Chapter 6: Blood Moon Pack

1093 Words
Chapter 6 Unknown's POV... He took away what I always wanted, a family, a future, a mate, I sward on her grave that I would make him pay. When she came to me in a dream I knew he was close. Love, don't do this, you'll turn like him. You have to fight this feeling of revenge. It was my time to go. I was never meant to be your mate, what we had can't be replaced, true, but there's someone else out there for you, find her, save her from the darkness that has become her life. She's waiting for you, she needs you. Go to her, go. I woke up, my wolf was alert. Then a scent filled my lungs, it was her, my second chance, my other half. We would save each other. It was time to move one and get to her before I lost her like my sweet Annabelle. I ran out followed by my pack and we were on the move again. .......................................................................................................................................................................... Callie's POV... I woke up with a massive headache and the events from the day before flashed through me. After that encounter in the woods I was taken hostage into their pack house in the basement. It wasn't that bad at first but then the unmated males tried to rape me and it was horrible. Luckily the Alpha called a pack meeting and I was left alone. At night the Beta, Beta Scar, drugged me and locked me here, in the dungeon. Really classy Alpha! The door creaked open and a young girl that looked about 13 walked in carrying a tray and had my bag wrapped around her. She was really pretty but looked tired. "I've brought you breakfast Madam." Confused I nodded, "thanks, I didn't know there were any females here." She cringed, "there's only a few, the mated couples and the slaves, we, the slaves, do all their work. Don't worry they won't touch a hair on you, Alpha's orders." "That's horrible," I said and she only shrugged, "you get used to it." I nodded awkwardly, "I'm Callie." Silence filled the space between us before she responded, "I'm Rose." I smiled, "that's a pretty name." She gave me a faint smile, "I guess." Silence again. "What's going to happen to me?" She shrugged, "I don't know but I guess they'll have a war with your pack. Why did you run away?" I sighed, "I ran from my Alpha, he rejected me." She gasped, "I'm so sorry." I shrugged, "it doesn't matter now; it's done." "Rose!" She flinched at the sound of her name. "I-I have to go," she stuttered before rushing out of the room leaving my bag and the tray behind. Was this how my life was going to be from now and on? Will I see my pack again? What happened to my family? James? It doesn't matter now, it's over I'm no longer part of the Silver Moon Pack, I'm alone, on my own, I'm a rogue now. Tears filled my eyes and streamed down my face, this was the only time I would allow myself to grieve for everything that could've been and for what I lost. .......................................................................................................................................................................... Scott's POV... Callie is gone; the house seems quieter, gloomier. Even the pack seems unstable, word must have gone around that Callie was the future Luna and now she's gone. No one dares get close to James he's in worse shape than any of us; it's scary to see him like that. He made a mistake and he finally realized it. Good, let him suffer for his actions. I've been thinking about breaking my promise and go looking for Callie, I know James has, but I'm scared of what I might find. One night I just laid on my bed, thinking, then I closed my eyes. I was standing in a field. "Welcome Scott." I turned around and sure enough there she was, Luna. "Your highness." Her laugh filled the field like a coat of snow, "no need for that young one. I'm just here to assure you that your sister is going to be fine." "Where is she?" "In the Blood Moon Pack," She said calmly and my eyes widened, "but, that's the most dangerous pack, that's Eric Dark's pack!" She rolled her eyes, "she's not in danger." I ignored her, "I have to tell Alpha James." She sighed, "If that's what you wish, so be it." The dream vanished and I startled awake. I got dressed and headed over to the Alphas' house. "Scott? What are you doing here at 3am?" asked James's father. "I need to speak with James." "Can't it wait until the morning?" I shook my head, "this is important sir." He nodded and let me through. I shook James awake, I was still mad at him but I put that aside. "James I know where my sister is." His eyes brightened, "where?" I sighed, "You're not going to like it but, she's in the Blood Moon pack." He growled menacingly, "then we'll attack at once." "Everyone pack meeting in five," ordered James. "Yes Alpha," everyone replied. Sure enough in five minutes the house was packed with everyone. "Listen, we know where Callie is," yelled James over the others' voices. "Where is she?" asked my mother looking hopeful for the first time in a while. "The Blood Moon Pack," gasps filled the room before it drowned and turned into panicked murmurs. "We need to get her back!" yelled my father, the Beta. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Then it's settled, we'll attack tomorrow at dusk. Good night," announced James. People made their way out of the house and it was only me, my family, James's father and James. "We need some kind of plan," I said and James nodded. "How about we send spies in the morning before we leave to check the territory and then when they find their weaknesses we'll attack from all sides so they don't have a chance to escape," said James's father, and we all agreed. "We should divide into five different groups, four will attack all sides and the fifth will attack from the inside and we'll get Callie out," said James. "Then it's settled, we'll be ready at noon," said my father and he briefly glared at James. I chuckled as I saw him gulp. "I'll have a lot of explaining and apologizing to do once I have my mate back in my arms," said James and I nodded, "yes, but you definitely won't survive my father's rage."
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