Final Advice

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“What happened back there is quite hilarious but the moment you revealed who you really are, they immediately changed the way they look and talk to you. It must have been really vexing for some of them when they saw someone like you who they did not even know to have talk to Mr. Bradley who is obviously holding you in high regards and values you like his own son.”. Kadmus said with a merry tone as he sat on the back seat of the car comfortably. But then his tone immediately changed in an instant. “But are you sure that information? I don’t know how the memory of the human beings work but I think the moment the human dies so as their memories.” I turned to him and saw how concerned he was about the information that I was able to harvest from the hunter earlier this day. “When I got the information he was still breathing faintly and when I used my ability, which must have been what severed his chances of survival. I cannot take the chance and try to do what I did back then to a living person since I might also risk having my memories leaked to other people who might plan to use it on anyone.” I replied as I turned my head back to the window. “Now that subject has been taken care of since the other groups have already been notified, they will tighten their securities and other important things. So how will you plan and explain everything to the Reese’s family and the others since it seems like they were wanting an explanation earlier before we left and couldn’t just get it out of their mouth.” Not that he mentioned it, I have been concerned how the others will look at me the moment they learn who I really am which made me really concerned earlier that I could not concentrate with the meeting that much. “To be honest I don’t really know since they might not really believe what I am going to tell them. Well, if my confession later would flop and would result to me being an outcast then I guess-“ I was not able to finish what I had to say when all of the sudden Kadmus cut in. “If that were to happen and they started seeing you as a monster than that means they were not sincere from the very beginning. To have your life being saved by someone without wanting anything in return is already a noble deed. You even got blasted a hold in your chest which is highly inconsiderate after what you did for their young miss. That alone would be enough to show you some gratitude that is also without counting the lives that you saved thirty-two years ago.” He said with a soft smile in his face that it felt like something might have happened that day. “Did you hear about what happened that day? The day when you saved the city from being melted down by a corrupted?” I did not know what to say since I woke up from coma that I did not get to know what happened after I passed out so I asked him to tell me what really happened. “I think the reason why the members of the organization skyrocket over the years because of that incident. The incident where some terrorist made an announcement to the public about a bomb that was supposed to explode in the center of the city where it was crowded with people at that time, a few minutes after the announcement of the terrorist the people started panicking then all of the sudden your corrupted classmate appeared at the center of the city, they were all gasping in awe after seeing something so rare that they almost forgot that there was a bomb threat in the area that they are currently in and after a few seconds your attack, a lightning in the shape of a sphere from most of the witnesses said struck the corrupted in the sky and fried every electronic devices along with the detonator of the bomb which saved the entire city and its citizens.” He narrated as the car drove towards Olympus. “So that’s what happened huh? I did not get to know that something like that happened when I was sleeping.” I was surprised to hear what happened from Kadmus. ‘He must be right, I was also wondering why the number of members from the Organization skyrocket in the past few years. To think that they are still remembering what I did on that fated day, they must be really thankful to me and yet the world thinks that they are some sort of group of crazy people banding together, I am seeing them on a new light.’ I thought to myself as we arrived at the gates of Olympus. “Don’t worry about it too much, I am sure they can understand your situation and I hope they can decide and choose the right thing.” Kadmus said as he closes the door. “I will be going home now since it is good for me to interfere with something like this anymore. You must deal and talk to them yourself, that way it would make it seem like you are telling them the truth.” He added as the car left. “I sure hope they do the same thing like you said.” I whispered to myself as I turn towards the gates which the guard immediately opened after seeing me. I already texted them, the three people who followed me everywhere before the mess happened and they would be coming here in the house that I have been staying at for almost thirty three years. A knock on the door rang across the living room as I sat on the table waiting for them to arrive. “Are you sure this is the place? I have never been near this place heck I did not even know there was a house here just until today.” I can hear a male voice talking to the others in whispers. I suddenly opened the door and revealed that the three of them are hesitating to even come near the door. ‘Looks like they have already learned something.’ I thought to myself after seeing their reaction. “Come in.” I invited as I hold the door open as they slowly entered the house cautiously. “There is no need to be on guard Lance, this is a safe place to be since not much people knows about this place that even some of the faculties are in the blind.” I reassured him when I saw him using his ability and turned his arms to metal. ‘That’s impressive, looks like he is able to control his ability better than before.’ I thought to myself as I look at Freya who is looking at me with a confused expression and Hannah who is a little wary of me. We sat down on the table. “I guess Hannah might have told you about what happened earlier huh?” I said after seeing their reactions but something unexpected happen. “What do you mean happened earlier?” both Lance and Freya asked with a confused expression and then turned to Hannah. “Is there something that you want to tell us? Freya asked with curiosity but Hannah remained silent. “There is no need to ask her Freya, I will tell you all everything.” I said after seeing that Hannah did not tell them a single thing. ‘Did she purposely not tell them so that I can explain clearly?’ after that, I told them everything that is happening so far that it almost took me an entire hour even after summarizing everything. “So that was it?” Lance asked as I nodded my head in response. He slowly leaned back to the chair after confirming what he thinks and looked at me with doubtful eyes. “To think that someone like you helped us. I can’t believe that you are still alive after thirty-three years after that tragedy happened.” Lance added as he caressed his forehead in disbelief. “The very first and the last dual card holder huh? I can’t believe something like ‘Immortality’ exist.” Freya gasp in awe after hearing my confession. “So that’s why even when your chest was blasted earlier you still lived. Old-world abilities are amazing.” Hannah said with a sad tone. “It is not as amazing as it sounds, Old-world abilities have even more catastrophic consequences, and that is death.” I retorted with a calm tone. “But since I have something as immortality then I can exploit my abilities to the fullest.” I added. I stood up and leaned to the nearest window as the faint smile on my face faded. “As you all know, this year’s class will end in the next few weeks. Which is why I want to give you one last piece of advice. ‘Stay away from me from now on.’ After this school year I will stop coming to Olympus and do something that I should have done a few decades ago when I got the chance.” I said with a cold tone as I walked through the door. “That will be the last piece of advice that I will be able to give, thank you for everything until now. I will never forget you three as being the part of my life during the past year.”
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