The Blackmore Girls - Prologue

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        The lives of 4 little girls started out wonderful, they were loved and living their lives with their parents and families.          Yarrow and Yazmin came from the Obsidian Moon Assembly. It couldnʻt be considered a pack due to the fact that they were a mixture of wolves and sorcerers. Some members of the assembly also inter-married, while others married into their own species. But the assembly was always peaceful and lived in awesome harmony. Both Yarrowsʻ and Yazminsʻ parents were mixed. Yarrow’s mother was a sorcerer, while her father was a wolf. It was the opposite for Yazmin. Pup/children usually took after their motherʻs supernatural side but since they do have their fatherʻs bloodline, they do have hidden qualities that may or may not surface in their lifetime, sometimes these qualities could be trained to surface when needed. Yarrow’s parents were high ranking in the assembly while Yazmins was not. But that didnʻt stop the assembly from stopping the children from playing together. In fact, even though there was a hierarchy, no one was treated less than another. Everyone had something to contribute to the assembly and were respected. They worshipped the Moon Goddess under the Obsidian moon which is the dark moon or night of no moon. Being that the assembly were albino, it seems fitting that they would rather not be exposed to much light. During the day, covering was required and most wore glasses to protect their sensitive eyes. Yarrow was strong and proud. Her sorcery was strong at a very young age, quiet and inverted Yarrow loves nature and is a healer. Cultivated and nurtured she will become the great Light Sorceress she is destined to be. While Yazmin, has a curious air about her. A born jokester and prankster and loves a good dare and loves a good battle, especially with weapons.          While Holly(hock) and Hyacinthʻ assembly is exactly like Obsidian Assembly but they were a melanistic group. They worshipped the Moon Goddess under the Alabaster moon or light moon and were not as sensitive to light as their counterpart cousins. Also, beautifully made, with dark skin and black hair. Also with one blue and one green eye. In the Alabaster Assembly, the pups/children took after their fatherʻs supernatural side. It was Hyacinth who came from the ranked status while Holly did not. But that did not stop the girls from being inseparable. Hyacinth having a knack at sensing when someone is shady. Her rank has her proving to be fiercely protective of those she loves. She is headstrong, can be stubborn, is hot-blooded with a take no prisoner attitude. She will be a she-wolf to reckon with. While Holly on the other hand is very loving and passive. A water and moon baby, she loves the night, is the peacemaker and feels other’s emotions.          What made these assemblyʻs remarkable is that they existed without knowing about the other and yet they were only 3 territories apart. What this meant was that these assemblies never ventured outside of their own boundaries or they would have surely found each other.          Also, generations have passed and it is unknown if the elders of the assemblyʻs shared their group’s histories with others or just allowed itʻs history to be lost to the ages. And now that there are only these 4 girls left, there may be no way of truly knowing.          Fate had a terrible way of turning their perfect little lives upside down. Fate could have had them  groveling for scraps and made servants or even killed but it seems the Moon Goddess had other plans for them and plopped them into the laps of the most loving, caring, and giving people they couldʻve been blessed with.         But it wasnʻt just any people, but very special people, with special skills and connections with other like-minded peaceful souls that had a purpose to fulfill. Training would begin at a very young age for the girls and their specific supernatural powers would be honed in and refined. While they will also train to perfect other supernatural powers from a Communion called the Triple S or Secret Society of Supernaturals whose job it is to train the elite Alpha Luna women for greatness. And in so doing, these girls are now part of the heritage of Alpha Luna warriors, trained to be assassins when the need arose.         They would be raised in part by Queen Constance and Grace, Roʻs grandmother. Living in a cottage under a protection spell, both she and Queen Constance of the sorcerers, head the training for the girls and their friend Charlie. Queen Constancesʻ mother was a dear friend of Queen Merrie, Graceʻ mother and today, like their mothersʻ, Constance and Grace are also dear friends. A camaraderie that has allowed them to train the fiercest assassin in their history.          Grant and Ro are parents to the 4 little girls who call them Mama and Papa. Both being successful business owners, Grantʻs was inherited while Roʻs was built from the ground up. Roʻs business of mining for and selling uranium to nuclear plants has made her the richest woman in Canada. She also has a repatriation program of soil that is mined to put back cleaner than when mined in areas that animals and plants would benefit from. Recently finding gold in her mines has benefitted many in the regions and Ro and her mate share the wealth with their pack. Grantʻs family started 2 companies. A nuclear construction company to build nuclear plants and facilitate itʻs running smoothly while upgrading itʻs facilities when needed. And the other, to find alternative renewable energy by currently working with turbines that generate electricity using wind from passing vehicles and large bodies of water, passing through a turbine generator.           Early on in the girlsʻ lives with Grant and Ro, it was revealed that they too had their own prophecy to fulfill. One that included helping Sirens trapped in the Minnewanka Lake who are tasked with protecting the very essence of Sorcerer’s magic. In the wrong hands, it could change the fate of every supernatural in Canadaʻs regions.          This is the story of Yarrow, Yazmin, Holly and Hyacinth...The Blackmore Girls.
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