in the city and find her. Sebrina finds a decent looking hotel and books herself a room. The guy at the front looks at the young girl. He can smell she is a rogue like him. His girlfriend is also working at the hotel, and they hardly meet other werewolves in this part of the city. "Excuse me, but why did you leave your pack?" Shaun asks the young werewolf girl. But of course, there is nobody at this time of night, and they do not have cameras insulted in the hotel. "You are a rogue as well?" Sebrina asks. "Yeah, from the Crimson Moon Pack. Aleandra and I pissed off the Alpha of all Alphas. The uncrowned King of werewolves. We had to flee our pack. My name is Shaun, by the way," Shaun says. "How the hell did you piss off Blaze Walker?" Sebrina asks. Everyone knows the Alpha of the Crimson Moon pack. They know he has no mercy for his enemies, and he will come after you and kill you if he has to. "I will tell you later. But what about you? Why did you leave your pack?" Shaun asks. "Well, I have a twin sister. We had the same mate, and he chose her. She does not want to take the chance with me being around and wants to kill me. I am from the Red Wood Pack, or rather was. My name is Sebrina," Sebrina says. "You chatting up other girls again?" A female voice comes from the back. Sebrina turns around and sees a beautiful black hair she-wolf standing behind her. "Aleandra, can you stop being so jealous! This is Sebrina from the Red Wood Pack, and she just arrived and needs our help," Shaun says. He quickly tells Aleandra what Sebrina told her. "What a b***h of a sister you have! You poor thing. Listen, we are a few rogues living and working in this hotel. I will organise a job, and you can stay with us at our house. It is old but big, and a few rogues live with us," Aleandra says. She can feel the beautiful redhead is not a threat to her and is not interested in Shaun. "Thank you! Will you do that for me? You do not even know me," Sebrina says. "We are a bunch of misfits, but we are all lovable and get along. You will fit in with us as long as you are not afraid of being caught with us. Blaze is after us, but it is difficult for him to find us in the city as there are so many humans around, and we can help protect you from your family and pack," Aleandra says. "I will appreciate your help, thank you," Sebrina says. She is shy, and although her temper can get out of hand, sometimes she tries to keep it under control. Yes, she is a loner and let her sister and family walk all over her, but that was because although they mistreated her, she still loved them. Now she is free, and she does not feel a f**k about her family anymore. However, if she can get one of them alone, she will fight them even if she has to die. She is sick of being stepped on, and it is time she stands up for herself. "Well, our shift ends in about half an hour, so if you wait, we will take you to our house, and you will have a room to stay in for as long as you like," Shaun says. "How can I ever thank you? I have money, and I will buy us some food," Sebrina says. "Safe your money, darling. We may need it when we have to flee from Blaze again," Aleandra says. "I will do that, and I will try and help you with Blaze," Sebrina says. Shaun and Aleandra laugh. "You never met Blaze, did you?" Aleandra asks. "No, but he can not be as scary as a sister and parents that want to murder you," Sebrina answers. "Hmm, wait until you meet him, and you will sing a different tune," Shaun says. They talk until it is time for the couple to go off duty. They take Sebrina with them to their house. Sebrina meets the rest of the misfit pack of rogues. "Well, you asked us what we did to piss off Blaze. I used to be his beta, and Aleandra used to be his gamma. When we turned eighteen, we realised we were mates, and Blaze did not believe in the mate bond. Blaze was angry as he did not find his mate in his pack, and we suggested he starts looking for his mate in other packs, but he laughed and told us that the mate bond makes you weak. It pissed him off, and he removed us as his beta and gamma and told us we could only be regular members of the pack since we are weak as a mate makes you vulnerable. When we were in a fight, he did not want his beta and gamma to look out for each other and put the pack second. We told him that is not how the mate bond worked, and we will always put our pack first. He did not believe us and wanted us to fight each other for the beta position to show our loyalty to him and not each other. We tried to explain to him it is not how it works. We would die for our pack but refused to fight each other, and he saw us as traitors to him, the Alpha. His sister tried to stand up for us, which pissed him off even more as she is his only family since his mother and father died at the hands of vampires trying to protect each other, their children and their pack. He told us we had a choice, leave the pack, and he would hunt us until we were dead or show our loyalty to him. As you can guess, we chose to run. He gave us a head start, and we ran into the first city we could get knowing there were many people around. We have been here for six months now, and he has not caught us. Don't get us wrong, and do not blame Blaze for not believing in the mate bond. He is hurt as he felt his parents were weak because of their bond, and he felt his parents were fighting more for each other than him and his sister. He hates the mate bond as he blames it for everything that went wrong in his life. Blaze never met his mate, which made him believe that the mate bond is a myth. Blaze is older than us, but maybe he will find his mate and believe and feel what we feel one day. I can not give up on him as he was always like an older brother to me and always protected our pack and his sister with everything inside him," Shaun explains. Aleandra looks at Shaun and shakes her head. "Shaun, you know you are lying to our new friend. The truth is we were his beta and gamma, and we killed the she-wolf he was about to make his Luna as she was not his mate. Yes, Blaze does not believe in the mate bond, but he wanted us to fight each other as we killed the Alpha's daughter that he wanted to make his Luna merge the packs. His sister asked us to do it as she could not stand the soon-to-be Luna, who was a b***h. His parents are alive but retired, and Shaun is a drama queen that likes to make up stories, and if I am not there for him, he will tell tall tales all the time," Aleandra says. "I liked my story more," Shaun says, and the rest laugh. "You are funny, Shaun, and I believed you," Sebrina says. "Yeah, he is funny and should write stories, but we had to run when Blaze found out we killed Jasmine, and he is still looking for us as it put our pack at war with Jasmine's pack, but Blaze defeated them and took over the pack anyway," Aleandra says. "Did Blaze lose a lot of pack members due to the war?" Sebrina asks as she can understand why an Alpha will be furious if his beta and gamma start a war by killing his chosen Luna. "No, he lost no men or pack members, and he realised that the pack was not even as strong as they were pretending to be, but he still blames us for putting his pack in danger," Aleandra says. "Hmm, I can't say I blame him. If I were an Alpha, I would have been mad as well, but you had your reasons, and I am not going to judge you, but maybe you should have done your homework and told Blaze the truth, and he would have left her and her family to live in peace, and maybe looked for his true mate," Sebrina says. She smiles as she sees the two faces in front of her. "You do not know Blaze. He is not an average Alpha. He will never listen to reason and would not even listen to his parents and sister. That is why his sister asked us to kill the b***h and helped us escape," Aleandra says. She sighs. She misses her pack and her parents, but she knows she can never go back until Blaze finds his true mate and forgive her and Shaun for taking matters into their own hands. "Well, hopefully, I will never meet him, and we can live here in peace for a long time," Sebrina says. But, little did she know their peace would not last that long and that Blaze was hot on the tails of her two new friends. Their peace would only last for about six months before they had to run.
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