Usual bully

1529 Words
Olympus, that is what the academy or institution that is welcoming teenagers like us with special abilities. I cant believe that we are the fifth generation to be able to set foot at the special ability only place, which means that the Pandoras box had appeared five years ago. It is such a nice place, we are treated nicely and we get all that we need but just as any ordinary institute of learning, there will always be those who are just born to be school problems, school bullies. *BICKER* *BICKER* *BICKER* Why is there so many people here? Is there an announcement or something? I thought to myself as we pass by a crowd that seems to be cheering on something. I look beside me and saw Rebecca and Chris reactions. So they are just as clueless as me- my thoughts were interrupted when something huge struck me that I literally roll on the floor along with that thing that hit me. OOOOH! the crowd turns their heads and start yelling and but as I try to look for the thing that hit me, my eyes stumble on the what seems to be a student just like me but his face is quite undistinguishable but it seems like I am quite familiar with this fellow. Jake? I thought to myself as Chris and Rebecca rush to my side. You okay pal? Chris asked with a worried expression after seeing me bleeding from my head that I did not notice myself. Oh my gosh Rain! You are bleeding! Rebecca exclaimed the moment her eyes came across my face, convince about their reactions. I tried to find where I was bleeding, so I touch my face and felt something wet near my eye brows then I take a look in my hand as saw how little blood I was losing. Enraged of what happened to me, Chris then stood up and turns to the one who did that to me. Is this the reason why you came here at the institute? Chris said with a cold tone while Rebeccas trying to tend on my wound. Rebecca, I think you should call for medical staff right now. Surprised of what I said, her eyes turns to me with a perplexed expression. Youre wounds, I can stop the bleeding so there is no need to go as far as calling a medical staff. I just blankly stare at her and point to Jake. He is in need of immediate medical attention, a scratch like this will not kill me but take a look at that guy, and dont you pity him? I can tell what she was thinking the moment her eyes widen in shock. Dont tell me she didnt realize that it was Jake all along. I tried not to judge her immediately, she may have not taken a closer look to his face after all. Is that really Jake?! she exclaimed in shock as I buried my face on my palms. Oh, brother. How can you forget what your seatmate looks like? Even I remember what that dude look when we are ages away from each other. I felt disappointed, is should have judged her the moment she did not realize it was Jake. She then hurriedly called for help and sprinted out of the scene. Oh, Im sorry about that pretty boy. That was pure coincidence, your friend just got in the way so he accidentally got hit by that thing. A man with a few piercings in his ears and mouth said with an arrogant tone as he makes his way to the front of the crowd and stand proudly towering over Chris a few centimeters tall. Robert Bradley, a son of a big politician. I know I cant get in his way but Rain so I cant let it slide, I may not be confident in my fighting skills like Rain does so I will just have to try and do my best. Chris thought as he glares at Robert who is looking down on him. Chris was already clenching his fist and pat his back just in time before he makes a mistake that he will definitely regret. Hey pal, there is no need to do that. He is not worth our time and we have better things to do. I tried to get Chris immediately out of there since he is not really accustomed to fighting than I was. Hell just get beaten up like in the past. I took a quick glance at Robert who is furious of what came out of my mouth and wanted to retaliate by humiliating me when the medical staff that Rebecca called arrived. He and his group of followers then left the scene not wanting to get an earful of scolding from them. The corners of my lips arched as our eyes met the moment they left. This kid is totally out, these troublemakers. Why do they get admitted here every year? I cant really count how many students I have treated so far since I have been assigned to this institute five years ago. A medical staff complain as they inspect Jakes condition. Not good, we need to take this kid to the clinic and have a closer look at him. one of the medical staff said with a worried expression. Treat that kids wound before we leave. He added. The medical staff then did not waste any second and tend to my wound and patched me up then left to treat Jake to the clinic after a few words of advice. We also left for the class so that we could not be late. Hey, Chris. Do we have combat training exercise session in our schedule? I asked while we are running. Chris then nodded his head after scanning in his mind about the schedule. Yes, we have. Why do you asked? Chris looked at me with a surprised expression but I just smiled at him. Chris is good at memorizing things even from we are kids so I am confident that he is telling the truth but the expression that he is making right now is really hilarious. The face that Rain is making, dont tell me hell kick Roberts ass later! There is no way that I am seeing things, I may have not seen that face for a long time but I that face the moment I see it. Chris told himself as he swallows his spit. *GULP!* We arrived at the room right before the teacher and saw Robert glaring at me the moment I entered the room. His followers also looks at me with contempt like I have done something really bad to their boss but their fierce looks directed at me melted as soon as the teacher entered the room and met their gaze. What are you bastards looking at? the teacher said with a cold tone as he slams his book at his table and looks at them without a single blink. I heard from the medical staff that one of my students will not be able to attend the class for the entire day because he got beaten up really bad to the point that his face is not distinguishable. And the only person that comes to my mind is the leader of the politician empire. The teacher said with a cold tone as he gaze at their group with pure annoyance. *SLAM!* Everyone was shook the moment the teacher slams his meter stick on the board. Now everyone, I didnt think that some of you are taking my class seriously so now I will be going to have and make you do something anguishing so you better prepare yourselves. the teacher cold aura filled the entire room. So just like he warned all of us, we spent the entire session that is supposed to be for How to fit perfectly in a society as a person with special ability but we ended up writing an essay that contains at least three thousand words. And just like that, our session flew as fast as the wind with our hands trembling and aching in pain after writing that essay as we head to the next room. And as we walk towards the next room where the teacher is already waiting for us, Chris grabbed my shoulder and whispered to my ear. Hey Rain, you are going to do something arent you? I saw that look in your face earlier and you only make that face when you are about to do something that would really get you hurt or get somebody hurt. Chris whispered to my ears while looking out that someone might hear what he said but I just continued on with a smile in his face then I stopped and look at the sign of the next room. Sweat run down Chris face as his expression turned grim the moment he realize that our next session would be about combat training exercise. Looks like its coming up early than we expected huh? I said with a smile on my face as I enter the room before them.
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