Bone-Like Projectile

2506 Words
The speculated hunter that we found immediately attacked us with such agility and speed and is even manage to take down two guards in just a matter of minutes. “Miss, please stand back. This guys is dangerous, if he is able to defeat two of body guards in just a matter of minutes then that means he is quite knowledgeable in fights. If things get dangerous please get away from here if the back-up that I just called do not arrive in the next five minutes.” The guard beside me said with a frightened expression. ‘If the head guard says something like this then that means that person is really dangerous. These guards are not weak in fights at all since they are well trained from the agency really well. If he is able to defeat two of the bodyguards in mere minutes then it will be a matter of time until he can defeat the others.’ I thought to myself as I got a bit surprised about what I just saw but since I saw an even more surprising thing when Rain got in a fight with Lucio Fox and his gang so I was a bit surprised but not on the same level of surprise when I saw Rain, no- it was more like shock than surprised.                “Is this all you can do? You guys move in the same manner as the others- are you guys body guards if I may ask?” the hunter said as he surveys our expression with his eyes then all of the sudden we made eye contact and then smiled. ‘This is bad, he might have realized something!’ I exclaimed when I felt a sudden chill in my spine. “It looks like you guys are not even thinking twice as you throw your lives away- then that only means that you are guarding someone and that girl might be the one.” he said as he pointed at me while gripping the body guard’s collar tightly and dropped him after he lost consciousness.                *THUD!*                “He realized the miss is an important person- one of you get the miss away from here this instant!” one of the guards immediately grabbed my arm without any delay. The hunter smiled grimly while looking towards my direction. My attention then turned to the body guards who are willing no- more than willing to throw their lives away for my sake, for the sake of my safety even when they know that what awaits them is only death. I bit my lip in anger and helplessness. “Put me down! We need to at least help the others get away as well!” I yelled as I yanked my arm from the body guard’s grip. “There is no way that I will do something like that miss- those guys are just as committed to their work as me and we also promised boss that there will be no harm that will befall you. It would be irresponsible of us not to keep our word.” He said with a slightly angered tone. I know that he is also afraid of losing his teammates that he must have already considered brothers and yet he is not even looking back and carried out the head body guard’s order without hesitation.                “Are they far enough?” I asked my subordinate without taking my eyes off the monster before me. My subordinate nodded without saying a single word. “That’s good, we must not let the boss down since we promised the miss’s safety.” I said with a smile in my face. “Yeah- it would be bad if something were to happen to the miss, I would not be able to die in peace.” One of my remaining subordinates added as he unsheathe his daggers and gripped them firmly in his hands. “You said it-“ I agreed as I grabbed my brass knuckles. I looked around and saw that there are only four of us remaining standing as the monster drops the last guard on the ground. ‘That makes Anderson his sixth victim. To think that he can take us on even when we received proper training from the agency. He looks like he has quite a bit of power but his movements are crude and sluggish, that only means that he must have only learned and fought recently. Let’s try how we will fair off against this guy.’ I thought to myself as I told the others to be wary of him since he might be a special ability holder. “Are you sure you guys are enough to take me down?” he said with a cocky tone and expression. “I may not look like it but I am a fast runner and I believe I am fast enough to catch up to those who ran away.” He added. “And when I do- I will tear her skin off her body and enjoy her screams of terror and despair as I hack through her body and limbs.” He said with a grin in his face but even when he tried to taunt us like that we did not react to his taunt and kept a clear mind. “Looks like you guys are better than the others. You guys did not even flinch even after saying all that, you must be really experienced.” He said immediately after realizing that his taunts did not get through us. “You damn right.”   I retorted as one of us advanced first and attack with a straight punch which the guy immediately deflected.                *FWOOSH!* *PAK!*                “Hooo- that’s some power you go there behind that punch, you must be itching to punch me huh? Looks like you guys are taunted a bit but still manage to keep a cool head.” my subordinate that decided to attack backed off once that monster deflected his attack. “Keep it cool William, he deliberately trying to taunt us. Do not let him get what he wants because once he does, the miss’s life might be in danger. “Sorry sir, I will keep that in mind.” He responded as he caress his wrist. ‘Looks like he still received damage even when his attack was only deflected.’ I told myself after a quick glance at my subordinate. “Be wary of his attacks and defense, it seems like William still receive a bit of damage by deflecting his attack.” I warned the others with a low voice. “Come on- is that all you can do? Are you weary of a person like me who does not even know a single thing about fighting-“ the instant he ran his mouth William and Gan made their move since the guy is distracted by his own thoughts but to our surprise he was able to complete dodge Gan’s right hook when he leaned forward to dodge and caught William’s straight punch. “That was quite rude of you to interrupt me when I was about to say something.” He said as he tries to twist William’s hand and without any delay we attacked before he does something to William’s hand.                *FWOOSH!*                I tried to sweep his feet to make him lose his balance while Arnold kicked that monster’s hand to lose his grip on William’s hand but to our surprise he was able to evade my attack by making a slight jump just high enough to evade my sweep and fortunately Arnold’s kick loosen his grip on William’s hand. We retreated to a safe distance the moment we achieved our goal by freeing William from his grasp. “I can’t believe that you guys have that crazy coordination, it felt like I was fighting four persons with a single brain.” I said as he shake his hand. “Dealing with a team with a great coordination is a problem so I might as well take one of you down to make it harder for you guys to pester me.” he said when a projectile was instantly released from the pal of his hand and struck Arnold’s legs.                *PLLLK!*                It happened in almost an instant that even Arnold himself reacted late after he got struck. “ARG!” he groan in pain as he grabs his legs with his blood spilling on the ground. ‘What the hell was that?! A projectile?’ I tried to inspect what struck him and saw something ‘bone-like’ projectile. ‘Bone?’ I immediately snapped back to my senses when I realized that he might be able to shoot a few more projectiles like that as well. ‘He really is a card holder after all. Then what was that monstrous strength earlier?’ I thought to myself as I rack my brain for possible answers when all of the sudden a bone-like projectile struck my hand pinning me to a nearby tree.                *PWOOM!*                I grit my teeth in pain trying to suppress my groan so that my subordinates’ spirit would not be broken, one of them were about to come to my side when I shouted at him. “Don’t take your eyes off the enemy!” he immediately reacted but it was too late, the bone-like projectile have already struck his shoulder which he then immediately groan in pain as he hold his wound to try and stop himself from losing too much blood. My eyes then turned to Arnold who was then struck on his legs and arms, leaving him completely incapacitated. However, just like me, Arnold did not let out a single cry in pain even when he was the one with the most wounds from all of us. “Well, that was a good fight but to deal with you guys with brute force when you are a team with good coordination would spell the end for me instead.” He said with an arrogant tone as he steps on my head. “Time to end this Mr. because I will be doing exactly what I stated earlier- I hope she lets out a nice scream~.” He said as he whispered to my ears and pointed his hands on my head. “Goodbye~” I could hear the sound when he shoots out a projectile but there was no other choice but to accept the fact my fate. ‘I wish the miss could have retreated to a safe place. Boss- thank you for everything.’ I told myself and labeled myself as dead when all of the sudden a blue like wall appeared in front of me and completely deflect the bone-like projectile that that guys was able to shoot. ‘Eh- this wall. No way!’ I exclaimed in my head then I immediately screamed. “Miss why did you come back?!” I turned my head and saw the exhausted expression on the miss’s face. ‘She must have ran back as fast as she could.’ I thought to myself as soon as I saw her face.                *WHISTLE!*                “Looks like there was no need for me to run and look for them~.” The monster said as he turned his head towards the miss and walked away from me. “Looks like you are also a card holder, is that your ability? To think that you can put up a barrier around everyone who are wounded.” He said with a smile. I looked around and saw that all of us who were struck with the bone-like projectile were covered in blue colored box. ‘I can’t believe it, the miss is able to conjure this many barrier? Huh?’ just when I was about to sigh in relief, I immediately felt that my wound’s pain slowly disappeared but when I looked at my wound, an even small barrier covered our wound and not letting us spill any more blood, I looked around and saw that it was the same with the others. The relieved look in their faces brought me hope. Garen who stick close to miss was putting his guard up.                And without any delay, the monster attacked miss but then Garen move in the way to block the projectile and then another blue barrier covered him and completely deflected the projectile. “Wow~ to think that you can create that much barrier, I thought you have limits but it looks like there is none.” The monster said as he walked towards the miss. I saw the miss strained her face and then a feeling in my chest told me that something is wrong. ‘Huh? Why is she not covering herself with her barrier when the monster is walking towards her?’ I thought to myself as my heart raced. “Miss, please cover yourself as well!” I yelled but there was no response, the monster was already in front of her thought I can’t see the expression in his face, I am definitely sure that he is smiling. “What’s the problem? I am right in front of you right now so why do you not put up a barrier like what you did to the others?” he said while waiting for the miss to put up a barrier, the miss only look at him with an angry demeanor. “It looks like you are not able to conjure any more barrier. Look at you, you are already bleeding from your nose.” My eyes widen in despair after hearing what the monster just said. ‘Eh? It can’t be, no- you must put up a barrier for yourself miss.’ I thought to myself after I realize that the thing that bugged me was something as bad as this.                               “Miss!” I yell in desperation as I try to stand and run towards the miss as the monster points his hand towards her. “Guess I will be enjoying my time with you.” He said with a smile as his hands spread indicating that he is about to shoot a projectile when all of the sudden a young man suddenly appeared in a flash and struck the monster with a kick to the face, sending him flying to the building.                *THUD!*                The monster got slammed to the wall like a slab of meat that fell on the floor. “That was brave of you Hannah- to think that you are able to do something as that, I commend you.” The man spoke as he puts down his feet on the ground.
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