Chapter 20: Mary

1582 Words
Chapter 20 Callie's POV... Light streamed through the window as my eyes fluttered open. I yawned and stretched with a smile on my face. I had dreamed about last night's date, the stars, the moon, the kiss. I closed my eyes and sleep began to take over, more thoughts of Xander followed. A sudden thought crossed my mind, my car! My eyes opened widely and all sleep was forgotten as I got up quickly and put on some ripped jeans and a light blue sweatshirt before pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I opened the door and ran down to the garage, not even stopping for breakfast my excitement was too big to contain. When I hurried past the door, a couple of hands circled around my waist and I yelped in surprise. "Going somewhere?" murmured Xander in my ear making me shiver. I turned to look at him with a smile, "I'm going to drive those two bad boys," I said pointing to the Challenger and the Mustang. He smiled and his grip on me loosened. He walked towards the box with the cars' key and pulled two out. "Let's go." "You're coming with me?" I asked nervously. He nodded, "wherever you go I go, princess," he said pulling me closer to him. I smiled but it soon faded as memories came crashing back. One name stood out more than anything, Annabelle. It was all coming back to me. When Xander said those four words that shattered my heart into pieces, I can't forget her. Last night I had forgotten about her, I was too happy to remember but now, it all made me cringe in disgust. I pulled away from my mate's grip and turned around so he would't see me, so I wouldn't see him, I couldn't look at him and he couldn't see me like this. "What's wrong, Princess?" he asked, his tone filled with worry. There it was, the big question. I was too confused on what to do that I did the only thing I could think of. "Just go," I said, feeling a sob on the back of my throat, what was wrong with me? Since when was I so emotional? Since when did I care so much about his past? But he wasn't just any guy, he was my mate. When he didn't move I growled, "Go!" I yelled filled with annoyance. He jumped at my tone but nodded and stiffly walked away, closing the door behind him. When I was sure he was gone, my barriers broke. Tears ran down my face and sobs escaped me. I quickly covered my mouth when I sobbed loudly. My eyes found themselves looking at the car keys. I needed to go, I needed to clear my mind. Filled with sadness and frustration, I grabbed the mustang keys and got in. I drove off, putting more pressure on the pedal, when the gates came to view I pressed the honk but didn't slow down. Am I overreacting? Did I jump ahead before listening to Xander? I pushed the thoughts away and focused on the road. When I reached the gates they were wide open and I sprinted through. I followed the road, accelerating every once in a while. Adrenaline seeped through my veins making me want more. The speed of the car helped me think. The night before Xander had given me hope in our relationship, he'd made me believe he saw something in me. That could've been true if it wasn't for Annabelle, how could I have forgotten about her? He'd made it perfectly clear she was his world and that he couldn't forget her. As I thought back to that day another tear fell. Maybe my wolf was right, maybe Xander was just like James, after all, boys are boys. I kept on driving, for hours I drove and thankfully the car's tank was full. A frightened yell broke me from my misery. I hit the break and looked around. I was now on a road that crossed the woods. I got out of the car, listening for movements. A bad feeling was prickling the back of my neck, something was definitely wrong but I didn't know what. Another piercing scream reached my ears making me whine. My wolf growled and began to pace in my mind as I ran towards the source of the scream. On the grass in front of me laid a young little girl with long blonde hair, she was crying with her eyes strongly shut, she looked about ten; there was a man above her, his eyes filled with lust. He was trying to rape her! I growled, furious. The man's eyes saw me and his smile widened. "Come out, don't be shy," he said. I stepped out of the shadows, "don't you know it's illegal to rape an innocent little girl?" I asked, my face neutral but my tone held a lot of anger. "You're right miss, this is wrong," his grip on the girl loosened. The girl wiggled free and ran to safety in the woods. He stood up and made his way towards me, he was tall, muscular, redhead. He could've been handsome if it weren't for an ugly scar running across his face. "You seem to be about the right age," his breath smelled of alcohol and before I could realize what he meant he had me pinned to the ground. His lustful eyes roamed my body. He trailed kisses down my neck and I gagged mentally, feeling sick. I felt my wolf's anger as she snapped and took over using all of her strength to push the man off her. He flew and crashed onto a tree. The man laid there, not moving with his mouth open and blood trickled down his head onto the green grass. For a second I thought I'd killed him but his faint breathing told me otherwise. A rustle on the bushes caught my attention. The little girl was staring wide eyed at me with tearful honey-colored eyes. I looked at her and smiled warmly, "come, I won't hurt you," I assured her nicely. She examined me and nervously her small legs carried her towards me. "Is he dead?" she asked, her voice made it obvious she was frightened. I shook my head, "he'll live," I said, my voice still furious. The little girl flinched and stepped back. "I'm sorry little girl, I didn't mean to scare you." She nodded but kept her distance. "So what's your name?" I asked more calmly. "Mary," she said cautiously. I smiled, "And where's your mommy, Mary?" Tears filled her eyes and my throat tightened as I realized the answer was probably not good. "She-she-she's dead. This man killed her." I covered my mouth with my hand. A tear spilled from my eye and she sniffled. I noticed a strange scent then. Wolf. My eyes widened, "was your mommy a werewolf?" I asked. The little girl, Mary, nodded. "What about your pack?" They were probably worried as to why a mother and her pup hadn't returned. Her father, her family. I could take her back to her pack before returning to the Royal Moon Pack. I might be angry and hurt but I wasn't someone who ran from her problems, sooner or later I would have to face my mate. "We-we were rouges," she whispered sadly. I stepped closer and wrapped her in my arms. I could hear her sobs as she cried. It broke my heart to see such a little girl lose everything. "Come," I said helping her up, "I'll take you to my pack." She nodded but didn't say anything. I led her to the car and opened the backseat door for her. The drive home was silent and much slower. The guards probably heard me before they saw me because the gate was open, letting me in. When I parked the car in the garage and before I could turn off the car, Xander was already there at the door waiting for me. His arms were crossed and he his face was filled with determination and... guilt? Xander walked to my side and opened my car door, "We have to talk," he said. I nodded knowing there was no preventing it, "and we will but first we have something to discuss," his confused expression followed me as I opened the backseat door. Mary stepped out with only one shoe on, her clothes were dirty and so was her tangled hair. "Xander meet Mary, Mary this is Xander, my mate." Mary murmured something that sounded like 'hello'. "Who is she?" he asked. "She is Mary, she's a rouge and I saved her from getting raped by the man who killed her mother," I explained. Xander nodded, "Helena!" he called. A few seconds later she was standing before us. "What's the matter my King?" she asked warily. "I want you to take, Mary, to one of the guest rooms, get her cleaned up for the pack to discuss matters," said Xander. "Excuse me?" snarled Helena tightly, "I'm not a maid, not even a babysitter, I'm a fighter." Xander nodded, "I know and I respect that, Helena but I need you to do this for me. Get Rose to help you if she's still here." "Alright, but you owe me," she saw walking off with Mary. Xander looked at me, "now we do have to talk." I nodded, "fine, lead the way."
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