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‘I have a bad feeling about this and why did teacher accepted Robert’s proposal just like that? He did not even bat an eye and did not bother listening to our opinions as well.’ I rub my hands to keep it from warm as Rain and Robert stand in front of each other inside the gym where our next session was. Due to my worry, I did not even notice that Rebecca is sitting beside me the whole time.   ‘Chris had been fondling his hands non-stop with a worried expression the moment Robert made a proposal with the teacher. I can understand if he is worried about Rain getting beaten up but- just look at this guy, he’s pale as f*ck that I can’t even tell if he seeing Rain as himself right now- I mean, he is even more afraid that Rain facing Robert.’ Rebeca wondered as she worriedly look at Chris who seems about to pass out any moment in fear.     ‘You should stop now before you get badly hurt Rain, that guy is not as forgiving as the others.’ Chris whispered to Rain silently but I was able to hear everything since I am literally beside them. “Eh? I have not even did anything yet and you are already telling me off?” Rain just looked at Chris with a blank expression as he tries to persuade Rain from doing what he plans to do. While Chris was busy telling Rain off, I saw Robert approaching the teacher.   “Teacher, I have a proposal for you.” I told teacher who is scanning through his book maybe looking for our lesson for today. ‘I want to get back at that guy who said something rude earlier. I can’t really beat him up from the shadows since he has some friends with him earlier but if it’s an official match, they can’t really complain about it if I can get the teacher on board.’ The teacher stopped what he is doing and just looks at me with a cold expression as he closes his book. *FLOOP!*   “And what will that be Mr. Bradley?” he asked with an indifferent tone. ‘Yes, I seem to have caught his attention. Now all I have to do is convince him about my plan, not knowing that I am doing it for revenge.’ I slightly smile after succeeding in my first move’. “I am just wondering for a while now that this combat practice session is to prepare us for our life outside the institute right? So isn’t it right that we get to have an actual combat as practice? We can never grow and use what we have learned if we do not practice it in actual combat.” I said with a shaky tone after seeing no change in his expression. ‘What is this person? He didn’t even react like a person who is enlighten, it’s like I am staring at a mannequin.’ I told myself as I swallow a mouthful of my spit with the atmosphere around us getting colder and colder. *DUDUUUUUN!*   “Okay. Now get back to your seat, I will be the one announcing that to everyone. Thank you very much for the proposal Mr. Bradley.” The teacher replied without a single change in expression. ‘Wow, I did not expect him to agree without even a doubt. So I guess its mission accomplished? Hurray?’ I told myself as walk back to my seat, the other students were giving me a weird look after went back from the teacher’s desk.   ‘That bastard is smiling. He is surely planning something.’ A student whispered to the others beside him. “That guy must have done something, look at him grinning like a maniac.” Rebecca spoke in a soft tone. A few moments later, the teacher told us to settle down because he has some announcement to make.   “Now kids, Mr. Bradley suggested something really interesting earlier. He said that combat practice session need actual combat to get a hold of the real situation in your heads and I think that he is right so I agreed to his suggestion about it. So, for today we are going to see an actual combat between your classmates.” The teacher announced as Robert smiles like a douchebag and is proud that he is the one who suggested it. So as expected, the other students who are not even capable of fighting spoke their thoughts but the teacher just ignored all of them and proceeded for the first pair to start. “Settle down everyone, I have not finished yet. Since Mr. Bradley was the one who suggested it, he needs to take responsibility and be the first one to have actual combat. He is free to choose whoever he fights though.” The teacher added as the rest of the class had their eyes and mouth wide open after hearing what the teacher has to say. ‘I knew it, he really did something.’ Rebecca said as she cross her arms in frustration. Chris had an even more worried look in his face when the teacher said that Robert will be the one to choose who he will be fighting with.   After the teacher’s announcement, the entire class walk to the gym which is right behind our back and Robert stands at the center with a proud look in his face, knowing who he is going to pick while the teacher acts like the referee. “So have you chosen yet?” the teacher asked. “Yes, I pick him.” Robert replied as he pointed to me.   Everyone then turn their faces towards me from utter shock. “Mr. Ambro it is, please step inside.” Teacher said as his eyes squinted right after he opens the way to Rain. ‘This kid is strange, I can’t tell what he is thinking at all.’ The teacher thought as Rain walks leisurely in front of Robert.     “If both side are ready please proceed.” The teacher said as he looks at both sides but then another staff came into the room as the teacher excuse himself and walk towards the staff who just came in. “Are you really sure about what you are about to do?” the staff asked. “Yeah, that Rain kid is the kid that the principal was taking interest in right? I also want to see his capabilities and I’m sure you are the same as well.” He replied with an indifferent tone. ‘But still, I can’t tell if that kid’s afraid or calm, it’s like I’m looking at an empty shell.’ He thought as he turns his head to the practice.   “Hahahaha, I really got irritated about what you said earlier but you can’t complain if I beat you up in an actual match right?” Robert said with a proud expression as he towers above me. ‘Look at him, letting his emotion get the better of him. I guess he can make everyone cower in fear just because he is a son of a politician and then he is free to beat them up huh? Knowing Jake, he really isn’t someone who cowers just because someone has a higher status than him but the problem is that he doesn’t have the strength to back his ideal up, poor guy.’ I thought as I put my hands inside my pockets and try to make him lose his cool more. “Well, I was just telling the truth. So if you can’t accept the truth then your life must have sucked really well huh-“   *FWOOOSH!*   My thoughts were interrupted when his fist came flying straight to my face the moment I opened my mouth and tried to irritate him even more.   *BAM!*   “Let’s see you mutter a word again from your mouth.” Robert said with an irritated tone as his nerves bulge in anger.   “!” ‘Where did that bastard go?’ Robert thought right after Rain seemed to have disappeared in front of him. The other students who is watching the match were caught by surprise when rain disappeared that even the teacher and the staff watching stands up from their seats. ‘What the hell was that?!’ the teacher thought as cold sweat run down his face. “What the hell is that movement? He is able to move behind Robert in an instant?!” the staff exclaim in surprise.   “My, my. That was really rude of you. Shouldn’t you let me finish what I was saying first?” I said as I pat his back that seem to have startled Robert that made him jump away from me. “That some strength you have there. I wonder if I could survive if I get hit even once.” I tried to irritate him more so that he could succumb to his emotions. ‘If you are a real fighter then you must not forget the first rule: “keep yourself calm, do not let your emotions get the better of you” but if you do not even remember the basic thing, then you are not a real fighter.’ I added a grin to make him even angrier which succeeded immediately as he throws another punch towards me.   *FWOOOSH!*   ‘Your movements are slow just like I predicted.’ I told myself after seeing his irritated face. I grabbed his wrist with my right hand and made a quick turn so that I can close the gap in an instant and locked his throat with my arms while I slowly try to bend his arm to the opposite side.   “ARG!” Robert groan in pain as he feels his arm bend in the opposite direction while his joint agonizing pain, due to his current situation he cannot move a muscle with his arms screaming in pain. ‘What is that kid? His movements, I have not seen them before and the way he made his opponent incapacitated in an instant, this kid is dangerous.’ The teacher thought as he felt his heart race as his hands gone cold. The staff beside him is just as shock as he is and tries to ask him a ridiculous question. “Is that really a student? He moves like a pro to me.” the staff said with a fearful tone.   “What did you just say earlier?” I asked as his arm slowly bend the other way as I wait for his answer. Chris covered his eyes the moment Rain’s attack successfully worked. “Hey, Chris. Are you really worried about Rain? I think we should worry about Robert instead, that looks kind of a painful.” Rebecca said as she pulls my sleeve. “Rebecca, I don’t know if you heard what I said earlier. No- I definitely think you heard it all, Rain has a habit of ending his fights in an instant with his opponents ended up with some broken bones that’s why he always end up in hospital apologizing with our foster home paying for the bills.” Rebecca was surprised about Chris’ confession about what really bothered him.   While Chris is afraid of looking at the sight of Robert getting a lesson, the other students stare in awe and fear after seeing the bossy student in the whole class getting beaten up by the guy who he looked down on. ‘What the f**k! Who is this guy?! Arg! I feel my arm is about to get bent.’ He thought as he turns his head and sees Rain smiling widely at him. Due to the obvious outcome of the match, the teacher had to step in and stop the fight before the other one loses his arm. “Let’s stop at this, we no longer need to continue this.” the teacher pulls of Rain’s grip who immediately let go and made a humble bow before leaving the center. “I hope you learned your lesson, do not look down on others just because your status is a lot higher than they are-“ the teacher’s words were cut in after Robert decided to go after Rain who is already walking away while trying to use his special ability, hardening.   *STEP!* *STEP!* *STEP!* *STEP!* *FWOOSH!*   The spectators were shock of what Robert was about to do so they tried to warn Rain that Robert’s fist is already flying behind him who already calculated that this would happen. He immediately duck and threw a punch to a spot that is still not influenced by Robert’s hardening, his stomach. Rain’s fist buried itself on Robert’s stomach like he punched a clay, Robert’s body fell on the ground and as the sound of Rain’s punch got delayed a few seconds before it devoured the ears of everyone that is watching.   *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*   “A sore loser to the bitter end.” I said after I stood up and look at his unconscious body with fluids spurting out of his mouth, then I turn my head towards our teacher and asked. “Does that count as self-defense?”   ‘That delay of sound, it feels like a flash of lightning before the raging roar of the thunder.’ Is what I made of what I think our teacher thought based on the expression that he was showing me when I asked him about what I did. Robert was then sent to the medical facility as our teacher ended the combat practice with just the two of us doing the actual combat which he had thought from the very beginning.
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