Chapter 19: Date

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Chapter 19 Callie's POV... He looked, wow, I can't explain it... it was a really yummy sight. He was wearing black jeans and a red plaid shirt, his black hair was messy and his green eyes bright with anticipation. I stood there with my mouth agape and my eyes roamed his body. He cleared his throat, "see something you like?" I blushed and looked at the floor as my cheeks heated up as I started to walk over to the bathroom. I left the door open for him and after chuckling he walked in and followed me to the bathroom. He leaned on the doorway and our eyes met on the mirror. For a second those eyes looked at me from head to toe and he growled, pleased, which made me shiver. I turned around to face him and we stood there staring at each other for what seemed like hours. I was the first to look away and finish curling the ends of my hair. "We should get going," he said after I finished with my hair and putting his hands in his jean pockets. I nodded not daring to open my mouth in case I said something stupid. We walked down the stairs in silence and he led me through corridors and doors I'd never gone through. He stopped in front of a white door and slowly opened it. "I want you to pick," he said and I looked at him with confused eyes, pick what? Xander turned on the lights and I gasped at the sight. There, in front of me, stood cars I could only dream of having in my old pack. Okay I'll admit it, I love cars and I wasn't afraid to show it. There were four cars: a convertible silver Lamborghini, a red Ferrari, a grey Challenger with dark stripes and a dark blue Mustang Cobra with two white stripes. I managed to find my voice and said, "Are all these cars yours?" My voice sounded out of breath and my eyes bright in awe as I looked at the sports cars in front of me. He smiled, "yes and no. The Lamborghini is Evan's and the other three are mine but I don't use them very often." I looked at the cars trying to pick one but I just couldn't. "Here, let's make this easier," said Xander taking four keys out of a box before walking towards me, "pick one." He covered the keys with his hand and only left a small hole for me to pull one out. I closed my eyes and took the first one my fingers reached. I pressed the unlock button and the Challenger's headlights lit up. Xander smiled and took the keys. He opened my door and closed it after I got in. The new leather smell hit me and I inhaled the smell with excitement. There's nothing like the smell of a new car. Xander got in soon after and the car roared to life making me smile, I loved the sound. Xander chuckled, probably aware of my eagerness. We drove out of the castle and once the gates were out of sight Xander accelerated even more. My smile widened and I probably looked a bit crazy but I didn't care. The sight of trees disappearing quickly, the sound of the engine, the speed of the car, it was perfect. The ride ended too soon and we stopped at a lake, smaller than the one back in our territory. "What are we doing here?" I asked confused. Without answering he walked to my door and opened it. It was dark out now. Instead of birds chirping you could hear crickets cricking. The lamp post shone bright around the park we were in. Xander took my hand and led us to a picnic table close to the lake. He set down a basket, which I didn't know he was carrying, on the table and began taking everything out. It was filled with my favorite foods and my mouth began to water. There was fruit, pasta and for dessert... chocolate cake! As soon as the bowl of pasta was in front of me, manners were the last thing on my mind. I stuffed as much pasta as I could in my mouth and moaned in delight as its flavor filled me. I looked at Xander and he was looking at me with amusement in his eyes. Embarrassed I looked away as I blushed and scolded myself for making a fool of myself. The silence between us was comfortable and relaxing. Things were going well, that is, until it was time for dessert. There was only one slice of cake and it looked yummy. Xander handed me a fork but didn't take his eyes off the cake. Before he could take a piece of cake I took as most as I could and smiled triumphantly. Big mistake. Never and I mean NEVER challenge an high ranked, dominant male wolf, you will regret it. A look of excitement crossed his face, "oh is that how my little mate wants to play?" he said teasingly and before I could react he took the plate and held it over his head. "Hey, that's not fair! I'm shorter than you," I whined. His smile widened as he took a bite of the cake and I growled. His eyes widened a bit as I lunged at him. Xander fell on the grass and the plate fell on the table and thankfully nothing happened to it nor to the slice of cake. I took my chance and ran with the cake in my hands. Xander chased after me. When he got his hands on the plate I chased after him. That's how we ended up on the grass trying to catch our breath. An idea crossed my mind, on the plate there was frosting left over and I took my finger and slid it over it and smeared it over his nose. He looked stunned for a second. And that's how our frosting battle started. Our faces were covered in frosting and after our battle Xander went to get something in his car. "Here," he said handing me a wet towel. I took the towel and wiped all the creamy frosting off my face. The smell and the sensation still lingered but I couldn't do anything about it until we got back to the castle. Tired, I went to lie down on the grass and was soon joined by Xander. He wrapped his arm around me. We laid there looking at the stars; the moon was high above us now. Xander's arm was keeping me warm from the chilly air. A shooting star appeared and disappeared quickly. "Make a wish," whispered Xander in my ear and I shivered. "I wish everyday was like this one," I said without hesitation or remorse, it was the truth. His arm tightened around me and he inhaled my scent. Feeling more at peace I scooted closer to him and put my head on his chest. Soon I was gone into unconsciousness. Xander's POV... Having my mate so close to me made my wolf purr in delight. She completed us and as much as I didn't show it, we, my wolf and I, needed her, she's our light. Her soft snores filled the silence between us and I ran my hands through her soft brown hair. She truly is a beauty. Time flew by and as much as I hated disturbing her, I shook her awake. Her eyes fluttered open and they found mine sleepily. "We should head back," I said and she nodded getting up. I took her hand and in the other I carried the basket back to the car. "I really liked what you did here Xander. It was perfect," she said leaning closer and placing a kiss on my cheek. "Anything for you princess," I whispered and she leaned on my shoulder. The ride back was quiet but I didn't let go of her hand. The guard at the gates waved and I nodded and smiled in response. Back at the castle's garage for Evan and I, the car's roar died and I opened Callie's door. She sighed a bit down, "what's wrong?" I asked confused. "It's just that I loved this day and I don't want it to end," she admitted wholeheartedly making me smile, pleased that I had impressed her, "what part did you love more, the cars or the picnic?" She grinned, "Both." "Well, I can guarantee this won't be the last time I try to spoil you or take you on dates but..." She raised an eyebrow, "but what?" "I know you just turned seventeen a couple of months ago," I said. "Yeah, more than six months ago," she murmured. I put a finger on her mouth, "let me finish woman," I said teasingly, "I want to give you something, something that's your own." "Xander you don't have to do that, I'm fine just spending time with you, you spoil me too much," she said amused but giving me a stern look. "And I'll keep on spoiling you for many years to come," I said and continued, "anyway; I want to give you one of my cars." Her eyes widened and she stared at me with her mouth open in shock. She eyed me closely probably deciding if I was kidding or not. "Why would you do that?" she asked. I shrugged, "because I want to give you something, because you mean the world to me, because I love you and because I have more cars than I use. Besides I noticed you like cars," I said taking her hands in mine. She nodded nervously, "well tomorrow I want to take the Challenger and Mustang on a spin, and then I'll decide." I nodded and led her to her room. It stung a little she didn't say 'I love you' back but I knew she probably wasn't ready to say it and I completely understood. Once at her door she turned around, "good night Xander." "Good night love," I said and tried to decide on what to do next. My wolf was urging me on to kiss her but I was nervous that I would scare her. She looked puzzled for a second. Oh what the hell, I thought and quickly took her face between my hands and brought my lips down to meet hers. At first she stiffened in shock and then she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her. I pulled away first and smiled as I saw her face flushed and a smile plastered on her face with a brighter glow than before. I nodded and turned around to leave. "Xander," she called out and I turned to look at her. "I love you." I grinned, "Love you too." She closed her door and that night I slept like the happiest man alive.
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