World of Monsters

2393 Words
“Are you okay Hannah?” the man asked with a concerned tone. “It’s quite a different feeling when you use your ability in an actual fight right?” he added with a faint smile in his face. Now that I caught a good glimpse at the man’s face, he doesn’t look like any older than the miss herself. ‘Looks like this guy is able to eradicate a few number of guards on his own. Just what is this guy’s special ability?’ I thought to myself as I inspect each of their bodies lying on the ground with half of them unconscious. I then felt that the man I slammed on the door stand back up on his feet, I immediately advised Hannah to get away from me and put up a barrier around her. “Miss, you can take one of the barriers from one of my wounds. I can endure the pain.” One of the guards with the most wounds said with a reassuring tone and demeanor. Hannah nodded her head and did what I advised. “Who the hell is it now? I really felt that one you bastard!” the man who just got up asked with an annoyed tone while complaining how hurt he was after taking my kick. “Where the hell did you popped out from?” he asked me with an arrogant demeanor as he glare at me like I am someone he despise so much. “I’m just passing by and saw something crazy happening so I went and checked it but it turns out that a bug is stirring up trouble so I could not help but teach that bug a lesson.” I retorted with a straight expression. “A bug you say? Can a bug do this?” he said as he immediately point his hand towards my direction and heard a *PLLK!* sound coming from one of his hands. *PLLLK!*                His eyes widen after seeing what I did to the projectile that he was able to shoot at me. “Hmmmm- looks like you are able to shoot some bone-like projectile. Is it your special ability? Isn’t that a little messed up? How many bones have you used up until now? Does your bones regenerate? Well, I guess it does since you look well after taking a direct hit with my kick.” I asked trying to figure out his special ability with the opportunity that I currently have but it looks like I just annoyed him even more. ‘Where the hell did this guy came from? He was able to catch the projectile with his bare hands. Well- it doesn’t matter since that ability will vanish any moment now. All I need to do now is hold out until he uses his ability so that I can copy that and hopefully defeat him within five minutes just before the copied ability vanishes.’ I thought to myself as I grit my teeth in pain when I got slammed on the wall earlier. ‘It’s fxcking painful- is that guy’s special ability raw power? I felt like I was about to merge with the wall there but thanks to that ability and those crazy bastards’ experiment, both my flesh and body are quite strong and can regenerate a lot more faster than a normal human can.’ I tried to force myself not to touch my painful body so that I don’t show him any weakness. I then extend both of my arms and do something that I haven’t done before, shooting projectile with both of my hands. *FWOOSH!* *FWOOSH!* *PLLLK!* *PLLLK!* ‘Let’s see if you can dodge this you bastard!’ I wore a huge grin after I shot projectile from both of my hands towards the axxhole who just jumped in in my hunt. But then again he caught both of them the instant they reached his range and even manage to throw and hit me on my sides.    *PSHk!* *KUHAA!* I groan in pain the instant I got hit. ‘Impossible! Is there someone as fast as senior in this world? This is the first time I saw someone as fast as my senior outside the (). There has never been a person as fast as him, his speed might be as fast or maybe even faster than senior, no way! Where did a person like this came from?!’ I exclaimed after seeing his fast movements. “Who the fxck are you?! Are you from that place too?!” I asked with an angered tone as I rip off the projectile that struck my sides as blood came rushing out like I have a faucet slightly opened on my sides. Then I turned to the man and saw the unexpected expression in his face, he was surprised with my words and then his expression turned to seriousness. It is as if he was going to interrogate me. “What do you mean that place? The only place where I came from is the Olympus. Is there any place that shelters other card holders?” he immediately interrogated. ‘Olympus? Is he from Olympus? Don’t tell me that girl is also from Olympus!’ I thought to myself as I bit my lip in dismay. “To think that you came from that lousy institute, from where I came from, they despise Olympians. And they even had the power to defeat everyone in Olympus.” I retorted with a sudden smile on my face. “Defeat every Olympians you say?” I muttered after hearing his words. I was about to walk in towards him when he extend his hand all of the sudden. “But you will never get to that place easily!” he shouted when all of the sudden, I felt something invisible touched my wrist where my abilities were invisibly written. I immediately turned my head towards him and saw him smiling, like he is about to win or something. “You got some tasty ability there, nice.” He said with a huge grin on his face. “So this is why you are so fast, your ability is lightning.” He added as he tried to move like I did earlier but failed to do so. ‘So that’s your ability huh?’ *CRACKLE!* *CRACKLE!*                ‘Looks like I am still able to use my ability, an ability that can copy another person’s ability huh? It really is a dangerous ability to have. No wonder the others died with their own ability.’ I thought to myself when I finally understand his ability. “Eh? I wasn’t able to move like you did earlier? Was it because I did not train with it?” he said as he moves a little faster than a normal human being.                ‘No way- he is able to copy another person’s ability? To be able to copy Rain’s ability just like that – Rain might really be more experienced using his lightning but still, I have never seen him take a like before while the other one will not hesitate to take a life in any given minute, will Rain be at a disadvantage?’ I thought to myself as I try to move the barriers slowly, dragging all the wounded within them as well. Though I have not really tried moving such barriers from a distant place to another, I was able to move them when Freya and I decided to record how much we improved but Freya was asleep then so she was not able to witness it herself. ‘If only I can bring them all here then I can make as much barriers and drag the other unconscious body guards as well while guarding everyone around me with a large scale barrier.                ‘Hannah is able to move her barriers? To think that she improved that much, it would be a really great help if she can move them all away from harm, especially those who are laying on the ground there.’ I thought to myself after realizing that if I help the unconscious guards now, this guy might harm them if I don’t get to move as fast as I can get but another problem rises after that, can normal humans without an enhanced body of a card holder withstand my speed? ‘What if they get torn into pieces the instant I moved out of that guy’s attack? That would only do more harm than good when we do not know what will happen.’ I thought to myself as I relied on Hannah for the rescue of the unconscious.                With his head preoccupied of what he should do, I attacked him using his own ability.                *CRACKLE!* *CRACKLE!* *CRACKLE!* *CRACKLE!*                      ‘The lightning I was able to produce is a little small. Does this needs a little more practice?’ he immediately dodged my attack as if he knew that I was about to attack like that. “You might have copied my ability but is that all you can do?” he said with a smile on his face. ‘This guy is trying to taunt me now?’ my eyebrows twitch in anger with his taunt just now. “This is what my attack should look like.” He said while staring coldly at me.                *CRACKLE!* *CRACKLE!* *CRACKLE!* *KSSSHK!*                A huge lightning hissed towards the monster who is equally shocked of the amount that the young man was able to produce, his lightning even though he copied that young man’s abilities their experience with it is still heaven and earth. But still, he was fast enough to get away from the area of attack. ‘He was about as fast as the young man earlier, don’t tell me he is able to adapt instantly?’ I thought when I saw him move like the young man but then he fell on his left knee which was already bleeding. ‘So that’s it. He is able to push himself to move that fast but his body will take the toll. To think that it is a double-edged sword ability, the damage it can put on the user’s body is even harsher than the others that I have seen so far. How is that young man able to manage without getting hurt?’ I then turned to them as they continued to fight.                ‘What the hell was that?! If I did not move away in time I might have been turned to a human barbeque by now! This guy is no joke! He can move as fast as my senior and attack with a large scale lightning and yet do not suffer such injuries. Looking at my right leg, it doesn’t seem like it will survive for a few more minutes if that guy keeps attacking like that, and it is still unknown what could happen to my other limbs if I try to move like that earlier. I might be incapacitated for the rest of my life.’ I forced to stand up even with the current condition of my right leg. “Now this guy is a monster.” I muttered. “Is this the amount of power that you are proud of? I thought you said earlier that they can defeat every Olympians? How come you are already on your knee when I have not even landed a hit on you?” he said with a straight face when he immediately attacked in the same manner like earlier. So I was forced to do the same thing, dodge in the face of true power. His attacks of the same scale continued for at least six times and my legs gave out after the sixth time.                “There is no way I can dodge forever, my legs are already a bloody mess that I can’t move anymore. To think that the ability that I copied would do more harm than good.” He said with a smile in his face. ‘Looks like that monster is giving up. I think never in his wildest dreams that he would encounter an even more monster of a card holder in his time.’ I thought to myself when all of the sudden my phone rung.                *RING!* *RING!* *RING!* *RING!* *RING!*                “You want me to tell you about the place that I was telling you earlier?” the monster asked when all of the sudden.                *SPLAT!*                The young man pierced through his body like it was made of plastic in an instant which shocked everyone that was watching the scene. “There is no use trying to listen to someone like you- you might light but your brain will not so it’s much better to ask directly from your brain instead of that mouth of yours.” The young man said as the body of the monster fell lifeless on the ground. The young man then grabbed the monster’s head as lightning covered his entire hand and is traveling to the monster’s head. ‘Impossible, he was able to move a lot faster than earlier?! He was hiding his strength?!’ I exclaimed in pure shock that even the sound came in too late.                *KSHHHK!*                I was so shocked that I was not able to talk on the phone, little did I know that that mistake would gravely end up in a really messy situation. After what the young man did, he approached the young miss and was about to asked her something when a sound of a high caliber gun echoed throughout the area, in that instant blood splattered everywhere behind that young man’s back as his body fell on the ground with a huge hole in his chest. Our eyes widen the instant the young man fell on the ground as I immediately shouted on the phone. “Who the hell in the world took that shot?!”
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